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Thread: Scuderia Ferrari SF16-H Development thread.

  1. #421
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    There is an article about Ferrari by that big Ferrari fan Gary Anderson, does anyone have access to it? It might be interesting:


  2. #422
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by stefa View Post
    Guys, retro or not, as long it is RED, FAST and RELIABLE I am for it!!!!
    Image to unveil something like that!!!!
    Attachment 6588
    FERRARI FOR EVER !!!!!!!

  3. #423
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    How about the F2007/8 colour scheme... slightly darker red, that looked amazing.


  4. #424
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    I liked that darker red a lot.

    This is one that has been referred as being the retro element. IMHO it would look quite stunning but sponsors probably will require more visibility.

  5. #425
    Join Date
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    Belgrade, Serbia
    Quote Originally Posted by PURE PASSION View Post
    Image to unveil something like that!!!!
    Attachment 6588
    I said RED!!!!!

  6. #426
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ed Harley View Post
    I liked that darker red a lot.

    This is one that has been referred as being the retro element. IMHO it would look quite stunning but sponsors probably will require more visibility.

    I would prefer more something like:
    Attachment 6590

    RED car, BLACK wings, and GOLD rims. Simple and stunning!

  7. #427
    Join Date
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    Kitchener, CANADA
    Quote Originally Posted by stefa View Post
    Guys, retro or not, as long it is RED, FAST and RELIABLE I am for it!!!!
    yeah Stefa, you and EVERY other Ferrari fan on this forum and planet
    So 2023 started off bad, but managed to claw back some lap time come end of the year. Lets hope SF24 will give us tifosi something to smile about.

  8. #428
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by jragona View Post
    There is an article about Ferrari by that big Ferrari fan Gary Anderson, does anyone have access to it? It might be interesting:

    The nearer to the top of the ladder you are, the more difficult it is to take the step to the next rung. The same is true of Formula 1 car development.

    When the regulations change significantly - as they did for the 2014 season and, before that, in '09 - someone always gets the jump on the others. For the current set of rules that team is Mercedes, which had, previously, underperformed after taking over the Brawn team that had so much success the last time the rules changed.

    Everything points to the Mercedes power unit package being the best in the pitlane, but I have no doubt that the chassis has backed this up. The car is competitive on all types of circuit and it usually gets the best out of the tyres over one lap. It's also been as good as any other chassis with regard to degradation, so overall it's a solid all-round package that will take some beating.

    If any team can do that, it has to be Ferrari. On a few occasions in 2015 it took the fight to Mercedes but didn't have the last bit of performance needed to do so consistently. So there were a few great days in Malaysia, Hungary and Singapore, but the championship was never on.

    From 2014 to '15 Ferrari made up a lot of ground, finishing second in the constructors' championship after the previous year's very distant fourth. I believe most of that gain came from power unit improvements as, at the start of 2014, Mercedes caught everyone with their trousers down on that side.

    During the 2015 season, Ferrari didn't really close the gap to Mercedes. Some tracks suited one chassis a little better than the other, but based on average fastest laps of the weekend, there was still about 0.8 per cent between them in terms of pace. So around a theoretical 90-second lap, that equates to 0.72s.

    The Scuderia was able to spring the odd surprise in '14, but couldn't sustain a challenge against Mercedes
    Ferrari will have been pretty confident about which areas needed to be worked on. It will have drilled deep into every bit of data on Mercedes from the 2015 season and compared it to its own performance. But what is key is deciding what direction to go in to close that gap.

    There are still gains to be made with power unit performance, but don't underestimate how much Mercedes will be able to find in this area. Gaining ground isn't just about improving your own package, it's about improving as much as your rivals and then improving some more on top.

    On the chassis side, if you are lacking overall downforce do you decide to push ahead and find some more at the expense of aero sensitivity?

    If you don't feel the drivers are able to use that downforce to the maximum, do you then try to reduce the sensitivity and give the driver a more consistent package?

    Do you work more on centre-of-pressure shift with steering or yaw and try to make it work more for you when you need it?

    These are just a few of the many questions technical director James Allison will have had to find answers for. Once that's done, he will put together a specification for the new car and it is then up to everyone in their individual departments to pull together and achieve that objective.

    This spec is a living thing that evolves, but it must be in place before the previous year's August break. If it is achieved too early, then the targets can be reviewed, but from that point the direction is defined and it is all about optimising a concept.

    The big problem is that if you just keep doing what you have done previously, then you will probably end up with the same inherent problems.

    Every year you have to look deeper at how and what you research. No team understands 100 per cent of what makes a racing car fast and sometimes you can luck in. But normally, you luck out.

    Ferrari is the only team to have persisted with long nose
    Let's say that frontrunning team 'x' understands 80 per cent of what it takes to make a car fast. That means it doesn't understand 20 per cent. One year that team lucks in and doesn't make any mistakes in that 20 per cent area. But the next year, a mistake is made and the team lucks out and the car does not perform as it should.

    Everyone in the team pushes in the areas they normally research, but they find everything in those areas is superior to the previous year. So everyone scratches their heads until they look outside of the 80 per cent box. Suddenly, something will click and that window of risk might be reduced to 15 per cent of the car.

    If I was involved with Ferrari, the first question I would be trying to answer is why it doesn't seem to get much from the shorter nose concept. Everyone else has gone in that direction and has been able to introduce this style of development mid-season. Given that changing the front crash structure is not cheap, the reward must be significant.

    The front wing and nose area defines the airflow through the rest of the car. Get this right and the rest of the car will respond. Get it wrong and getting more downforce from the car will be like plucking teeth from a chicken.

    I have no doubt Ferrari has looked at this area in fine detail. The one thing that can have a major influence is the pullrod front suspension. Suspension, especially at the front, is not just to hold the wheel on as it acts to manage the airflow coming off the front wing.

    It would be very easy to have something wrong in this area and, in turn, not get the response from the nose concept that seems to suit everyone else.

    Vettel had strong first season, and will have more influence on this year's design
    It could very easily be something like this that meant it went through 2015 with that 0.8 per cent deficit to Mercedes. Ferrari did all the research, but didn't get the reward because something was overpowering the outcome.

    One area where Ferrari will definitely gain is having Sebastian Vettel in his second year. Fernando Alonso's time at Ferrari was effectively over a year or even two before he eventually moved on, so as far as the chassis is concerned they will have had a much higher level of input from Vettel over 2015 than they had the previous year. So that is a definite positive.

    But for all this, Mercedes will not be standing still. We hear a lot about conservative or aggressive concepts and for sure there is a difference.

    Take McLaren's 'zero size' aero package. That's what I call aggressive, but if you're going to put yourself there you need to make sure you have a way out if it all goes wrong.

    I think Mercedes has enough data in its sat nav to make sure it doesn't go down the wrong route. Mercedes wants a third world championship and it also knows that if it doesn't take too many risks then that is possible.

    Still it can only expect the gap to those behind, led by Ferrari, to close in 2016. The regulations will be going into their third year and as we have seen from the past, the longer the regulations stay stable the closer the grid gets.

    Roll on the start of the season.

  9. #429
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    thank you Rakman

  10. #430
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Unfortunately this is what it is supposed to look like. Ugly
    Vous resterez toujours en nos coeurs, Jules.

  11. #431
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    The bump on the middle of the nose reminds me of the dolphin head from 2014

  12. #432
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Got to say...It kinda looks too busy

  13. #433
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Important changes to Ferraris 2016 PU
    Good article from good source.

  14. #434
    Join Date
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    New York
    It will be beautiful if it wins the championship.

    Disappointed Since 2010

  15. #435
    Join Date
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    Belgrade, Serbia
    Quote Originally Posted by TigerKing View Post
    Unfortunately this is what it is supposed to look like. Ugly

  16. #436
    Join Date
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    Kitchener, CANADA
    Quote Originally Posted by TigerKing View Post
    Unfortunately this is what it is supposed to look like. Ugly
    wow, that is really fugly...not only the livery, but also the nose; kind of reminds me of the UGLY F14-T nose a little bit

    buy hey, if it turns out and be a winner and wins us the WDC and WCC i'm sure we can all TRY to like it the way it looks....ha, ha...
    So 2023 started off bad, but managed to claw back some lap time come end of the year. Lets hope SF24 will give us tifosi something to smile about.

  17. #437
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by TigerKing View Post
    Unfortunately this is what it is supposed to look like. Ugly
    Hate the black in this combination

  18. #438
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I really don't understand why so many are concerned with the colour, the one thing we do know is it will be mainly Red, I don't care if it has a splash of White or a hint of Black as long as we are quick. I guess we are all bored and can't wait for the season to start.

  19. #439
    Join Date
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    Melb, Australia

    After the anticipation of Omnicorse about the secrets that will be present in the combustion chamber of the power unit that will be mounted on the Ferrari 2016, we also want to tell you what to F1ANALISITECNICA few weeks we arrived ear.

    As announced over a month ago, the air-water type intercooler (located until last season inside the "V" of the internal combustion engine) will be placed in a completely different position than in past seasons, following the Mercedes philosophy. This shift will allow Maranello engineers first to insert in the V the MGU-H electric motor, but also and above all to use the croissants or variable intake trumpets (in 2015 lacked space)

    This technical feature is widely used especially in high-performance engines, and will help the Maranello engineers to properly take advantage of the inertia of the gas column and the pressure waves present in the intake ducts. This involves a better efficacy in the aspiration as well as a better filling of the combustion chamber, necessary if you want to increase the endothermic unit combustion efficiency.

    The intake ducts thanks to a mechanical mechanism but electrically controlled will then adapt to the length of predetermined values ​​during the tests carried out at the counter. Thanks to the lift or the lowering of croissants trying in fact to remain always at the point of best efficiency of the internal combustion engine. The aspiration to work "conducted short" (with the trumpets in SMEs) when the rotations of the internal combustion engine will be very high and the reason is easily explained; the time that the pressure wave has available to reach the end of the conduit that is, the trumpet, then be reflected, and then get to the valve is very small, while will stretch to improve the engine performance in smaller schemes (suction conduit long).

    Another important novelty that will track Ferrari will be located inside of the combustion engine, more precisely in the combustion chamber. As we wrote about a week ago, the secret of the high efficiency of the engine combustion Mercedes which impacts positively on hybrid sitemi, is the use of an advanced version of DiesOtto, that the German giant introduced back in 2007 to Frankfurt Motor Show.

    Briefly, how does this "new" basic types "(also more specifically called HCCI)) engine? When the motor is to run at full load it simply acts like a regular gasoline, with spark that triggers the combustion of the mixture air- petrol and a combustion "homogeneous." however, when the engine has to operate at partial loads, combustion occurs spontaneously by increasing the compression ratio as a simple diesel engine, which as we said before, has improved efficiency.

    One on which Ferrari have worked hard over the winter is the search for the self-ignition in the combustion chamber, so try to make his own as an endothermic Diesel. Ferrari increasing the compression ratio were able to arrive at a pressure in the combustion chamber next to 200 bar (very high value but still not close to the value achieved by Mercedes). But what does it involve? The self-ignition as already mentioned, but also an important increase in the efficiency of the engine since it manages to have a PME, mean effective pressure, greater that leads to a higher specific power.

    As I mentioned in regard to the Power Unit Mercedes, the secret lies in being able to raise the ignition intervention rod driven ie when the engine switches to operate as a "classic petrol." Unless it takes advantage of that type of operation and less engine efficiency endothermic collapses towards more classic values. Mercedes, for example, has for years that we are working, and month after month is failing to optimize this stage, continuing to find CV (increases the specific power) and to obtain above all always lower specific fuel consumption, fundamental in modern Formula 1.

    The problems that must be to introduce in bringing the pressure in the combustion chamber to very high values ​​are many and important; one of the main is related to pressure peaks (especially on the cylinders) and generates mechanical stresses that the mixture inside the combustion chamber, usually not bearable by the motor above the low to medium loads. Such high values ​​of pressure are then to affect the operation of the whole endothermic units, often creating numerous vibrations ranging in greatly put under stress as well as the cylinders, also the crankcase and cylinder head.

    It will be seen whether once brought to the track, the new Power Unit Ferrari will be reliable or present reliability problems. Factory unfortunately a problem they're having; and the time between now and February 22 is less and less.

  20. #440
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Italian blogger īs on f1analisitecnica said the future car Is a big step forward as chassis and power unit related to 2015 car.
    More precisely the power unit Is a lot more powerful and they think they have close the gap with mercedes.
    Problem is they have big overheating with this new pu and little time to solve this.

  21. #441
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by jpalmito View Post
    Italian blogger īs on f1analisitecnica said the future car Is a big step forward as chassis and power unit related to 2015 car.
    More precisely the power unit Is a lot more powerful and they think they have close the gap with mercedes.
    Problem is they have big overheating with this new pu and little time to solve this.
    Fast cars are tight on cooling so sounds good. I cannot open the image posted above that is apparently ugly. Although beauty is not a guarantee of success the title winning cars for as long as I remember have been one of the best looking in any given year. The last time an ugly car won was possibly 1995 and 1994 if not then then back to the 70's when all the cars were ugly.

  22. #442
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Can open the image now. I call bs that is a rubbish photo shop using the 2014 nose with a thumb stuck on, way to long, if small teams can have shorter noses than this why would Ferrari not? Only 2 weeks and will see, after that pucture I prefer to see the usual photoshop of the previous years red bull in red.

  23. #443
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I'd rather have the fastest car that will DNF from time to time and catches us the WDC and WCC then playing second violin again...
    Hero's come and go, but legends never die!

  24. #444
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by SilverSpeed View Post
    I'd rather have the fastest car that will DNF from time to time and catches us the WDC and WCC then playing second violin again...
    FERRARI FOR EVER !!!!!!!

  25. #445
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by jpalmito View Post
    Italian blogger īs on f1analisitecnica said the future car Is a big step forward as chassis and power unit related to 2015 car.
    More precisely the power unit Is a lot more powerful and they think they have close the gap with mercedes.
    Problem is they have big overheating with this new pu and little time to solve this.
    Can i go a little further??If in 2015 we close the gap ,and by some we equal,the Merc PU,why now with this big step not be ahead of the Mercs??
    FERRARI FOR EVER !!!!!!!

  26. #446
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    Quote Originally Posted by PURE PASSION View Post
    Can i go a little further??If in 2015 we close the gap ,and by some we equal,the Merc PU,why now with this big step not be ahead of the Mercs??
    Merc will not have stood still, plus no one knows who will be ahead until the season starts. No one can say anything specific until we see the cars on track.

  27. #447
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    Quote Originally Posted by jragona View Post
    Merc will not have stood still, plus no one knows who will be ahead until the season starts. No one can say anything specific until we see the cars on track.
    For sure no one knows ,but i have a feeling (and desire) that we might be ahead this year!!!!
    Last edited by PURE PASSION; 3rd February 2016 at 22:13.
    FERRARI FOR EVER !!!!!!!

  28. #448
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by PURE PASSION View Post
    For sure no one knows ,but i have a felling (and desire) that we might be ahead this year!!!!
    I really hope so!

  29. #449
    Join Date
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    I care if its Red..Its a Ferrari..Ferrari's are Red except for NART, Donahue/Penske 512
    and Ecure Ecosse.. oh n the one year he ran a white F1 car under NART I think...
    But Ferrari made his bones w/Red cars, the world is used to it, Im used to it.
    Im calling Maranello tomorrow and telling them to make sure its all Red...

  30. #450
    Join Date
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    Belgrade, Serbia
    Quote Originally Posted by jragona View Post
    Merc will not have stood still, plus no one knows who will be ahead until the season starts. No one can say anything specific until we see the cars on track.


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