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Thread: Why this is the right moment for women drivers in F1

  1. #1
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    Wink Why this is the right moment for women drivers in F1

    by James Allen

    I saw a story on the Italian website about the Ferrari Driver Academy actively looking to recruit a female trainee, to work alongside Jules Bianchi and the others.

    “According to our sources, the head of the programme, engineer Luca Baldisserri, wants to put a woman in FDA before 2012,” said the story.

    I asked Ferrari if the story was true and they replied that they don’t discriminate on gender, which is all very PC.

    But it got me thinking, when at the Williams event on Thursday the chat over lunch with Sam Michael turned to the multi-tasking now required of the F1 drivers. They can easily find themselves in testing doing an oil transfer, at the same time as adjusting the brake bias, hitting the KERS boost button and opening the adjustable rear wing (ARW). When one leading driver was radioed by his team while on the straight in Barcelona, asking him to perform another task on the steering wheel, he replied, “I’ve only got one pair of hands!”

    As we all know, women are far better at multi tasking than men – so clearly this is a golden moment for women to make the leap into F1.

    It does seem as through there are plenty of pitfalls for drivers combining the KERS and ARW when exiting a corner. Do it too soon and the car spins. With so many things to remember – some of which like the ARW have different rules for race and qualifying – there are bound to be some mix ups. Apparently the most common mistake is drivers failing to use the ARW to the maximum on a qualifying lap either by missing the button, or forgetting to use it or using it too late. There is lap time in these mistakes and it will put more pressure on the weaker drivers (and the poor multi taskers) in qualifying.


    I dont know whether to take this article seriously or just laugh it off...

    Over to you guys...
    #KeepFightingMichael | #CiaoJules

  2. #2
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    Sep 2008
    He He this could be an interesting thread.
    Personally I believe that while we women are renowned multi-taskers the experienced F1 driver will quickly adjust to all the changes and multi-tasking!
    They always do. That's why we love them.
    But yes it would be interesting to see a few women in F1 provided they were there totally on merit and not as mere tokens!

    Forza Jules

  3. #3
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    Have there ever been a female F1 driver?

  4. #4
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    Italy Maria Teresa de Filippis 1958 - 1959 Maserati, Behra-Porsche
    Italy Lella Lombardi 1974 - 1976 March, RAM, Williams
    United Kingdom Divina Galica 1976 - 1978 Surtees, Hesketh
    South Africa Desiré Wilson 1979 Williams
    Italy Giovanna Amati 1992 Brabham

    Forza Jules

  5. #5
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    I don't want to sound sexist here, but since I believe a lot of other people are also thinking it....I don't think F1 has a place for women as drivers.

    Last edited by Ste; 28th February 2011 at 10:32.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ste View Post
    I don't want to sound sexist here, but since I believe a lot of other people are also thinking it....I don't think F1 has a place for women.

    I think you need to validate that statement if you don't want to sound sexist mate. I assume you were referring to drivers only btw.

    "Luna faccia schiaffo testa"

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tifosi View Post
    I think you need to validate that statement if you don't want to sound sexist mate. I assume you were referring to drivers only btw.
    Yes of course just drivers.(edited).

    It's a hard one to explain without digging a hole, Lou tried it before and just about made it sound good! I think anything you want to say on this subject against them driving is going to sound sexist. I just think racing is a male 'thing' and it should continue that way. No female driver has proven themselves to be good enough to enter F1. It would just be a PR move in my opinion, a way to generate publicity, sponsorship and general interest in a team. Ferrari wouldn't put a female driver in one of their cars, there is no benefit in it for them. For a lower end team looking for sponsorship, maybe it is. But again, if that's the only reason then I don't want to see it.

    Do I need a spade?

  8. #8
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    Nicole Scherzinger presently drives Lewis Hamilton around. I believe Danica Patrick in a real car would be a top F1 driver. I just don't believe anyone would pay her enough to switch over.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by brembo man View Post
    Nicole Scherzinger presently drives Lewis Hamilton around. I believe Danica Patrick in a real car would be a top F1 driver. I just don't believe anyone would pay her enough to switch over.
    She has made 98 race starts in IndyCar with 1 win. I very much doubt she would be a top F1 driver.

  10. #10
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    There is no way a woman should be given any slack or easy ride into F1, BUT, likewise, any chick should have all the same opportunities to get in. So it shouldn't be easier or harder.
    Under those circumstances, if a girl can earn a seat the same as a guy, then why not? My 3 year old says she wants to drive for Ferrari and I don't want anyone telling her she can't. (erhh, yeah, anyone that thinks her dad has been influencing her - then - yes, you're completely right )

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ste View Post
    She has made 98 race starts in IndyCar with 1 win. I very much doubt she would be a top F1 driver.
    I know you know Indy car and F1 are no where the same. The last lap if you reach it is where it's at. If you start up front in our sport ! That's where she would be. Not to much passing going on.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by brembo man View Post
    I know you know Indy car and F1 are no where the same. The last lap if you reach it is where it's at. If you start up front in our sport ! That's where she would be. Not to much passing going on.
    Ok then, let's take a wider view...her whole career:

    So, she's never actually won anything, apart from a couple of karting championships. She clearly isn't good enough to be in F1.

  13. #13
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    Hey Renos giving Nicky boy Roberto's seat, what did he win. Same thing . He's got years of experience in our thing and can't get himself arested. I believe in giving someone a shot and see how it goes.

  14. #14
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    When you consider Ralf has won more things than her Brembo, says it all about how good you need to be. Even Inspector gadget (Badoer) has won a championship!
    Last edited by Sianellen; 28th February 2011 at 11:12.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by brembo man View Post
    Hey Renos giving Nicky boy Roberto's seat, what did he win. Same thing . He's got years of experience in our thing and can't get himself arested. I believe in giving someone a shot and see how it goes.

    At least start using the proper names for people and teams.

    What has Nick Heidfeld got to do with Danica Patrick or female drivers? You're just looking for a way to back up your theory because it's silly.

    Heidfeld has won and come second in Formula Ford, Won Formula 3 and Monaco F3 as well as International F3. He's never had a decent car in F1 apart from in 2008 (when Kubica only won 1 race with the same car because of Hamilton taking out Kimi) - was he supposed to have won things with Prost, Sauber, Jordan, Williams or BMW? Silly comparison really.

    Again, Danica has won nothing.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ste View Post
    Yes of course just drivers.(edited).

    It's a hard one to explain without digging a hole, Lou tried it before and just about made it sound good! I think anything you want to say on this subject against them driving is going to sound sexist. I just think racing is a male 'thing' and it should continue that way. No female driver has proven themselves to be good enough to enter F1. It would just be a PR move in my opinion, a way to generate publicity, sponsorship and general interest in a team. Ferrari wouldn't put a female driver in one of their cars, there is no benefit in it for them. For a lower end team looking for sponsorship, maybe it is. But again, if that's the only reason then I don't want to see it.

    Do I need a spade?
    The issue with that approach is that (like all areas of exclusion) no woman will get the chance to be in F1 will they? There are dozens of male drivers that rise to the top of the racing ranks every year and only a few of them are even close enough to being good enough for Formula One. Logically, if women are not encouraged to do the same, and in the same numbers, then by definition there will never be a woman good enough to drive a Formula One car.

    So the fact that no female driver has proven themselves to be good enough to enter F1 is a bit like saying "not many women are voting this year" when women havent got the vote. I'm being somewhat flippant with that example but the principle is the same.

    If the argument was based on the natural physical differences between men and women (such as if men and women played professional football together) then I could understand it but for it to be based on what is effectively a lack of equal opportunities isn't very fair IMO.

    I do think that less women want to do it than men but i don't think that is reason enough to assume that no women are capable enough. I don't believe for one moment that Formula One will ever entertain the idea, but it certainly won't be for the right reasons.

    Baldo must be tasked with a Ferrari sanctioned PR job then if they have no intention of seeing it through. How cynical!

    "Luna faccia schiaffo testa"

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ste View Post

    At least start using the proper names for people and teams.

    What has Nick Heidfeld got to do with Danica Patrick or female drivers? You're just looking for a way to back up your theory because it's silly.

    Heidfeld has won and come second in Formula Ford, Won Formula 3 and Monaco F3 as well as International F3. He's never had a decent car in F1 apart from in 2008 (when Kubica only won 1 race with the same car because of Hamilton taking out Kimi) - was he supposed to have won things with Prost, Sauber, Jordan, Williams or BMW? Silly comparison really.

    Again, Danica has won nothing.
    Any of the teams you mention is where Nick belongs now. Alonso was supposed to win last year Silly to even mention where Nick's been it just makes him look worse. All that experience and he needs you to blame his dull career on not having a decent car. I'm going to say the same goes for Senna , he needs a decent car to be a winner. Danica Patrick won in Japan big time.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tifosi View Post
    The issue with that approach is that (like all areas of exclusion) no woman will get the chance to be in F1 will they? There are dozens of male drivers that rise to the top of the racing ranks every year and only a few of them are even close enough to being good enough for Formula One. Logically, if women are not encouraged to do the same, and in the same numbers, then by definition there will never be a woman good enough to drive a Formula One car.

    So the fact that no female driver has proven themselves to be good enough to enter F1 is a bit like saying "not many women are voting this year" when women havent got the vote. I'm being somewhat flippant with that example but the principle is the same.

    If the argument was based on the natural physical differences between men and women (such as if men and women played professional football together) then I could understand it but for it to be based on what is effectively a lack of equal opportunities isn't very fair IMO.

    I do think that less women want to do it than men but i don't think that is reason enough to assume that no women are capable enough. I don't believe for one moment that Formula One will ever entertain the idea, but it certainly won't be for the right reasons.

    Baldo must be tasked with a Ferrari sanctioned PR job then if they have no intention of seeing it through. How cynical!
    Yea, I agree that no woman will actually ever get the chance. In reality, what women drivers do you ever hear about? None. Danica is the only female driver in a high category of racing. As you say, there would need to be equal numbers of women racing as men for them to even get a shot at a seat.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by brembo man View Post
    Any of the teams you mention is where Nick belongs now. Alonso was supposed to win last year Silly to even mention where Nick's been it just makes him look worse. All that experience and he needs you to blame his dull career on not having a decent car. I'm going to say the same goes for Senna , he needs a decent car to be a winner. Danica Patrick won in Japan big time.
    She won one race in Japan 2008. Wow.

    Bruno Senna clearly isn't good enough, he was regularly being beaten by Chandhok at HRT so how does he have a chance at beating other more experienced teammates or drivers at equally good teams? He didn't show a spark like Alonso, Schumacher, Senna and co have all done in rubbish teams.

  20. #20
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    I'm happy you at least acknowledge it was a big deal for sure. What happened to the chin when Alonso beat him up twice? No more spark? Or are you going to blame the car, tyres and all else but him. Senna was in the reserve spot, he shoud have got the shot. They shouldn't have dissed him by going shopping.

  21. #21
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    I have nothing against having female drivers, but seriously, able to multitask well is not going to make a good F1 driver. You don't just sit around and flip switches. The main task is still driving the car, and also pushing your own physical limits as the cars remain fast if not getting faster going round a track, all the gforce and physical endurance stuff.

    And female being better at multitasking is news to me actually
    Seriously I didn't know that.

    No offense meant to any female users btw

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by brembo man View Post
    I'm happy you at least acknowledge it was a big deal for sure. What happened to the chin when Alonso beat him up twice? No more spark? Or are you going to blame the car, tyres and all else but him. Senna was in the reserve spot, he shoud have got the shot. They shouldn't have dissed him by going shopping.
    Senna is at Lotus to generate more PR for the team, nothing else. They knew he wasn't good enough and that's why they went 'shopping'.

    Danica's win wasn't a big deal and I wasn't saying that, I know you know that - you're just trying to twist things around in your usual way.

    Why do you have to relate every single discussion to Schumacher? It's pathetic!

    Now I know why Stu spends so much of his day trying to shut you up.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hornet View Post
    And female being better at multitasking is news to me actually
    Seriously I didn't know that.

    No offense meant to any female users btw
    Maybe that's because you don't know enough women!!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ste View Post
    Senna is at Lotus to generate more PR for the team, nothing else. They knew he wasn't good enough and that's why they went 'shopping'.

    Danica's win wasn't a big deal and I wasn't saying that, I know you know that - you're just trying to twist things around in your usual way.

    Why do you have to relate every single discussion to Schumacher? It's pathetic!

    Now I know why Stu spends so much of his day trying to shut you up.
    There you go using that pathetic word again. I happen to think your one of the nicest guys on this forum Cool calm and respectfull. I was just responding to you saying how in a not so good car your boy would do good anyway. A car is no excuse for Bruno, well why should the chin hide bhind the same excuse?

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hornet View Post
    I have nothing against having female drivers, but seriously, able to multitask well is not going to make a good F1 driver. You don't just sit around and flip switches. The main task is still driving the car, and also pushing your own physical limits as the cars remain fast if not getting faster going round a track, all the gforce and physical endurance stuff.

    And female being better at multitasking is news to me actually
    Seriously I didn't know that.

    No offense meant to any female users btw
    While i think the 'multitasking' thing is a myth, a F1 driver does a lot more than pushing buttons.
    Its a lot more concerning life-style.

    You have to work on your fitness every single day. Being an F1 driver requires more than good driving skills. They have to deal with rival drivers, team members, the press and demanding fans. You could even say that they’re constantly at war with these outside forces.

    Find a woman who would be ready to sacrifice everything else in her life for driving in a F1 team, and there you go.

  26. #26
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    I'm just posting this incase anyone wants to use it...

  27. #27
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    you'll need to dig this with it if you are going to start having "debates" with brembo man

    "Luna faccia schiaffo testa"

  28. #28
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    James Allen obviously forgot who made sandwiches for him.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ste View Post
    I'm just posting this incase anyone wants to use it...

    I'll start then Ste!

    You see I think women should definitely be in F1, although as for the selection, I have my own criteria (which I can't post publicly in fear of getting banned).

    I'll get my coat!

    The future is RED

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by ek583 View Post
    I'll start then Ste!

    You see I think women should definitely be in F1, although as for the selection, I have my own criteria (which I can't post publicly in fear of getting banned).

    I'll get my coat!
    I think the chances of a lady driver in F1 walking around the pitlane dressed only in a Man Utd shirt are even slimmer Shah. You could always give Nico a call I guess.

    btw, it seems to be official........

    Women are proven to be better at multitasking

    "Luna faccia schiaffo testa"


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