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Thread: Robert Kubica: Updates on his recovery

  1. #151
    Join Date
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    Manila, PH
    Come on, Robert!

  2. #152
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Southern California
    I wish Robert the best. Hope to see him back soon.

    There's no point second guessing his decision to rally. What's done is done. At least he injured himself doing something he loved. All forms of motorsports are dangerous. This could've easily happened in F1.

  3. #153
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Dubai, UAE
    Just read the news.. Hope he makes a speedy recovery and return to Formula 1.
    #KeepFightingMichael | #CiaoJules

  4. #154
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    Dubai, UAE
    Kubica rehab could be six months or more

    by James Allen

    Hand reconstruction specialists in Italy have been working hard for seven hours to save the functionality of Robert Kubica’s right hand tonight after a high speed accident in a rally car this morning. After the operation finished, Dr Igor Rossello explained that an amputation was a possibility but that following surgery “the hand is alive,” although he added that ” we will have to wait a week before we will know if it will survive. ” More surgery might well be needed. He added that a recovery period of a year was to be expected.

    Tonight I called a friend in London, Richard Young, who is a plastic surgeon specialising in hand reconstruction at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, for some insight into hand crush injury, of which he has extensive experience.

    I wanted to know what the risks are in a situation such as this and likely recovery times. The caveat for all of what follows is that we do not know the precise details and therefore this is not a specific prognosis on Kubica, more some general medical principles for my -and your – background understanding.

    Apparently when they say a hand is at risk of amputation it is because the blood supply to the hand has been severed. That is the first thing to restore and that has clearly been done, although it sounds as though there is some waiting to be done to see if the blood vessels will function again properly. Then it’s a question of whether the doctors can restore full functionality, to the level which an F1 driver needs. This means repairing the nerves and tendons and their work will determine whether Kubica will race again. How long the recuperation will take depends on how severe the injury was in the first place. If the doctor is now saying up to a year, it must have been a very severe injury.

    Dr Rossello has said tonight that the repair of the nerves in the hand is the big doubt in terms of whether the hand will regain functionality.

    The first point is that the energy in the accident was clearly very great if it also caused long bone injury such as the broken leg and arm which Kubica suffered. Kubica’s hand appears to have been crushed by some armco entering the cockpit. So the extent of the hand crush injury was likely to have been severe.

    The hand has many small muscles, tendons and nerves, which if crushed are likely to reduce the ability to roll the fingers in and to make fine movements, such as picking up a pin or in the case of an F1 driver, operating the buttons and dials on the steering wheel. Damage to the nerves will impair feeling and this can take at least three months to return.

    As for rehabilitation it is long and crucially there is no short cut. Sometimes when athletes break a bone they can speed up the repair by sitting in a chamber to boost oxygen or blood flow, but that will not apply in this case.

    Here we are dealing with tendons and these must be protected for up to three months before any effort can be put through them, otherwise the tendons rupture again. Also if there is severe damage to nerves in the hand or forearm the ability to make fine movements can be lost forever.
    #KeepFightingMichael | #CiaoJules

  5. #155
    Join Date
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    Dubai, UAE
    Video: Kubica doctor speaks of ongoing risks to hand

    by James Allen
    Following seven hours of surgery this evening the doctor treating Robert Kubica has said that he believes the Polish driver will not know for one whole year whether his hand will regain functionality.

    I’ve shown it to medics here in London tonight and it is clear from Dr Igor Rossello’s words that the extent of the reconstruction is massive, forearm, tendons, blood vessels, nerves. Kubica’s hand was obviously severely damaged and there are ongoing risks.

    #KeepFightingMichael | #CiaoJules

  6. #156
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Thanks guys for posting all the updates. Haven't had time to search online news portals.

    Looking at that picture of the railing piercing through the car, I'm really glad Kubica survived the accident. I hope he will be able to return to racing someday. But for now, I'm waiting to hear the news that he's awake and in stable condition, no more any induced coma

    Best wishes to him

    Quote Originally Posted by Tony View Post
    Wow this is terrible news :( I know it's a freak accident and everything, but when are formula 1 teams going to stop their drivers from competing in other, extremely dangerous events.... rally is the most dangerous form of racing left on this planet, why allow your drivers to compete in their spare time????

    Hope he's alright and lives a long and normal life....
    I do agree with this. They should at least restrict their drivers from participating in some events like rallying which is insanely dangerous.

    What we see here today is a perfect example of why we don't do any racing on any ordinary countryside roads. These roads are not made for racing and its filled with danger all around it, including those railing. I've seen such incident in several road accidents here, once an express bus crashed into those railing, it pierced through the bus and decapitated several passenger.

    Sorry if I offended any rally fans. I just can't get my head around racing in such dangerous manner.

  7. #157
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    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Hornet View Post
    Thanks guys for posting all the updates. Haven't had time to search online news portals.

    Looking at that picture of the railing piercing through the car, I'm really glad Kubica survived the accident. I hope he will be able to return to racing someday. But for now, I'm waiting to hear the news that he's awake and in stable condition, no more any induced coma

    Best wishes to him

    I do agree with this. They should at least restrict their drivers from participating in some events like rallying which is insanely dangerous.

    What we see here today is a perfect example of why we don't do any racing on any ordinary countryside roads. These roads are not made for racing and its filled with danger all around it, including those railing. I've seen such incident in several road accidents here, once an express bus crashed into those railing, it pierced through the bus and decapitated several passenger.

    Sorry if I offended any rally fans. I just can't get my head around racing in such dangerous manner.
    I agree with every word in your post!
    Best wishes to Kubica and his family!
    Stehaufmännchen Felipe - Never give up!

  8. #158
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I am sure he will be back....

  9. #159
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    South Africa
    Well I hope Robert Kubica makes a full recovery . He is a brilliant driver so I pray he overcomes all the obstacles and comes out racing fit again.
    "Michael showed that he is the greatest. He stole the show today. And he did that without even winning the race." comments from Willi Weber
    D:\estelle\My Folders\F1 Photos\Avitars\e960c1b2.jpg

  10. #160
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Cap D'ail
    Hope he makes a full recovery, He's a great driver and I always hoped to see him with Ferrari one day...

    Greig - Is there anyway we can send a group get well kind of thing like we did when Massa had his accident?

  11. #161
    Join Date
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    Athens, Greece
    Quote Originally Posted by Alonsomaniac View Post
    The Professor was quite clear about it......this is a really bad bad injury and it will take a lot of time to heal - if it ever heals completely.
    It is much more serious than we all hoped it would be.
    I think all F1 fans, no matter which driver or team we support, must support Robert this coming season and send him our best wishes and greetings in order to keep him positive. This will be a long hard way to recovery and we all must let him know we want him back because he is a great driver and a nice guy.

    I am quite gutted to be honest. I am shocked, in a way angry with Robert, at the same time I can understand his passion for the sport. It is a very bad time for him, I just feel for him, for his close persons and I can only hope that in time he can recover to his fullest and we can see him back where he belongs, that is behind the wheels of an F1 car.
    "If someone said to me that you can have three wishes, my first would have been to get into racing, my second to be in Formula 1, my third to drive for Ferrari" - Gilles Villeneuve

  12. #162
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    OMG, I pray for him!
    Avanti Fer, avanti!

  13. #163
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Get well. Need to be back.

  14. #164
    Join Date
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    Manchester, UK
    It's very sad news, but I hope that this is just a set back. The human body is amazing and can repair from some horrific stuff. I hope to be amazed again and see Robert back on the grid in the near future.

    As for his decision to drive Rally, I support his decision. A mans got to do what a mans got to do.

  15. #165
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    Czech Republic

    From 3:18

    "If he can't do it with Ferrari, well, he can't do it." - John Surtees

  16. #166
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Stowmarket. U.K
    this is sad news. Been reading what i can about it. Only heard last night (stomach virus )

    hope he has speedy recovery, what been reading, it isnt looking good for his F1 career

    i know drivers like to do "other" activities in off season, but rallying this close to start of new season, not good. Thought Renault wouldnt let him go, i know it is dear to him, but no. Lets just hope it all goes well for him and hopefuly be back soon.

    Thoughts with ya Kubica

  17. #167
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    I liked him :( Hopefully he will come back to F1

  18. #168
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Come on Bobby. You may be driving for a competitor but we will all miss your really gutsy drives this season.
    We expect you to be strong, full of self belief and to recover fully just like Felipe. Come on KUBE

    Forza Jules

  19. #169
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    This rallying looks very dangerous, speeding through the woods, on narrow streets, close to concrete walls...
    Avanti Fer, avanti!

  20. #170
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Lovely little message on Felipe's website. I like the last line.

    Best wishes and get well soon, Robert! I wish him a speedy and full recovery!
    And to Kubica's fans 'hang in there'.

    Forza Jules

  21. #171
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by racingbradley View Post
    Lovely little message on Felipe's website. I like the last line.

    Best wishes and get well soon, Robert! I wish him a speedy and full recovery!
    And to Kubica's fans 'hang in there'.
    You know, Felipe knows first hand what Kubica may go through
    Avanti Fer, avanti!

  22. #172
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    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by brava View Post
    You know, Felipe knows first hand what Kubica may go through
    Yes and he knows his loyal fans wished him better and never gave up. But of course his will and determination was an all important factor. Bobby is a very similar character so I expect he will make a full recovery too.

    Forza Jules

  23. #173
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    Jul 2005
    To be honest, it sounds like he's lucky to be alive. From what I read he lost so much blood that he was close to being in mortal danger at one point before they got him to the hospital, and then he was even luckier not to have his hand amputated.

    Hopefully they will still be able to save the hand and ideally he will get full functionality back in it eventually but it's far from a foregone conclusion that that will be the case, so it's too early to expect anything I think. The next week will be what decides what he comes out with and how it will affect his quality of life and secondly his career.

    Best off we all just hope for the guy atm I think.

    "Luna faccia schiaffo testa"

  24. #174
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    Jan 2006

    Kubica informed to extent of injuries

    By Simon Strang and Michele Lostia
    Monday, February 7th 2011, 11:17 GMT

    Robert Kubica has been informed as to the extent of his injuries incurred during his rallying accident in Italy on Sunday, according to his manager Daniel Morelli, who also reported that the Renault Formula 1 driver had full 'cerebral function'.

    The Pole suffered a partially severed right hand and fractures to his right arm and leg after a barrier penetrated the Skoda he was driving on the first stage of the Ronde di Andora rally.

    The 26-year-old underwent a seven-hour operation at the Santa Corona Hospital in Pietra Ligure in an attempt to save mobility in the hand. Doctors treating him said it would be several days before it could be deemed to have been successful though.

    "I have finally talked to him and Robert has shown he understands everything perfectly," Morelli was quoted by "His cerebral activity is intact and we are extremely relieved.

    "This really gives good hope. Obviously he feels a lot of pain to his leg and hand. He'll need time."

    The hand specialist Dr Igor Rossello who took part in the operation was cautiously optimistic about Kubica's progress since the procedure, describing the results as 'extremely satisfying'.

    He was quick to point out however that it was too early to predict whether Kubica's hand function had been permanently restored.

    "The night has been very quiet, the patient is stable," said Rossello. "The hand seems to respond well to stimulus, and vascularity looks re-activated. Late this morning we'll awake Kubica who, at the moment, is unconscious.

    "It's too soon to say whether the operation went well and, as I said yesterday, we'll need between five and seven days to understand if the limb's blood supply is okay and a lot more time to evaluate its functionality.

    "It was a difficult operation but the final result is extremely satisfying."

    Renault team principal Eric Boullier said he expected Kubica to miss at least the first two months of the 2011 Formula 1 season. Speaking to the BBC, Boullier believed the Pole would not drive an F1 car until at least the Spanish Grand Prix in May.

    Boullier also reiterated in an interview with ANSA that Renault backed Kubica's decision to take part in the event, despite its close proximity to the start of the new F1 season.

    "Rallying is what Robert loves to do," he said. "We knew the risks and so did he. We didn't want a robot or a corporate man for a driver. It was agreed together."

    Sounds quite positive so far.....

  25. #175
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    Romania, Europe
    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.Domenicali View Post

    Kubica informed to extent of injuries

    By Simon Strang and Michele Lostia
    Monday, February 7th 2011, 11:17 GMT

    Robert Kubica has been informed as to the extent of his injuries incurred during his rallying accident in Italy on Sunday, according to his manager Daniel Morelli, who also reported that the Renault Formula 1 driver had full 'cerebral function'.

    The Pole suffered a partially severed right hand and fractures to his right arm and leg after a barrier penetrated the Skoda he was driving on the first stage of the Ronde di Andora rally.

    The 26-year-old underwent a seven-hour operation at the Santa Corona Hospital in Pietra Ligure in an attempt to save mobility in the hand. Doctors treating him said it would be several days before it could be deemed to have been successful though.

    "I have finally talked to him and Robert has shown he understands everything perfectly," Morelli was quoted by "His cerebral activity is intact and we are extremely relieved.

    "This really gives good hope. Obviously he feels a lot of pain to his leg and hand. He'll need time."

    The hand specialist Dr Igor Rossello who took part in the operation was cautiously optimistic about Kubica's progress since the procedure, describing the results as 'extremely satisfying'.

    He was quick to point out however that it was too early to predict whether Kubica's hand function had been permanently restored.

    "The night has been very quiet, the patient is stable," said Rossello. "The hand seems to respond well to stimulus, and vascularity looks re-activated. Late this morning we'll awake Kubica who, at the moment, is unconscious.

    "It's too soon to say whether the operation went well and, as I said yesterday, we'll need between five and seven days to understand if the limb's blood supply is okay and a lot more time to evaluate its functionality.

    "It was a difficult operation but the final result is extremely satisfying."

    Renault team principal Eric Boullier said he expected Kubica to miss at least the first two months of the 2011 Formula 1 season. Speaking to the BBC, Boullier believed the Pole would not drive an F1 car until at least the Spanish Grand Prix in May.

    Boullier also reiterated in an interview with ANSA that Renault backed Kubica's decision to take part in the event, despite its close proximity to the start of the new F1 season.

    "Rallying is what Robert loves to do," he said. "We knew the risks and so did he. We didn't want a robot or a corporate man for a driver. It was agreed together."

    Sounds quite positive so far.....
    Positive indeed
    Forza Ferrari!
    CHELSEA FC 2009-2010 & 2014-2015 CHAMPIONS !
    "I am so proud about the people around who support me more than ever, more than 100 percent, much more than I expected" Go Felipe !

  26. #176
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Unhappy Siamo con te, Roberto

    Sad news indeed about Robert Kubica, I always thought he'd be great in a Ferrari but never wanted that to be at Felipe's expense. Just hope he manages to pull through and can come back to where he was, we're all wishing him the best of luck.

  27. #177
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    I know that maybe this isn't too appriopiate to ask, but I wonder if Renault has still to pay for Kubica's year salary even if he can't drive for the whole year?

  28. #178
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyss4k View Post

    From 3:18
    anyone can give translation on 3:18 onwards ? really good gesture from moreno-bonato

  29. #179
    Join Date
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    Uppingham, UK
    Kubica to undergo second surgery
    Source: Autosport

    Robert Kubica faces more surgery for treatment to his injuries after responding 'well' to a seven-hour operation to save his right hand, following his crash during the Ronde di Andora rally on Sunday.

    The 26-year-old suffered a sub-amputation of his right forearm and lost a significant amount of blood while he was trapped in his Skoda Fabia rally car for more than one hour, while emergency crews tried to extricate him.

    Kubica is reported to have lost control between two timed runs and made contact with a barrier, which pierced the footwell of his car. He also sustained compound fractures to his right elbow and shoulder, as well as more to his right leg.

    The director of the trauma centre at the Santa Corona Hospital in Pietra Ligure, Dr Giorgio Barabino told Italian media that Kubica will remain in intensive therapy for at least another day, but that initial signs are positive.

    "The patient will stay in intensive care for 24 to 48 hours," he was quoted as saying by Il Vostro Giornale. "We are optimistic, anyway, since he is responding very well to treatment.

    "Obviously he feels a lot of pain, but it couldn't have been any different."

    "After the crash, Robert was taken to the trauma centre with the maximum hemorrhagic shock," added Barabino. "The first phase of stabilisation was long and difficult, and it carried on in the operating theatre. Wounds-wise, there was large bleeding which was difficult to control.

    "He is coming out of sedation and is responding well. He shows good breathing autonomy, but lung complications may arise. We'll see in the next hours. In any case, the hemorrhage is out of danger.

    Upon coming out of sedation this morning, Kubica's first words were to ask about the condition of his co-driver, Jakub Gerber, who was uninjured in the crash.

    Hand specialist Dr Igor Rossello, who assisted in Kubica's surgery, said the Renault F1 driver has responded well to the initial treatment.

    "The patient arrived here presenting an extremely complex trauma, with lesions at several levels," he said. "Our first priority was to keep the limb alive, and this is a goal we have reached. The hand is warm, vascularised and is not swollen.

    "The second part of the operation was reconstructing the anatomy of the limb, since the tendons were completely severed. Then we moved on to padding the nerve lesions and we managed to recuperate the two main nerves of the hand, which were severed too.

    "Today I've medicated Robert and the hand is, at the moment, in fine conditions to the extent that the patient was able to do some simple movement of the fingers, which gives good hope. We'll see how it evolves. At the moment it's difficult to make predictions."

    The hospital's director of orthopaedics Dr Francesco Lanza confirmed that Kubica will require further surgery however, as the initial operation was focused purely on preserving the functionality of the hand and stabilising blood loss.

    "The patient will have to undergo more surgery: not only on the parts already treated, but also for other problems and traumas he suffered, for which we couldn't work on because of the emergency," he said. "The important thing was to stabilise the patient and to pad the biggest wounds.

    "For the fractures suffered on his leg, he will need at least three or four months to allow the bone to set back together."

    Kubica's Renault F1 team principal Eric Boullier told the BBC that he is encouraged by his driver's progress and remains confident he will recover faster than the year predicted by doctors yesterday.

    "Robert is doing better this morning and he is actually in the process of being woken up," he said. "There has already been some good communication with the doctors.

    "Obviously when you have a big crash like he had yesterday, doctors always predict the worst case scenario. It took seven hours in the surgery room to repair his hand and his arm, but this morning it is really fine - they needed 24 hours to make sure it recovered completely and it looks like this morning they are all happy."

    Boullier also confirmed that the team is considering its options for the start of the season, with Kubica certain to miss at least the first five races, and possibly the majority of the campaign.

    "We have already started to think about contingency plan, he is definitely out for a couple of months," said Boullier. "The recovery will be quicker than one year but today it is a bit too early to know exactly how long he will need."

  30. #180
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Renault said in a statement that Kubica had been able to move his fingers and had talked to his relatives.
    That's significantly encouraging news

    "Luna faccia schiaffo testa"


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