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Thread: FLH – FormulaLewisHamilton – FMP – FormulaMercPirelli - The end of F1 as we know it

  1. #1
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    FLH – FormulaLewisHamilton – FMP – FormulaMercPirelli - The end of F1 as we know it

    FLH – FormulaLewisHamilton – FMP – FormulaMercPirelli - The end of F1 as we know it

    After watching what unfolded yesterday, I decided to take some time to gather my thoughts on the race. Now that the dust has settled, I feel it is time that we as a forum have a mature discussion on what has happened to this sport over the last few years. This post by no means is a “bash Hamilton post”, yet something has to be said about the clear favouritism that he and Mercedes have received over the last 5-6 years. Even when he doesn’t win, they find a way to gift him a win. I have been saying it for years that there is corruption between Pirelli, Mercedes and the FIA – yesterday just put the nail in the coffin on this theory for me. There is something going on behind closed doors to ensure a Mercedes victory no matter what happens. I am not sure the motive; however here are some possibilities:

    1) Unwrite Ferrari from the record books.
    2) Make Ferrari so irrelevant that they lose their Veto and bonus payments.
    3) Rewrite the record books to only include Hamilton – a push to bring in a new era of diverse F1 fans.
    4) Mercedes has a lot of money and is in the pockets of everyone including Liberty, the FIA and Pirelli.
    5) Inset your own theory…

    Whatever the reason, we are witnessing the death of F1 as we know it. I have been a fan for 25 years and I am just about ready to say goodbye to this “sport” forever. The scripted farce cannot go on any longer, it is simply not sustainable. The only good that came out of yesterdays debacle was the fact that fans, pundits, ex-race drivers alike all agree that it was the wrong call. Yesterday has awoken many people to what is completely wrong with F1 today. (Except for the Hamilton Fanboys who believe he can do no wrong, is a god and everyone should just move over for him). Many other forum members have posted videos of Hamilton doing the same thing and getting away with no penalty - something just isn’t right. I really do not know what to make of the favouritism anymore. The only thing for sure is that everyone was robbed of a proper race yesterday.

    Another huge elephant in the room is the tyres. The whole issue with the tyres is becoming clearer and clearer as each day passes. More corruption. I have always maintained that a large part of Mercedes dominance has been due to their tyre management. Right from the beginning of this formula, Mercedes have had a handle on the tyre compounds – whether it be from secret testing, or mid-season compound changes – they have Pirelli in their back pocket to make sure they always have an advantage. This year 9 out of 10 teams are struggling with the current tyres. Yet Wolff has the gull to say “I think we need to protect and support Pirelli”. Yet when his team struggles, he is the first in line to request changes – the irony.

    I am left with mixed feelings after this race, happy Ferrari found some speed and were able to be competitive. Sad that the race was stolen from us. Confused on how to continue on as a fan of F1 in its current state. Even Vettel commented post-race that “this is not the F1 I fell in love with”
    “It hurts me today because it impacts my race result, but this is also part of a bigger criteria.” Read more here:

    Note - This thread is not meant to be a “Vettel vs Hamilton discussion”, nor is it “Vettel makes too many mistakes discussion”. Please discuss your feelings on the current state of F1 and moving forward.

    Articles to read on the Montreal Farce:

    Articles to read on the tyre issues:

  2. #2
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    Corpus Christi Tx
    Alot of people are switching off due to this penalty farce.

    Also, people are tired of the tires......bring back the old ones since alot of us including the teams (except for 1) got used to them.
    It's not how start but how you finish.

  3. #3
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    Jun 2012
    Agreed 100%.

    F1 is at its lowest level in decades with arguably one of the most unpopular world champions, and now this farcical 'penalty' by the stewards and FIA.

    Finally another team could actually win a race and provide some difference to the monotony, only to have the race win stolen, with the vast majority of racing drivers and ex-drivers supporting Vettel.

    And this will be news all around the world. Are they actually trying to kill the sport?

    It's really sad to see F1 being reduced to this.

  4. #4
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    F1 is no longer racing. It is truly the motorsports equivalent of professional wrestling, except only one driver and team are getting the script. I am truly disgusted to see what it has become.

    Disappointed Since 2010

  5. #5
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    Oct 2014
    #bringbackmaldonado…...we want proper racing.

  6. #6
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    towradgi beach
    Wolf is protecting one interest and that is his own and Mercedes Why bother even remaining in f1 teams should exit in mass and then real change will happen.Pirrelli is a disgrace pandering to mercedes only to protect there supply to German rd cars which in fact are just a badge on wheels the Kia sportage scored better.Mercedes Pirrelli and the fia are the real three stooge they should race each other permanently.Big changes will come to many stake holders involved now and they do not care what mercedes and Pirrelli or the fia have to say there is a war brewing behind the scenes and Mr wolf can not stop it.

  7. #7
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    I think we all have the same thoughts on yesterday's events and F1 in general and the points raised are absolutely valid. It is time for the FIA and Liberty and the powers that be to take this situation seriously otherwise there will be no audience left to pay for their indiscretions. The tyre debate is also a huge issue for all the teams except Mercedes, any trust we may have had in a governing body has long since been eroded. Seb's actions post-race were totally justified and a joy to watch!

  8. #8
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    Toronto, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by wisepie View Post
    I think we all have the same thoughts on yesterday's events and F1 in general and the points raised are absolutely valid. It is time for the FIA and Liberty and the powers that be to take this situation seriously otherwise there will be no audience left to pay for their indiscretions. The tyre debate is also a huge issue for all the teams except Mercedes, any trust we may have had in a governing body has long since been eroded. Seb's actions post-race were totally justified and a joy to watch!
    Sadly, I do not think they (Liberty, FIA) will take any of this seriously. After-all, this is what they wanted - if not, it would have never got to this point in the first place. Also, I cannot see it getting better anytime soon as they are unsure with the future regulations. This formula of Merc dominance can be around for years and years.

    Vettel's post-celebrations were fantastic. I actually was hoping he would go one step further and not even join the podium. A full boycott of the celebrations would certainly make a point. Ferrari should withdraw any personnel from attending any media sessions or events sponsored/requested by Liberty and the FIA. Its time for them to flex their muscles. Maybe the Horse-Whisperer needs to make a return as well....its been a while since he/she has written on their displeasure.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ferrari1.8t View Post
    Sadly, I do not think they (Liberty, FIA) will take any of this seriously. After-all, this is what they wanted - if not, it would have never got to this point in the first place. Also, I cannot see it getting better anytime soon as they are unsure with the future regulations. This formula of Merc dominance can be around for years and years.

    Vettel's post-celebrations were fantastic. I actually was hoping he would go one step further and not even join the podium. A full boycott of the celebrations would certainly make a point. Ferrari should withdraw any personnel from attending any media sessions or events sponsored/requested by Liberty and the FIA. Its time for them to flex their muscles. Maybe the Horse-Whisperer needs to make a return as well....its been a while since he/she has written on their displeasure.

    Without Ferrari, F1 is finished.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by ferrari1.8t View Post
    Sadly, I do not think they (Liberty, FIA) will take any of this seriously. After-all, this is what they wanted - if not, it would have never got to this point in the first place. Also, I cannot see it getting better anytime soon as they are unsure with the future regulations. This formula of Merc dominance can be around for years and years.

    Vettel's post-celebrations were fantastic. I actually was hoping he would go one step further and not even join the podium. A full boycott of the celebrations would certainly make a point. Ferrari should withdraw any personnel from attending any media sessions or events sponsored/requested by Liberty and the FIA. Its time for them to flex their muscles. Maybe the Horse-Whisperer needs to make a return as well....its been a while since he/she has written on their displeasure.
    Vettel was doing that, but someone from ferrari team conveyed a message to attend. Else it’s a 3 or 5 place penalty for next race.

  11. #11
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    Belgrade, Serbia
    Quote Originally Posted by nani_s23 View Post
    Vettel was doing that, but someone from ferrari team conveyed a message to attend. Else it’s a 3 or 5 place penalty for next race.
    If that was to be penalty I said give it any time! We all saw yesterday what they did to Ferrari! So what is 3 to 5 place penalty compared to message it could have been send if SV didn't attend that farce of podium?!
    I know there is probably enormous amounts of money in play and contract and all the staff, but it is time Ferrari and other rise their voice against this tyranny!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by nani_s23 View Post
    Vettel was doing that, but someone from ferrari team conveyed a message to attend. Else it’s a 3 or 5 place penalty for next race.
    Who cares at this point? I personally don’t. A statement is worth more than whatever penalty they could have thrown at us. They will probably give us a penalty anyway if we are competitive, just to make sure all remains status quo.

  13. #13
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    Stockholm, Sweden
    The thing is that Merc would never have returned as a full F1 team if the odds wouldn't have been heavily set in their favor from the start. I will state this now and I don't care if I get flack for it but I firmly believe everything is happening because it's been set years prior, and both Brawn and Todt are involved in it as well. We all know them, their history and how their careers came about and where they are today. My opinion is that their Ferrari years were just a stepping stone to further their careers and down the road wrestle F1 out of Bernie's hands with the help of US finance. That's where we are today and if they truly are involved, like I feel they are, then everything is just a sham and a play.

    Nobody can deny that bringing in Pirelli as a sole tyre supplier in 2011 didn't have anything to do with what was going on with Brawn GP behind the scenes and for the return of Mercedes-Benz as a complete Formula 1 team. When Merc returned to F1 in 2010 they were not competitive as the Bridgestones were still being used for one more year. They weren't competitive in 2011 or 2012 either even though Pirelli had entered as a sole tyre supplier. But Merc knew the next formula that was being planned behind closed door would suit them as they had already been working on that engine technology since Brawn signed over the reigns in late 2009. Everything was slowly but steadily put into to place. It really doesn't matter if it was going to be 4 cylinders or 6, the only thing that mattered was the tubro hybrid technology and the future Pirelli tyres. With that kind of a headstart while Ferrari and Red Bull (and a dying McLaren) were still focused on the current formula trying to win championships you just have to wait. Red Bull pulled the winning card and eveyrthing can be attributed to Adrian Newey and their four straight WDC/WCC between 2010-2013. But Merc was keeping calm, just waiting for the changes.

    These things take time. While all this was happening Bernie was being robbed of his life's work. Some dirty media campaigns, some court cases and his age all played a part in him losing what he had created. People need to understand that Ferrari never had a bigger and better friend than Bernie Ecclestone. He looked out for Ferrari and Ferrari looked out for F1. It was mutual. It had nothing to do with winning all the time (Ferrari lost out more than they won in the Bernie years), but it has everything to do with how you win and in what manner. Allt these german powerhouses like Mercedes, Audi, BMW, WAG, Porsche etc, they come and go as they please. But Ferrari is the rock. Like Jesus nicknamed Peter. Peter the Rock.

    As for today. The world, especially the western one, is going to hell because of political correctness seasoned with a leathal dose of socialism. But it's not only the western one, it's starting to spread eastwards as well (where the economy is picking up). More and more key figures and politicians are saying that Karl Marx wasn't such a bad guy after all. "He was just misunderstood and taken out of context". Juncker actually said that a few weeks ago, our EU dictator. No he wasn't! Karl Marx was a sick psycho along with Engels and their oh so "innocent" teachings and writings ended up having millions upon millions killed in the 19th century all around the world from Europe to South America, and it continues.

    The zeitgeist (the spirit of the times) is this urge to change things just for the sake of changing them. It has never anything to do with if the changes are for the good of something. So all the freaks are being promoted and all the cool, calm, collected and sensible people are being side-stepped. As for F1, the powers that grew out of the Ferrari dreamteam of the late 90s and early 2000s are co-conspiring to rewrite everything, and sadly Brawn and Todt are heavily involved. One has also have to start asking some hard questions why Luca di Montezemolo agreed to all of this before he just disappeared into thin air. In my opinion they are all psychopaths who took advantage of Ferrari and what it had become over the years in order to stage exactly what we see today. I also want to bring on John Elkann into this because he's the real connection into the elites that control these types of avenues like F1 is. He's a Bilderberger and I've said it before.

    Lastly. Yes, everything has been put into place in order to for Lewis to brake all kinds of records. The only bump in the road was what happened at Interlagos in 2007. Kimi wasn't supposed to have won that WDC. Something backfired. But they put it all back on track in 2008 with what happened in Singapore and with Glock (look up his family history and who they have been involved with) in Brazil again. Then Lewis had to wait in order for Brawn and Merc to slowly take over F1. I also believe the Rosberg WDC in 2016 was manufactured in order to cool down some germans at Merc and to be sure they will be on board for the future. Nico just quit in order to remove the problem. The zeitgeist is also this sick that I think it has something to do with sexuality. They tried that with Senna in the late 80s and 90s but was too early. But I think it's rather clear that Ayrton was a gay man and the women he was seen with were payed for. Nelson Piquet once called him out on that and all hell broke loose. But it was too early for LGBT to become mainstream. I think Lewis is also a gay man and the women he has been seen with were manufactured relationships. The powers that are will push that agenda forward in the future and don't be surprised if Lewis steps out of the closet. They will try and link all that sick and strange stuff together. As soon as he beats Michael's records, they will announce it. Everything is set for him doing just that.

    End of rant.
    Last edited by 512 TR; 11th June 2019 at 00:13.

  14. #14
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    May 2011
    I left watching F1 since last 1.5 years. I honestly believe that if Ferrari really had the guts to send a strong message regarding zero tolerance to unfair sport, they would have withdrawn years ago. There is real money power at play to keep Ferrari quiet and let Mercedes win. We all remember how Schumi vehemently protested against foul play by McLaren in one of the races and he was supported by Ross. We need such support. Else this sport has just become a total farce!!

  15. #15
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    Schumy: rotfl protesting against foul play !! Ross on Schumy's side! He worked for team Schumy!

  16. #16
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    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by 512 TR View Post
    The thing is that Merc would never have returned as a full F1 team if the odds wouldn't have been heavily set in their favor from the start. I will state this now and I don't care if I get flack for it but I firmly believe everything is happening because it's been set years prior, and both Brawn and Todt are involved in it as well. We all know them, their history and how their careers came about and where they are today. My opinion is that their Ferrari years were just a stepping stone to further their careers and down the road wrestle F1 out of Bernie's hands with the help of US finance. That's where we are today and if they truly are involved, like I feel they are, then everything is just a sham and a play.

    Nobody can deny that bringing in Pirelli as a sole tyre supplier in 2011 didn't have anything to do with what was going on with Brawn GP behind the scenes and for the return of Mercedes-Benz as a complete Formula 1 team. When Merc returned to F1 in 2010 they were not competitive as the Bridgestones were still being used for one more year. They weren't competitive in 2011 or 2012 either even though Pirelli had entered as a sole tyre supplier. But Merc knew the next formula that was being planned behind closed door would suit them as they had already been working on that engine technology since Brawn signed over the reigns in late 2009. Everything was slowly but steadily put into to place. It really doesn't matter if it was going to be 4 cylinders or 6, the only thing that mattered was the tubro hybrid technology and the future Pirelli tyres. With that kind of a headstart while Ferrari and Red Bull (and a dying McLaren) were still focused on the current formula trying to win championships you just have to wait. Red Bull pulled the winning card and eveyrthing can be attributed to Adrian Newey and their four straight WDC/WCC between 2010-2013. But Merc was keeping calm, just waiting for the changes.

    These things take time. While all this was happening Bernie was being robbed of his life's work. Some dirty media campaigns, some court cases and his age all played a part in him losing what he had created. People need to understand that Ferrari never had a bigger and better friend than Bernie Ecclestone. He looked out for Ferrari and Ferrari looked out for F1. It was mutual. It had nothing to do with winning all the time (Ferrari lost out more than they won in the Bernie years), but it has everything to do with how you win and in what manner. Allt these german powerhouses like Mercedes, Audi, BMW, WAG, Porsche etc, they come and go as they please. But Ferrari is the rock. Like Jesus nicknamed Peter. Peter the Rock.

    As for today. The world, especially the western one, is going to hell because of political correctness seasoned with a leathal dose of socialism. But it's not only the western one, it's starting to spread eastwards as well (where the economy is picking up). More and more key figures and politicians are saying that Karl Marx wasn't such a bad guy after all. "He was just misunderstood and taken out of context". Juncker actually said that a few weeks ago, our EU dictator. No he wasn't! Karl Marx was a sick psycho along with Engels and their oh so "innocent" teachings and writings ended up having millions upon millions killed in the 19th century all around the world from Europe to South America, and it continues.

    The zeitgeist (the spirit of the times) is this urge to change things just for the sake of changing them. It has never anything to do with if the changes are for the good of something. So all the freaks are being promoted and all the cool, calm, collected and sensible people are being side-stepped. As for F1, the powers that grew out of the Ferrari dreamteam of the late 90s and early 2000s are co-conspiring to rewrite everything, and sadly Brawn and Todt are heavily involved. One has also have to start asking some hard questions why Luca di Montezemolo agreed to all of this before he just disappeared into thin air. In my opinion they are all psychopaths who took advantage of Ferrari and what it had become over the years in order to stage exactly what we see today. I also want to bring on John Elkann into this because he's the real connection into the elites that control these types of avenues like F1 is. He's a Bilderberger and I've said it before.

    Lastly. Yes, everything has been put into place in order to for Lewis to brake all kinds of records. The only bump in the road was what happened at Interlagos in 2007. Kimi wasn't supposed to have won that WDC. Something backfired. But they put it all back on track in 2008 with what happened in Singapore and with Glock (look up his family history and who they have been involved with) in Brazil again. Then Lewis had to wait in order for Brawn and Merc to slowly take over F1. I also believe the Rosberg WDC in 2016 was manufactured in order to cool down some germans at Merc and to be sure they will be on board for the future. Nico just quit in order to remove the problem. The zeitgeist is also this sick that I think it has something to do with sexuality. They tried that with Senna in the late 80s and 90s but was too early. But I think it's rather clear that Ayrton was a gay man and the women he was seen with were payed for. Nelson Piquet once called him out on that and all hell broke loose. But it was too early for LGBT to become mainstream. I think Lewis is also a gay man and the women he has been seen with were manufactured relationships. The powers that are will push that agenda forward in the future and don't be surprised if Lewis steps out of the closet. They will try and link all that sick and strange stuff together. As soon as he beats Michael's records, they will announce it. Everything is set for him doing just that.

    End of rant.
    Wrong, it all started with Enzo and this is now just a part of the bigger plan.......

    p.s take some time out if needed.

    p.p.s If Lewis is gay then so what, nothing to do with us.
    Forza Ferrari

  17. #17
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    Toronto, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Greig View Post
    Wrong, it all started with Enzo and this is now just a part of the bigger plan.......

    p.s take some time out if needed.

    p.p.s If Lewis is gay then so what, nothing to do with us.
    What started with Enzo? And what’s the bigger plan in your view Greig?

    And I agree with your p.s and your p.p.s lol

  18. #18
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    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by 512 TR View Post
    The thing is that Merc would never have returned as a full F1 team if the odds wouldn't have been heavily set in their favor from the start. I will state this now and I don't care if I get flack for it but I firmly believe everything is happening because it's been set years prior, and both Brawn and Todt are involved in it as well. We all know them, their history and how their careers came about and where they are today. My opinion is that their Ferrari years were just a stepping stone to further their careers and down the road wrestle F1 out of Bernie's hands with the help of US finance. That's where we are today and if they truly are involved, like I feel they are, then everything is just a sham and a play.

    Nobody can deny that bringing in Pirelli as a sole tyre supplier in 2011 didn't have anything to do with what was going on with Brawn GP behind the scenes and for the return of Mercedes-Benz as a complete Formula 1 team. When Merc returned to F1 in 2010 they were not competitive as the Bridgestones were still being used for one more year. They weren't competitive in 2011 or 2012 either even though Pirelli had entered as a sole tyre supplier. But Merc knew the next formula that was being planned behind closed door would suit them as they had already been working on that engine technology since Brawn signed over the reigns in late 2009. Everything was slowly but steadily put into to place. It really doesn't matter if it was going to be 4 cylinders or 6, the only thing that mattered was the tubro hybrid technology and the future Pirelli tyres. With that kind of a headstart while Ferrari and Red Bull (and a dying McLaren) were still focused on the current formula trying to win championships you just have to wait. Red Bull pulled the winning card and eveyrthing can be attributed to Adrian Newey and their four straight WDC/WCC between 2010-2013. But Merc was keeping calm, just waiting for the changes.

    These things take time. While all this was happening Bernie was being robbed of his life's work. Some dirty media campaigns, some court cases and his age all played a part in him losing what he had created. People need to understand that Ferrari never had a bigger and better friend than Bernie Ecclestone. He looked out for Ferrari and Ferrari looked out for F1. It was mutual. It had nothing to do with winning all the time (Ferrari lost out more than they won in the Bernie years), but it has everything to do with how you win and in what manner. Allt these german powerhouses like Mercedes, Audi, BMW, WAG, Porsche etc, they come and go as they please. But Ferrari is the rock. Like Jesus nicknamed Peter. Peter the Rock.

    As for today. The world, especially the western one, is going to hell because of political correctness seasoned with a leathal dose of socialism. But it's not only the western one, it's starting to spread eastwards as well (where the economy is picking up). More and more key figures and politicians are saying that Karl Marx wasn't such a bad guy after all. "He was just misunderstood and taken out of context". Juncker actually said that a few weeks ago, our EU dictator. No he wasn't! Karl Marx was a sick psycho along with Engels and their oh so "innocent" teachings and writings ended up having millions upon millions killed in the 19th century all around the world from Europe to South America, and it continues.

    The zeitgeist (the spirit of the times) is this urge to change things just for the sake of changing them. It has never anything to do with if the changes are for the good of something. So all the freaks are being promoted and all the cool, calm, collected and sensible people are being side-stepped. As for F1, the powers that grew out of the Ferrari dreamteam of the late 90s and early 2000s are co-conspiring to rewrite everything, and sadly Brawn and Todt are heavily involved. One has also have to start asking some hard questions why Luca di Montezemolo agreed to all of this before he just disappeared into thin air. In my opinion they are all psychopaths who took advantage of Ferrari and what it had become over the years in order to stage exactly what we see today. I also want to bring on John Elkann into this because he's the real connection into the elites that control these types of avenues like F1 is. He's a Bilderberger and I've said it before.

    Lastly. Yes, everything has been put into place in order to for Lewis to brake all kinds of records. The only bump in the road was what happened at Interlagos in 2007. Kimi wasn't supposed to have won that WDC. Something backfired. But they put it all back on track in 2008 with what happened in Singapore and with Glock (look up his family history and who they have been involved with) in Brazil again. Then Lewis had to wait in order for Brawn and Merc to slowly take over F1. I also believe the Rosberg WDC in 2016 was manufactured in order to cool down some germans at Merc and to be sure they will be on board for the future. Nico just quit in order to remove the problem. The zeitgeist is also this sick that I think it has something to do with sexuality. They tried that with Senna in the late 80s and 90s but was too early. But I think it's rather clear that Ayrton was a gay man and the women he was seen with were payed for. Nelson Piquet once called him out on that and all hell broke loose. But it was too early for LGBT to become mainstream. I think Lewis is also a gay man and the women he has been seen with were manufactured relationships. The powers that are will push that agenda forward in the future and don't be surprised if Lewis steps out of the closet. They will try and link all that sick and strange stuff together. As soon as he beats Michael's records, they will announce it. Everything is set for him doing just that.

    End of rant.
    Ummm Americanism and their warped form of right wing fascism has killed just as much.
    And kept central and south America enslaved.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranksterGM View Post
    Ummm Americanism and their warped form of right wing fascism has killed just as much.
    And kept central and south America enslaved.
    Excuse you.

    Disappointed Since 2010

  20. #20
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    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by FranksterGM View Post
    Ummm Americanism and their warped form of right wing fascism has killed just as much.
    And kept central and south America enslaved.
    Todt, Brawn, Shumy enslaved Rubens, a south american F-1 driver. Surely a warped form of sportsmanship.Very un american.

  21. #21
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    Jun 2010

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by FranksterGM View Post
    Ummm Americanism and their warped form of right wing fascism has killed just as much.
    And kept central and south America enslaved.
    WAO there boy

  22. #22
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    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by 512 TR View Post
    Lastly. Yes, everything has been put into place in order to for Lewis to brake all kinds of records. The only bump in the road was what happened at Interlagos in 2007. Kimi wasn't supposed to have won that WDC. Something backfired. But they put it all back on track in 2008 with what happened in Singapore and with Glock (look up his family history and who they have been involved with) in Brazil again.
    You know smoking illegal substances is not good for you.

    Right theres a whole load of stuff their that is hilarious but lets pick up on this.

    2007, I think personally McLaren throw it with an agreement with Max, the thing that destroyed Lewis that year was leaving a rookie out on bald tyres, something never done previously by a team and never done afterwards. FIA was not trying to get Lewis the title. Max was against Lewis.

    2008? So Ferraris own incompetence was someone else fault in Singapore was it?
    Glock and Brazil? You do know he had two options, stay out on the wrong tyres in the wet, or pit for wets. He chose to stay out. By doing so he actually gained places, just it allowed Lewis to overtake, if he had pitted like others he'd have being way down. If they wanted Lewis to win, why did the penalise him in SPA and also for late breaking (In Korea or Japan?) when he never even touched anyone

    And the story about Mercs year advance on the Engine tech, well that is everyones own fault for not also having the foresight to start before the rules were fully agreed, no one was stopping them. They know they didn't have a chance between 2011-2013, so they developed for the rule change, other teams have done so in the past.

    And what about 2017, 2018 and 2019, you also saying that someone also decided to make Vettel drive like a **** occasionally and Ferrari do bad strategy. Did they also tell Ferrari, you know what would be a good idea, lets design a car that is lacking in downforce?

  23. #23
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by evo_spook View Post
    You know smoking illegal substances is not good for you.

    Right theres a whole load of stuff their that is hilarious but lets pick up on this.

    2007, I think personally McLaren throw it with an agreement with Max, the thing that destroyed Lewis that year was leaving a rookie out on bald tyres, something never done previously by a team and never done afterwards. FIA was not trying to get Lewis the title. Max was against Lewis.

    2008? So Ferraris own incompetence was someone else fault in Singapore was it?
    Glock and Brazil? You do know he had two options, stay out on the wrong tyres in the wet, or pit for wets. He chose to stay out. By doing so he actually gained places, just it allowed Lewis to overtake, if he had pitted like others he'd have being way down. If they wanted Lewis to win, why did the penalise him in SPA and also for late breaking (In Korea or Japan?) when he never even touched anyone

    And the story about Mercs year advance on the Engine tech, well that is everyones own fault for not also having the foresight to start before the rules were fully agreed, no one was stopping them. They know they didn't have a chance between 2011-2013, so they developed for the rule change, other teams have done so in the past.

    And what about 2017, 2018 and 2019, you also saying that someone also decided to make Vettel drive like a **** occasionally and Ferrari do bad strategy. Did they also tell Ferrari, you know what would be a good idea, lets design a car that is lacking in downforce?
    I thought we had problems getting the tires in the optimal window.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    No more politics gents
    You know the rules

    Ferrari 16/15

    Totus Tuus

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Corpus Christi Tx
    Marko on the Pirelli......[cough] Mercedes.... tires......

    interview with Speedweek, Helmut Marko explains his Pirelli tyres/Mercedes statements.
    It's not how start but how you finish.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    lol. what a childish title to a thread. And short sighted too.

    Am sure everyone is gutted by the canadian GP incident, but there is no reason to think we were singled out and its a conspiracy.
    I've posted a video on the race thread which shows max getting a 5 sec penalty for an almost identical infringement. And it was when he blocked kimi (in a ferrari no less) while returning to the track. Didnt hear any moans that time that it was Formula kimi raikkonen or ferrari or pirelli then. Why now?
    Silently, like a shadow

  27. #27
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    Jul 2006
    512 RT went off on a few wild tangents but overall, I think his core idea is sound. There was a grander, long term plan. Maybe he is Fox Molder looking for little green men, maybe he is right. It is hard to tell but what is undeniable is that it would appear, from the outside, as a well orchestrated plan. I don't know if Lewis is a queen, but he IS a drama queen. And if he likes dudes, I don't think it matters in 2019.

    Quote Originally Posted by FranksterGM View Post
    Ummm Americanism and their warped form of right wing fascism has killed just as much.
    And kept central and south America enslaved.
    Put down the cannoli and back away from the keyboard there Joseppi. If it wasn't for America, you would be speaking German right now.

    Okay, back to your regularly scheduled program.

  28. #28
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    May 2014
    New York
    Quote Originally Posted by Stormsearcher View Post
    lol. what a childish title to a thread. And short sighted too.

    Am sure everyone is gutted by the canadian GP incident, but there is no reason to think we were singled out and its a conspiracy.
    I've posted a video on the race thread which shows max getting a 5 sec penalty for an almost identical infringement. And it was when he blocked kimi (in a ferrari no less) while returning to the track. Didnt hear any moans that time that it was Formula kimi raikkonen or ferrari or pirelli then. Why now?
    Very true. Time to move on for sure. There were no complaints here except maybe by me, when Ross ,Todt the midjet, and Ferrari worked for team Schumy. Win after win, just like Lewis is doing now. Ferrari has a strong chance with two good drivers now.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by FranksterGM View Post
    Ummm Americanism and their warped form of right wing fascism has killed just as much.
    And kept central and south America enslaved.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Brembo View Post
    Very true. Time to move on for sure. There were no complaints here except maybe by me, when Ross ,Todt the midjet, and Ferrari worked for team Schumy. Win after win, just like Lewis is doing now. Ferrari has a strong chance with two good drivers now.
    Except Lewis has the backing from FIA & Mercs.

    Ferrari doesn’t have that.


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