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Thread: Ferrari launch - 3rd February 2012 - All news and pics in here

  1. #481
    Join Date
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    Belfast, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by raylinds View Post

    I love all of the amateur aerodynamicists chiming in. We should send the hot air to Italy to clear up the snow.
    Yep! Ferrari have made the nose like this for a reason; to hear some people you'd think Ferrari just got bored when designing the car and did the nose any old way.
    Forza Jules

  2. #482
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Top gear winding up the masses on FB. Typical TG

    "I cannot judge what he did in his time at Renault and McLaren but I have worked with World Champions Schumacher, Villeneuve and Raikkonen and Fernando is the one who impresses me the most," said Gene.

  3. #483
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by NanoTheQuickest View Post
    Top gear winding up the masses on FB. Typical TG
    Jog on Macca fan boys. The Force India and Caterham are ugly.

  4. #484
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    Oct 2011
    dont forgot lotus and redbull and mercedes,they are more innovative i think,to me lotus will be strong i think because they make a clever design and they have kimi,im not a kimi fan but in reality,alonso will be having an hardtime with this guy i think with im sorry to my hate with the new ferrari,i was wishing to go back in 2010 i like to see f10 just my opinion,i have a view in the design too like you guys i feel dissapointed,but hoping its performance,i like to shout every race,when ferrari wins thats why im a ferrari fan

  5. #485
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    Quote Originally Posted by raylinds View Post
    I love all of the amateur aerodynamicists chiming in. We should send the hot air to Italy to clear up the snow.

    The future is RED

  6. #486
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    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by scudvirgin10 View Post
    dont forgot lotus and redbull and mercedes,they are more innovative i think,to me lotus will be strong i think because they make a clever design and they have kimi,im not a kimi fan but in reality,alonso will be having an hardtime with this guy i think with im sorry to my hate with the new ferrari,i was wishing to go back in 2010 i like to see f10 just my opinion,i have a view in the design too like you guys i feel dissapointed,but hoping its performance,i like to shout every race,when ferrari wins thats why im a ferrari fan
    for a Ferrari fan you sure seem to be unhappy with them a lot, how about you wait and see come 1st race where we stand?

    Kimi giving Alonso a hard time LOL, seriously you are trolling right?
    Forza Ferrari

  7. #487
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    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by scudvirgin10 View Post
    dont forgot lotus and redbull and mercedes,they are more innovative i think,to me lotus will be strong i think because they make a clever design and they have kimi,im not a kimi fan but in reality,alonso will be having an hardtime with this guy i think with im sorry to my hate with the new ferrari,i was wishing to go back in 2010 i like to see f10 just my opinion,i have a view in the design too like you guys i feel dissapointed,but hoping its performance,i like to shout every race,when
    ferrari wins thats why im a ferrari fan

    I wouldn't want Kimi racing for us, even if he was willing to pay us to do so.

    Ferrari 16/15

    Totus Tuus

  8. #488
    Join Date
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    69 Avenue
    People, then I keep wondering, what kind of a Ferrari fan were you from July - November 2009? Were you all on Badoer/Fisi 's side during the whole time?

  9. #489
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cathay Pacific View Post
    People, then I keep wondering, what kind of a Ferrari fan were you from July - November 2009? Were you all on Badoer/Fisi 's side during the whole time?
    I couldn't tell about everybody, but certainly some of us were still cheering on BOTH Ferraris, as we'd always do no matter who is driving them.

    The future is RED

  10. #490
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greig View Post
    Oh dear! You are incredible! Thanks man!

    "If he can't do it with Ferrari, well, he can't do it." - John Surtees

  11. #491
    Join Date
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    Cleveland, Ohio
    I like it, it's bold and gutsy, just what Ferrari needs!

  12. #492
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    I reserved judgement until now so ive had all day to think about the car. Compared to last years car i can see a major difference in the body work and i could prob list about 10 things that are different to last years car. Apart from the front wing which im getting used to now i see beyond that and i think we have a pretty aggressive car!

    Front wing is longer and wider
    Brake ducks inlets are larger
    the supports for the front wing are wider
    Car has more rake than the 150th
    Mirrors are taller and seem larger
    Seems like smaller barge boards
    The small little wings (next to driver) seem larger this year
    Air intake is larger and more curveier
    2 Air intakes on the top of the car - i wonder if thats feeding the defuser
    Oz racing rims - if only these were gold
    Backend is tightand compact
    Rear Brakes/Drums are different this year
    Not sure if the DRS cord was attached
    DRS flap is smaller

    anyone like to add well at least Ferrari have come out fighting this year hope shes fast as she looks!

  13. #493
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    Jul 2006
    I think there are some people out here like myself have Engineering careers. This is not black magic and only a few understand. It is very entertaining hearing the comments and people judging the car's ability based on its the visual impressions. LOL. Many people make the error of not understanding the design and lack an understanding of certain features on the race car.


    Forza Ferrari!!!!

  14. #494
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    Derbyshire England
    Quote Originally Posted by FrankAlfa View Post
    I think there are some people out here like myself have Engineering careers. This is not black magic and only a few understand. It is very entertaining hearing the comments and people judging the car's ability based on its the visual impressions. LOL. Many people make the error of not understanding the design and lack an understanding of certain features on the race car.


    Forza Ferrari!!!!
    Hey if its ugly its ugly. I don't need an engineering background to work that one out. Whether the ugliness will make it fast, over to you, I don't have a clue about aerodynamics. If its slow, that will be the end of Stefano. A beautiful but slower car, you have hope, an ugly slower car you will hate with a passion.

  15. #495
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    Quote Originally Posted by raylinds View Post
    The nose really is ugly- but I think she will be fast and make me love her anyway. It is very aggressive, and that is a good thing.

    I love all of the amateur aerodynamicists chiming in. We should send the hot air to Italy to clear up the snow.

    i am getting used to the car. to be honest, from the front it looks a little futuristic for me, for some reason. it will be a little less blatant soon, but i can live with it.

    who cares anyways, other cars will be the same, and come November, i hope we are clutching both titles, everyone calling our car a machine, and 'beautiful', and then we can leave Mac fans bragging about their beauty pageant.

    In Stefano Domenicali, we have a team boss who has proved to be a leader. - Luca diMontezemelo

  16. #496
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    Toronto, Canada
    Let's hope this is the talent part of the beauty contest.

    But if this car wins it will soon go from ugly duckling to swan.

    Personally the design really doesn't bother me that much, I like different

  17. #497
    Join Date
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    Maributo Key
    Thing Im wondering, we've only seen a few new cars, the only 1 that doesnt have the platEpus nose is the Mac...
    Are they just dissen everyone only to show up in Spain with a platEpus nose? Or have they figured a way to get downforce
    by a different process/design? I gotta see what Merc has done too....

    We can complain about the new look, but this design is what the engineers have come up with within the rules to achieve a race winning car.
    And really, what if Ferrari is throwing a curve and have a completely different front on it come 1st race? The games afoot...

  18. #498
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Czech Republic
    Two quick wallpapers. I was originally making them for myself but you found me the picture I was looking for so... if anyone find them usefull. I know, these are nothing fantastic but I just wanted our new "duck" on the desktop so...

    "If he can't do it with Ferrari, well, he can't do it." - John Surtees

  19. #499
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyss4k View Post
    Two quick wallpapers. I was originally making them for myself but you found me the picture I was looking for so... if anyone find them usefull. I know, these are nothing fantastic but I just wanted our new "duck" on the desktop so...


    Ferrari 16/15

    Totus Tuus

  20. #500
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    well after the shock and been looking at again and again ...I like the Lego Ferrari for in my mind this is the Name I shall call it .Lego gona be Very happy as this will be Vvery easy car to convert to Lego :).

  21. #501
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    This car really looks like it means business! The macca already looks ancient compared to our car.
    Lets see what mercedes and red bulls come up with. If they have a similar nose i think it will make those guys at woking very nervous....

  22. #502
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    I don't know why we always have posts getting stuck into our team/design - if you've got energy to to burn, why not get stuck into things/teams/people who are working against us

    Have faith in, and support your team, I would have thought that's what a fan/supporter would instinctively do.

    Now, the car, ugly yes, but who cares as long as its fastest.

  23. #503
    Join Date
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    Toronto, Canada
    Holy Bat-Mobile Batman! LOL.

    All jokes aside, I think the F2012 looks tough and I have complete faith in our boys in red. The rear looks really tightly packed! Looking forward to testing and to the start of the season. Forza Ferrari


  24. #504
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    these are my thoughts about the f2012.
    1. the ugliness of the nose is simple because of the new regulations, ferrari can came up with a lower nose to make it look beautiful in the eye. BUT the designers want a vast amount of air going underneath the car so the high nose is the solution, but in order to comply with the regulations, the nose will look very ugly but very effective
    2. the pull rod at the front i think they want to get a lower CG and i think they want to minimize the travel of the front suspension, this could be incorporated with the aggressive approach. lets see
    3. with the mini wing in front of the side pods, i think they are trying to maximize the efficiency of air traveling into the sidepods
    4. someone noticed that the side view mirrors are a little higher that the f150??? maybe it has something to do with the curve at the top of the sidepods front section, maybe for better air flow.
    5. i also noticed that the air box is a little too thin in cross section. better air flow again.
    6. i think that large bodywork at the rear is intended to blow the large rear brake duct fins with radiator and exhaust heat not gasses.
    7. the rear section is really tapered yet again, better airflow. i just wonder how small is the current gearbox is.
    8. with the rear pullrod suspension, ferrari is trying get better airflow at the rear with lowerCG. GREAT.

    thats for now, ferrari stated that there are more to come. but i think it is already the car, for testing, they might be just fine tuning it, a few millimeter of alteration only
    and from with the Q and A's with the directors, they sound very very confident about the car.

  25. #505
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    Quote Originally Posted by NanoTheQuickest View Post
    Top gear winding up the masses on FB. Typical TG
    After the first few races all these macca fan boys will be complaining that Mclaren isn't fast enough because they don't have the nose hump.

  26. #506
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    I knew it would have pull-rod! To all the people who said it was impossible ..told ya! Lol na but I'm already used to the nose I love the car and will love it more once it's a winner.

  27. #507
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheProdigalSon View Post
    I knew it would have pull-rod! To all the people who said it was impossible ..told ya! Lol na but I'm already used to the nose I love the car and will love it more once it's a winner.
    I think were also some rumors about the front using pull rod, and an exact artist drawing of that front nose bump. This worries me, lol. I mean, its like someone's leaking out all these info.

    Though the good thing is there were also rumors indicating a lot of positive improvement with the performance in the simulator, so I hope they are right

  28. #508
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    I think the new car looks stunning.

    Can't wait for the new season to start.

  29. #509
    Join Date
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  30. #510
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