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Thread: Michael Schumacher - Updates and well-wishes

  1. #511
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by wisepie View Post
    I was under the impression that Michael had gone to the aid of another skier which is why he was in that off-piste area. The media make up all sorts of stories just to make headlines, a sad reflection of the world today and no consideration for the victim or the family involved.
    Yes, I read that too, the daughter of a friend.
    Also that he had a camera on his helmet which is being looked at and that another person had filmed Michael whilst he was skiing and as he fell, but , again, not good enough to give any real indication of what happened.
    Basically it seems he wasn't going very fast at all, it was a tragic 'accident'. No-one's to blame and certainly not Michael.
    It must be very hard for his family.

  2. #512
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by bonzo View Post
    Anyone heard/read that Swiss neuro-surgeons have said Michael is not treated in the right way in Grenoble?
    I rad it in a local news site but could not get any verification from other sources.
    I can't find a source for that but it wouldn't surprise me that specialists from different countries could disagree on the best treatment.

  3. #513
    Join Date
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    Belfast, UK
    Felipe's wearing a tribute helmet to Michael at Desafio das Estrelas

    Forza Jules

  4. #514
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Suzie View Post
    Felipe's wearing a tribute helmet to Michael at Desafio das Estrelas
    Respectful just what you would expect from Felipe.
    Thanks for the pic Suzie

  5. #515
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Suzie View Post
    Felipe's wearing a tribute helmet to Michael at Desafio das Estrelas

    Thanks Susie. Respect! What a lovely tribute.

    Silence is now killing me any one got any news
    "The flowers of victory live in many vases" Michael Schumacher 7 times World Champion

  6. #516
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    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by F1Jan View Post
    Silence is now killing me any one got any news
    No news, after suffering such a massive head trauma I think it will be a very long road to recovery, would imagine the next news to be made public will be further surgery or that he's been bought out of the coma, not expecting to hear anything before that now, and guessing we'll be told a fair few days after the event, by which time they will have answers for the majority of the inevitably uncomfortable questions that will be asked by the waiting press, trying to find some consolation in the fact he's still with us and fighting, but agree the lack of any updates does lead my mind to wander a tad and ultimately dwell on the worst case scenario, but do understand and appreciate the reasons for the silence...

  7. #517
    Join Date
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    I'm hoping that the silence is also so that the media eventually drift away from the hospital and the family get the peace and quiet they deserve.
    Forza Jules

  8. #518
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    Apr 2010
    Typical gesture by Felipe, thanks Suzie for sharing and let's hope that no news really does mean better news on Schumi when we eventually get some.

  9. #519
    Join Date
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    Belgrade, Serbia
    They don't just say for nothing God moves in mysterious ways...

    I am reading at a local web news portal that Mr. Morten Hojerbah has fallen on exact same days as MS, on exact same place, not wearing helmet, lying in exact same hospital, treated from exact same personnel, had his skull fractured and stitched in hospital with 50 stitches!?!?!?!? Needles to say that, thank God Mr. Morten Hojerbah is alive and well!

    For the one understand ex YU language

  10. #520
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    Quote Originally Posted by stefa View Post
    They don't just say for nothing God moves in mysterious ways...

    I am reading at a local web news portal that Mr. Morten Hojerbah has fallen on exact same days as MS, on exact same place, not wearing helmet, lying in exact same hospital, treated from exact same personnel, had his skull fractured and stitched in hospital with 50 stitches!?!?!?!? Needles to say that, thank God Mr. Morten Hojerbah is alive and well!

    For the one understand ex YU language
    that guy is lucky. But I think that Schumy is in worse situation because he had hematoma on the brain

  11. #521
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    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by F1NAC View Post
    that guy is lucky. But I think that Schumy is in worse situation because he had hematoma on the brain
    yes,it`s not same to broke a skull and to have a brain bleeding. A bone is a bone, nothing special for a health, but the brain is a something different

    Stefa,Kurir je ovih dana pisao nesto vrlo interesantno oko Tita koji su informaciju preneli svi portali kod nas

  12. #522
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    Quote Originally Posted by gjoko-mkd View Post
    yes,it`s not same to broke a skull and to have a brain bleeding. A bone is a bone, nothing special for a health, but the brain is a something different

    Stefa,Kurir je ovih dana pisao nesto vrlo interesantno oko Tita koji su informaciju preneli svi portali kod nas
    The guy broke his skull from nose to spine and his friends held it together while waiting for the doctors. I wouldn't say thats 'just a bone', he was incredibly lucky.

  13. #523
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    Quote Originally Posted by gjoko-mkd View Post
    yes,it`s not same to broke a skull and to have a brain bleeding. A bone is a bone, nothing special for a health, but the brain is a something different

    Stefa,Kurir je ovih dana pisao nesto vrlo interesantno oko Tita koji su informaciju preneli svi portali kod nas
    Gjoko, nisam ispratio taj clanak. Ako te ne mrzi da pronadjes i posaljes linki Juce sam bio u Velesu Supruga mi je presla da radi u ProCredit Akademiji
    Ovo je casopis koji smo drugar i ja pravili
    Attachment 5635


  14. #524
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    From Felipe's cart race

  15. #525
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hermann View Post
    The guy broke his skull from nose to spine and his friends held it together while waiting for the doctors. I wouldn't say thats 'just a bone', he was incredibly lucky.
    That sounds like a modern day miracle, his friend saved his life !

  16. #526
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    Sep 2006
    How long can Schumi be in a come without damaging his liver from the propofol or whatever they are using to sedate him?
    "Formula 1 is not a sport anymore” - Fernando Alonso

  17. #527
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lesky View Post
    How long can Schumi be in a come without damaging his liver from the propofol or whatever they are using to sedate him?
    Michael Jackson was routinely taking Propofol for years before a massive overdose killed him, when properly administered in a controlled environment with heart moniters and blood pressure moniters etc I understand the length of time is not really important, people can be in medically induced coma for as long as it takes for the recovery, the only important thing is the state of the brain tissue after the recovery has taken place, obviously the longer it takes the less likely it is there will be a full recovery, complete rehabilitation is very rare but partial rehabilitation can take years after they have been bought out of the coma if ever, in the vast majority of cases the reality is the patient has to accept their lives now have certain limitations, some more than others...

  18. #528
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    really think that if any man can conquer this.. it should be him.. just hope all goes well soon!
    may the FORZA FERRARI BE WITH YOU!!!!!

  19. #529
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    Jan 2014
    I'm always interested and concerned about head safety and helmet safety. I'm into skiing and snowboarding so this is important to me and many people as well.

    Does anyone know what helmet manufacturer and style helmet Michael was wearing when he crashed and hit his head? It matters due to the fact some helmet manufacturers use different materials and methods to construct their helmets and some helmet companies get certain safety certificates. Some helmets only get DOT certified and some only get Snell certified.

    I'm wondering if Michael were to have worn a different type of helmet that maybe he wouldn't have suffered as bad a head injury by absorbing the impact better.

  20. #530
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    South Africa
    I thought to attach this for all to read and pretty much understand what MS condition really means.

    Gary Hartstein was Formula 1's official medical delegate from 2005-12. He has been following news of Michael Schumacher's head injury closely, he provides in-depth insight into the clinical situation at present. Let's take a look at what's happened to Michael Schumacher, from his fall until roughly now. It goes without saying that this is based on what we've been told at the press conferences, viewed and interpreted through my eyes. I will not speculate, but will rather read between the caring physicians' lines and put this into the context of the treatment of severely head-injured patients. It's useful to think of the impact against the rock as having done two things: it essentially immediately created a series of severe lesions, and it set into motion processes that, left to themselves, would aggravate the damage already done. What about the initial lesions? There were probably at least four types of injury produced by the fall. The first is formation of haematomas. Torn and damaged blood vessels let blood escape in sufficient quantity to coalesce. They are dangerous both because they are markers of severe impact as well as because they cause the intracranial pressure (ICP) to rise. Gary Hartstein Gary Hartstein © XPB We've been told that Michael had a right-sided extradural haematoma (between the skull and the dura, a membrane surrounding the brain) that was evacuated surgically, and a series of intracerebral (within the brain tissue itself) haematomas. One of these, on the left, was evacuated during the week after the fall, but there are several others, located on the left, on the right and in the centre. The second type of injury is contusions. These are bruises, just like when you bang your arm or leg. Tiny quantities of blood seep from the vessels, but not enough to collect. This gives that black-and-blue look. There's also swelling of course, which adds to the ICP increase caused by the haematomas. Third is the possibility of damage to the long 'cables' in the brain. Injury to these axons is harder to see with modern imagery, but is often associated with poor neurological outcome. Last, I have heard insistent stories of damage to one of the four arteries feeding the brain. Even if true, the significance of this is hard to assess, as most people have extensive connections between the four arteries, allowing flow through one to compensate for blockages in another. What about the vicious circles I alluded to above? The most important revolves around the ICP. Increased ICP compresses the tiny blood vessels nourishing the brain. The problem is, when the brain isn't receiving enough blood, what do you think it does? Right - it swells. This aggravates the already high ICP, and the already low blood flow. Taking care of severely head-injured patients involves rigorous adherence to a few principles. Basically, the brain needs to consistently receive adequate amounts of oxygen and nutrients. For this to happen, the air passages are maintained open and secure by a tube placed in the windpipe. Oxygenation and ventilation are provided by sophisticated ventilators, and adjusted to values as close to normal as possible. In order to ensure proper brain blood flow, it is urgent to control elevated ICP. Ferrari fans pay tribute to Schumacher outside the hospital Ferrari fans pay tribute to Schumacher outside the hospital The first step in controlling high ICP was done on the Sunday and Monday after Schumacher's accident. The surgically accessible haematomas were evacuated. In addition, the bone flaps opened by the surgeon weren't closed, allowing the brain to physically swell a bit before the pressure rises. It turns out that cooling the patient just a few degrees can help make sure that energy delivery is adequate. This is because cooling slows the brain's metabolism. That means that any given level of oxygen and nutrient delivery is more likely to be sufficient for the brain's needs. Hypothermia is also very effective against elevated ICP. It's also important to understand what is meant by, and the role of, the 'medically-induced coma'. I mentioned controlling the airway with a tube in the trachea, controlling breathing with a ventilator and reducing body temperature. Now, realistically you just can't do this to a patient, even a severely head-injured patient (especially not a head-injured patient!) without anaesthetising them. So all these patients are put to sleep. This also helps ensure that the patient doesn't shiver during the period of hypothermia (usually 48-72 hours). If despite all the above the ICP stays elevated, the anaesthesia is deepened significantly. This aims at temporarily abolishing electric activity in the brain, in order that all available energy be used for vital cellular maintenance, not 'superfluous' activity. The future? A long, long road. Months at least. Short term, the anaesthetic needs to be lightened when the ICP is normal and stable. That's the next big step.

    .... Get well soon MS
    Drive it like you stole it!

  21. #531
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    I hope it is about time he gets well enough to come out of his induced coma.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ferrari & Honda View Post
    I'm always interested and concerned about head safety and helmet safety. .

    Does anyone know what helmet manufacturer and style helmet Michael was wearing when he crashed and hit his head?
    Some helmets only get DOT certified and some only get Snell certified.

    I'm wondering if Michael were to have worn a different type of helmet that maybe he wouldn't have suffered as bad a head injury by absorbing the impact better.

    It would be quite interesting to know if the helmet was maybe not up to standard.

  22. #532
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    Lets keep those positive thoughts and prayers headed Michaels way.

  23. #533
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    Michael coming from a motor sport background and knowing just how unpredictable any sport can be, not for one moment would I think he would skimp on a safety helmet knowing what he knows, and would of got the safest one he could, but maybe the helmet let him down (only my opinion)

  24. #534
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mollydog View Post
    Michael coming from a motor sport background and knowing just how unpredictable any sport can be, not for one moment would I think he would skimp on a safety helmet knowing what he knows, and would of got the safest one he could, but maybe the helmet let him down (only my opinion)
    Last edited by Kiwi Nick; 14th January 2014 at 23:15.

  25. #535
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    I doubt it was because the helmet was ineffective. If anything this helmet saved his life. The impact force was so great that it cracked the helmet.

    It's sounding more and more like a freak accident. Michael was very unlucky. He wasn't travelling at at a high speed rather a low speed when going downhill but hit a rock and then another rock and so forth catapulting him head first onto a final rock. It may have been such that the topology of the rock that made contact with the helmet was very unfavorable.

    He's a great champion and has terrific fighting spirit. He is still alive despite the odds against him. It's good to see that his situation is stable even though he is not out of danger.

  26. #536
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    Doctors began tests on stricken F1 legend Michael Schumacher's brain today in a bid to precisely locate the area where he suffered massive damage in his pre-Christmas ski accident.

    Schumacher has been in a artificially-induced coma for 15 days and remains stable, but critically ill.

    The medical team treating him in Grenoble, France, that there are still great fears of "unexpected complications," such as a brain brain hemorrhage and infection, according to reports.

    A small part of his skull has been removed in a bid to relieve pressure on his brain, according to a Zurich paper at the weekend,.

    Swiss neurosurgeon Frédéric Rossi told the Zurich Tagesanzeiger that the list of dangers from such an op "is long, ranging from swelling to bleeding to the accidental opening of the brain's outer membrane."

    Does not sound good....

  27. #537
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    Someone I know suffered a massive stroke and had the same procedure done (a craniotomy) for exactly the same reason--to relieve inter cranial pressure. He is up and about now but it was touch and go for a bit whilst the doctors were trying to get the swelling down. He still has the paralysis and other mental deficiencies brought about by the stroke, but is for the most part healthy. That's the big question now I'm afraid: we may (hopefully) get Michael back but we don't know the extent of the damage to his physical and mental faculties. Still, we should hope and Michael should continue to fight.
    Last edited by killer; 15th January 2014 at 06:59.

  28. #538
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    Seems a long time now that Michael has been in a coma, very difficult time for friends and family.

  29. #539
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    There are all sorts of different style helmets that are available to buy for skiing and snowboarding that offer different levels of protection. Not all helmets are created and made equally. Many ski helmets are open face and look like a simple bicycle helmet. Others look like dirt bike MX motocross/super cross style helmets.

    From reading some of the skiing and snowboarding forums about helmet safety. Some people asked if they could wear MX Motorcross and motorcycle helmets while they ski and snowboard. I read some interesting responses.

    You could wear a dirt bike motocross or motorcycle helmet while skiing or snowboarding, but the problem is the weight of the helmets. Those helmets are heavier and will fatigue the neck muscles quicker. If you crash wearing that style of helmet it can cause whip lash and twist your neck a certain way. Those types of helmets don't have the proper venting for skiing/snowboarding.

    Helmets designed for skiing/snowboarding are designed and tested to withstand impacts and crashes around 5 mph to 45 mph. But it doesn't say if those helmets are tested to withstand impacts from rocks and trees at those speeds.

    The advantages of wearing a dirt bike motocross or motorcycle helmet while skiing/snowboarding is they are designed to withstand impact at much higher speeds. Motorcycle helmets can withstand crashes at 200 mph and those are for when you hit your head on the pavement, cars, telephone poles, rocks etc.

    It's not right for me to speculate or second guess, but I do believe if Michael was wearing a motorcycle helmet like what Valentino Rossi wears then the odds increase in his favor that the worst that would have happened was he would have had a concussion and get up and walk away.

    One of the best ski/snowboard helmets you can get today is the Troy Lee Designs D3...

  30. #540
    Join Date
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    Derbyshire England
    I hope nobody else has read the Bild newspaper, it should be banned for its outrageous speculation of his condition. Keep fighting Schumi, we are all behind you!!



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