Thread: Ferrari F2012 Development News Thread

  1. #841
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    old news the car passed the test on Wednesday already, confusion arised cos on the same day reporters found out that the car didnt pass first test that was few weeks ago...
    in second test they just put few carbon plates extra and it passed it. Obviously as joseluis claims it is STILL very LIGHT car and that is GOOD !!! :)

  2. #842
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    question: What is the point of having ligther monoque and chassi when you have something called minimum weigth ,I reckon that all the cars in formula one are already on the limit to minimum weigth and are concerned already not to pass the limit ?

    For and example lets say that formula one car's minimum weigth is 100 kg and you'll find a way to get ligth chassi and you car's weigth drops from 100 kg to 80 kg.
    So you are above the 100 limit.
    And this is where you run into problem

    So afterall what is the point of this?
    Last edited by andone89; 14th January 2012 at 12:09.

  3. #843
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by andone89 View Post
    question: What is the point of having ligther monoque nad chassi when you have something called minimum weigth ,I reckon that all the cars in formula one are already on the limit to minimum weigth and are concerned already not to pass the limit ?

    For and example lets say that formula one car's minimum weigth is 100 kg and you'll find a way to get ligth chassi and you car's weigth drops from 100 kg to 80 kg.
    So you are above the 100 limit.
    And this is where you run into problem

    So afterall what is the point of this?
    It's about having the freedom of putting ballast anywhere you like. It's about weight distribution, which is mandated by the FIA as well.

  4. #844
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    Quote Originally Posted by andone89 View Post
    question: What is the point of having ligther monoque nad chassi when you have something called minimum weigth ,I reckon that all the cars in formula one are already on the limit to minimum weigth and are concerned already not to pass the limit ?

    For and example lets say that formula one car's minimum weigth is 100 kg and you'll find a way to get ligth chassi and you car's weigth drops from 100 kg to 80 kg.
    So you are above the 100 limit.
    And this is where you run into problem

    So afterall what is the point of this?
    It has a great purpose. The weight you save in the monoque is weight you can use elsewhere

  5. #845
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    Apr 2009
    It's due this year, so I was just wondering if Ferrari will produce a chassis # 666 or if they'll skip that number?

  6. #846
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by NJB13 View Post
    It's due this year, so I was just wondering if Ferrari will produce a chassis # 666 or if they'll skip that number?
    OMG, they have to use that! And then call it the 'Ferrari Red' as an official name. That's red for evil.

  7. #847
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by NJB13 View Post
    It's due this year, so I was just wondering if Ferrari will produce a chassis # 666 or if they'll skip that number?
    Isn't the project number incremented every year?

  8. #848
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    Quote Originally Posted by Butterfly View Post
    Isn't the project number incremented every year?
    Every chassis get a number, each time they make a car its gets the next number.

  9. #849
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    Jan 2012

    Ferrari, as widely reported in the various sites has failed both the first and the second attempt but the side crash test p finally succeeded in passing a few days ago as the BBC announced today. This year, the crash test, unlike the other seasons of the crash tests are even more important because without them we can not overcome testing with the car. This failure means that in the bellies of the Ferrari will be very extreme and that is why I struggle to pass the strict tests imposed by the FIA.

    Probing of the experts are able to get some important news about how the project will be the Ferrari 663, which will play the 2012 season. Most likely the new F2012 car will be called and will have these features:

    pull rod suspension at the rear. This suspension will allow a better exploitation of Pirelli tires and allow experts led by Pat Fry to design a very slender rear that will work in the best possible way the speaker and the rear wing.
    engine cooling system and internal components that will allow super innovative technical design a car with very tight bellies
    a room in the cargo system that stores hot air that may be issued by discharges during braking towards the rear wing. This solution will have more downforce at a delicate stage such as braking
    position of the pilot will be lowered
    longer wheelbase than the 150 ° unlucky Italy
    smaller fuel tank because the fuel consumption will be lower than last year saw the abolition of the exhaust blown release of accelerator
    different location of the KERS batteries to look for a better balance of the car. Last year, the batteries were set in a space under the gas tank. Maybe this year will be placed above or below the gearbox as done by Red Bull last year.
    the chassis will be built with a special processing of composite materials to try to make it as light as possible
    regulator structure that Maranello's engineers are studying to be installed and tested in December will be the last car in the Barcelona test
    Fund - an innovative speaker who will pour hot air on the bottom of the car. What is a lung additional releases warm air in the bottom of the car in release of the accelerator to maximize downforce at a critical stage as the cut off? Items in this area confirm that there is a hole regulatory Ferrari, McLaren and Red Bull are trying to exploit to retrieve the cargo lost with the abolition of the exhaust blown. This fund - the speaker will be changed again at the Spanish GP as Rory Byrne and his staff have designed and tested to the CFD a fund that will allow a truly innovative incremeneto 8 points of downforce. The fund went into production these days and has a very peculiar construction, which will involve a much longer implementation period than a normal background. After its implementation will be tested in the wind tunnel and then mounted in the car.

    Original test
    La Ferrari, come ampiamente diffuso dai vari siti ha fallito sia il primo che il secondo tentativo di crash test laterale ma p riuscita finalmente a passarlo pochi giorni fa come annunciato sulla Gazzetta dello Sport di oggi. Quest’anno,il crash test, a differenza delle altre stagioni i crash test sono ancora più importanti perché senza averli superati non si possono effettuare test con le monoposto. Questo fallimento sta a significare che nella zona della pance la Ferrari sarà molto estrema ed è per questo che fatica a passare i severi test imposti dalla FIA.

    Sondando tra gli addetti ai lavori sono riuscito ad avere alcune importanti notizie di come sarà il progetto 663 della Ferrari che disputerà la stagione 2012. Molto probabilmente la nuova monoposto si chiamerà F2012 ed avrà queste caratteristiche:

    sospensioni pull rod al retrotreno. Questo tipo di sospensione permetterà un miglior sfruttamento degli pneumatici Pirelli e permetterà ai tecnici guidati da Pat Fry di disegnare un retrotreno molto snello che permetterà di lavorare nei migliori dei modi il diffusore e l’alettone posteriore.
    sistema di raffreddamento del motore e delle componenti interne super innovativo che permetterà ai tecnici di disegnare una monoposto con pance molto strette
    una camera nel sistema di carico che immagazzina aria calda che potrà essere rilasciata tramite gli scarichi durante la frenata in direzione dell’alettone posteriore. Tale soluzione permetterà di avere un maggior carico aerodinamico in una fase delicata come la frenata
    posizione del pilota sarà abbassata
    passo allungato rispetto alla poco fortunata 150°Italia
    serbatoio benzina più piccolo in quanto i consumi saranno minori rispetto allo scorso anno visto l’abolizione degli scarichi soffiati in rilascio di acceleratore
    diversa collocazione delle batterie del KERS per cercare un miglior bilanciamento della vettura. Lo scorso anno le batterie erano incastonate in un apposito spazio sotto il serbatoio della benzina. Magari quest’anno verranno collocate sopra o sotto la scatola del cambio come fatto dalla Red Bull lo scorso anno.
    il telaio sarà costruito con una particolare lavorazione dei materiali compositi per cercare di renderlo il più leggero possibile
    regolatore di assetto che i tecnici di Maranello stanno studiando da dicembre verrà installato e collaudato in vettura negli ultimi test di Barcellona
    fondo – diffusore innovativo che farà affluire aria calda sul fondo vettura. Che sia un polmone supplementare che rilascia aria calda nel fondo vettura in rilascio di acceleratore per massimizzare il carico aerodinamico in una fase critica come la staccata? Voci confermano che in quest’area è presente un buco regolamentare che Ferrari, McLaren e Red Bull stanno cercando di sfruttare per recuperare il carico perso con l’abolizione degli scarichi soffiati. Tale fondo – diffusore verrà nuovamente modificato al Gp di Spagna in quanto Rory Byrne e il suo staff hanno progettato e collaudato al CFD un fondo veramente innovativo che permetterà un incremeneto di 8 punti di carico aerodinamico. Tale fondo è andato in produzione in questi giorni ed ha una costruzione molto particolare che comporterà un periodo di realizzazione molto più lungo rispetto ad un normale fondo. Dopo la sua realizzazione verrà testato in galleria del vento e successivamente montato in vettura.

  10. #850
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    Mar 2004
    F1: 2012 Ferrari has ugly 'bump' on nose

    Part of what makes the 2012 Ferrari "not pretty" is a conspicuous bump on its nose, it is believed.

    New Ferrari will have a bump on the nose
    Photo by:
    The famous team's bosses Stefano Domenicali and Luca di Montezemolo used descriptions including "not pretty" and "lousy" when describing the physical appearance of the unlaunched new machine, codenamed 663.
    "It's not that pretty, because the shape defined by the technical regulations does not leave much scope", admitted Domenicali.
    It is believed he is referring to regulation tweaks for 2012 that will reduce the height of the noses, to improve driver safety in the event of crashes. But the maximum height of the dash bulkhead remains the same, meaning that Ferrari's low nose tapers sharply where it meets the front of the monocoque.
    Some sources claim to have seen drawings or images of Ferrari's unnamed 2012 car, but Fernando Alonso on Thursday insisted the car "is quite similar" in physical appearance to last year's contender.
    "The rules have been clarified a bit in the last two years with the result that all the cars look more and more alike," Spanish reporters quote him as saying.
    Schumi turn your eyes to the sky…… it’s the only 1 thing bigger than you !

  11. #851
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    Oct 2011
    so ferraris design is more ugly than 2011 car?the 2011 car is ugly too so they mean that the design of that car in 2012 is more ugly? f10 is more greater in design not 2011 car flawfull thats why ferrari lose more than 2010 car i hope the sidepod will change,not like last year ugly not like mclaren in 2011,in design honestly it is mclaren who has innovative design,like sidepod but they problem is they cant develope there car,that ferrari has an advantage in developing the car i hope they do the monaco airbox with rubber component on it and double exhaust in sidepod and they develop wheel electric hub the electric motor in wheels.

  12. #852
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    Stockholm, Sweden
    Is McLaren so innovative? Their sidepod-concept isn´t that new. The Benetton B195 had a similar one. Not as extreme, but not that far away.

  13. #853
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    I have to laugh. The shape of the sidepods have much less effect on the race car then say the Pull Rod Suspension or the height of the nose and the shape of the front wing. I think the biggest factor on the race car to make it look "Ugly" will be the dropped nose cone. We will the reast of the exterior shape simillar to the past years but we may see something at the floor / tray area that may be a a visual eye sore as well. If Ferrari go after the 2012 Championship from a purely Aero point of view then we could see some odd shapes and body parts that are not so intergrated and not in keeping with visual appeal. Downforce has to be generated and the "look" of the car is meaningless and without concern, if the car is fast!


    Forza Ferrari!!!!

  14. #854
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    Jul 2006
    I think if people want to see what the 2012 F1 cars look like, they should look at the new 2012 Dallara F312 Race car! The FIA rules are very simillar and the nose in particular is an area in which they are most alike. Take a look! I think that is what we will see.


    Forza Ferrari!!!!

  15. #855
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    C R O A T I A
    Quote Originally Posted by FrankAlfa View Post
    I think if people want to see what the 2012 F1 cars look like, they should look at the new 2012 Dallara F312 Race car! The FIA rules are very simillar and the nose in particular is an area in which they are most alike. Take a look! I think that is what we will see.


    Forza Ferrari!!!!
    that nose doesn't look at all ugly

  16. #856
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Possible rendition of F2012 nose via Jose Luis on Twitter:


    Edit: This is the guy who made the sketch.!/Clausell_F1
    Last edited by Jose-Lorca Fan; 16th January 2012 at 10:17.
    "The client is not always right." - Enzo Ferrari

  17. #857
    Join Date
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    Uppingham, UK
    Wow that is not attractive! If it wins though, who cares!

  18. #858
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    Belgrade, Serbia
    Quote Originally Posted by Jose-Lorca Fan View Post
    Possible rendition of F2012 nose via Jose Luis on Twitter:


    Edit: This is the guy who made the sketch.!/Clausell_F1
    It looks like a dolphin head to me!? Any way what does look got to do, if the car is fast and reliable? Personally I don't care how it looks, if it will bring back former glory to Maranello!
    I remember LDM words when, to me prettiest, Ferrari F412T2 was presented:"I don't care how it looks like, as long as it is fast and reliable". Since then I adopted same philosophy!

  19. #859
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    Stowmarket. U.K
    Ferrari chassis passes FIA tests'
    Monday 16th January 2012

    Ferrari's 2012 chassis, the 663, has reportedly passed its FIA crash tests on the second attempt.

    This season sees the introduction of a new rule which states that all chassis must pass the mandatory FIA crash tests before they can take part in pre-season testing.

    Ferrari's new chassis, dubbed the 663, is believed to have failed the first test, forcing the team to go back to the drawing board.

    According to AS, Ferrari made "some improvements" and reinforced the chassis with carbon fibre in order to strengthen "the sides" of the car.

    The Spanish daily claims that sources in Italy have revealed that the 663 has now passed the teams and will be permitted to take to the track at Jerez on February 7th.

  20. #860
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    That Nosecone sketch is very possible but I would be more inclined to have the nose as a smooth concave shape on the top surface.


    Forza Ferrari!!!!

  21. #861
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    I do prefer a lower nose though, I didn't like last years high nose. But this year anything to win. hehe
    "The client is not always right." - Enzo Ferrari

  22. #862
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    Maributo Key
    Well, if its gonna be ugly, it better win..nothing worse than being slow...and ugly...

  23. #863
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    Kitchener, CANADA
    So if this year’s regulations imply that the nose should be lower by X cm compared to last year’s, is that mean that ALL teams will have “funny” or as Stefano said “not pretty” noses??
    Could WE have not re-design the chassis/monocock so that it would have started to slope down gradually before the nose cone??? So that the nose cone ITSELF would not have to have the instant drop in it to meet the new regulations.

    I’m just throwing some questions out there; and of course if the car ends up being a winner from the start, I’m sure we can all put up with the “NOT PRETTY” front nose cone/wing

  24. #864
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    The High Nose is what most want for better Air Flow through the Front Wing feeding the Floor / Tray area of the race car. The nose from the Front Bulkhead forward is the area that needs to be lowered so I think we will see this on all of the race cars. The big question is Concave or Convex in the shape of the top surface of this tipped nose section and then how wide to make the Nose Cone??? Bed Bull has sported a wider front Nose Cone than many others. It is still about how much the interaction is with the Floor / Undertray area is working with the air from the front wing assembly.


    Forza Ferrari!!!!

  25. #865
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    Jul 2010
    Ferrari not ruling out Ferrari future for Newey

    Stefano Domenicali has hinted Adrian Newey might be targeted for a role at Ferrari — but the marque’s president Luca di Montezemolo sounds less keen.

    Ferrari team boss Domenicali was asked if Red Bull’s highly respected designer Newey, whose cars have won the last two world championships, was on the Italian giant’s shortlist.

    “I think that Adrian Newey showed his capability in a fantastic way in the last couple of years,” Domenicali agreed to Sky Sports News.

    “But what he would like to do in the future, well we will see.”

    President Montezemolo, on the other hand, admits to being stung more than a decade ago when Ferrari showed interest in Newey, who at the time ultimately switched from Williams to McLaren.

    “I have confidence in our technical staff,” Montezemolo is quoted by La Gazzetta dello Sport, “and furthermore the meeting I had with him (Newey) in 1997 was not exactly positive.

    “The idea that his wife had of Italy was that of some kind of a third world country. But if he were available again and changed his ideas about our country then why not?” he added.

    As for the man in Newey’s driving seat – back to back world champion Sebastian Vettel – Domenicali thinks Fernando Alonso is ultimately a better driver.

    But when asked about the young German, he added: “Never say never.

    “Last season, with the pole positions and the number of victories that he achieved — In comparison, if you look at his achievements with the others … so we will see,” said Domenicali of Vettel.

    I do not think we need Newey with the new technical department that we have right now.

  26. #866
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    I'm glad that Motezemolo and Domenicali share the same opinion as me. I believe Alonso is the most complete driver on the grid and that we should try to win the championship without Newey. We've done it before and we can do it again, and winning without Newey in the team will make it all the more sweeter.
    "The client is not always right." - Enzo Ferrari

  27. #867
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    I think a nose like this is what we should expect from Ferrari and other teams...


    The new regulations are very similar to the GP2 series. We might see GP2 type noses.
    "The client is not always right." - Enzo Ferrari

  28. #868
    Join Date
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    I thought of this when I saw that first artists impression of the SF bump

  29. #869
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jose-Lorca Fan View Post
    I'm glad that Motezemolo and Domenicali share the same opinion as me. I believe Alonso is the most complete driver on the grid and that we should try to win the championship without Newey. We've done it before and we can do it again, and winning without Newey in the team will make it all the more sweeter.
    That is true, but Ferrari need an aero-master to help not only with the F1 team but with road cars as well. Rory Byrne is perfect for now, but I understand he's been diagnosed with prostate cancer last year. There was a video on YouTube with him talking about it. Adrian Newey is about 10 years younger so it's only natural for Ferrari to ensure he's available if needed.

  30. #870
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    Quote Originally Posted by Butterfly View Post
    That is true, but Ferrari need an aero-master to help not only with the F1 team but with road cars as well. Rory Byrne is perfect for now, but I understand he's been diagnosed with prostate cancer last year. There was a video on YouTube with him talking about it. Adrian Newey is about 10 years younger so it's only natural for Ferrari to ensure he's available if needed.
    Byrne is not the only aero-master at Ferrari, i believe Ferrari have recruited other aero specialists too, mainly from McLaren and Force India. Anyway we'll see this year how it goes.
    "The client is not always right." - Enzo Ferrari


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