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Thread: German GP Hockenheim free practice & qualy

  1. #211
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    why dont they fire all old men engineers with old knowledge (zombies just want to get salary because they work in the company for a long time) whom are not good at their works any more ? They should hire new young engineers with high spirit....

  2. #212
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Dubai, UAE
    Ferrari needs to re-learn how to win championships in this complex hybrid era. We have the tools and resources - just need to use them right. 1 WDC and WCC win does wonders for the confidence!
    #KeepFightingMichael | #CiaoJules

  3. #213
    Join Date
    May 2014
    New York
    It's hard to understand how Ferrari as you say with all the tools and resources, and being the F-1 team forever, can not get it right and send their drivers out in a car that can at least do a race , quali. start to finish, without so many reasons why they messed up. Just look at Honda getting things in order during 2018 with Toro Russo , and jumping into the R Bull team in 2019 . 1 win already and the main threat to Merc ! Charles I believe is as good as any driver out there . I believe he should have 3 wins already, based on his driving alone. I still go race to race thinking there's hope for a Ferrari win. Second 1/2 may just be the dream come true !!! Fans talking about 2021 as the next hope should " STOP" posting that , or just come back here in 2021. That's far worse than admitting Lewis' driving also counts when his car wins a race!

  4. #214
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by WS6TransAm01 View Post
    Todd joined in 94. They won the WCC in 99. 5 years. Okay. Not 11
    Yeah so there was patience, Binotto has had less than a year and people are ready to sack him lol. He has to have time to change the team and it's not going to happen overnight, he clearly has a plan and will bring in his own people.
    Forza Ferrari

  5. #215
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    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Greig View Post
    Yeah so there was patience, Binotto has had less than a year and people are ready to sack him lol. He has to have time to change the team and it's not going to happen overnight, he clearly has a plan and will bring in his own people.
    Totally agree with you. That’s what I’ve said earlier. I feel coming years we would be strong.
    Need to be patient. Already this season is gone, can’t be much worse than this.

  6. #216
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by WS6TransAm01 View Post
    Todd joined in 94. They won the WCC in 99. 5 years. Okay. Not 11
    Should have kept Arrivabene. The team was getting closer and closer to the championship and that's A FACT. Under Binotto we look like we took a step backwards.

  7. #217
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by WS6TransAm01 View Post
    Really dude? Really? People within the team are under pressure so they are allowed to fail? No other team puts pressure on their personnel? Every sport has pressure to perform. Stop making excuses.

    Face it, the team is full of incompetent people from the top down. This is why the fail time and time again. It is their fault and no one else’s. They all need to be fired. The entire team. Take a year of and start new in 2021.

    Yeah every team is under pressure to perform. But we are compared with Mercs & RB management Becoz they are top teams.
    Coming to mercs, they are having buffer with every race even if they fail this race next race they will be strong.
    They come back hard Becoz their team is very strong with right men at right place, there’s no panic situation in the team compared to ferrari.

    RB, as you know they are with new engine. Also they know that immediately they can’t topple mercs down. They have their specific targets & first priority is give a strong car to max where he can drive it to win with his extra performance.
    They are very good in aero development, no chopping & changes. Very much Structured & struck to that formula compared to ferrari where almost for every 6months like changes are going on.

  8. #218
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    btw, what happened to the thunder and rain that was expected? those forecasts are useless lol.

  9. #219
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    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Greig View Post
    Yeah so there was patience, Binotto has had less than a year and people are ready to sack him lol. He has to have time to change the team and it's not going to happen overnight, he clearly has a plan and will bring in his own people.

  10. #220
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by IulianFerrari View Post
    Should have kept Arrivabene. The team was getting closer and closer to the championship and that's A FACT. Under Binotto we look like we took a step backwards.
    Yeah and we should not have signed Leclerc also you would have told us last year sometimes you have to take a step back to gain 2.....
    Forza Ferrari

  11. #221
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    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by nani_s23 View Post
    Yeah every team is under pressure to perform. But we are compared with Mercs & RB management Becoz they are top teams.
    Coming to mercs, they are having buffer with every race even if they fail this race next race they will be strong.
    They come back hard Becoz their team is very strong with right men at right place, there’s no panic situation in the team compared to ferrari.

    RB, as you know they are with new engine. Also they know that immediately they can’t topple mercs down. They have their specific targets & first priority is give a strong car to max where he can drive it to win with his extra performance.
    They are very good in aero development, no chopping & changes. Very much Structured & struck to that formula compared to ferrari where almost for every 6months like changes are going on.
    The problem is (as evidenced here) Ferrari have a blame culture, Merc do not.

  12. #222
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    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Greig View Post
    Yeah and we should not have signed Leclerc also you would have told us last year sometimes you have to take a step back to gain 2.....
    That last statement is laughable at best. Ferrari has been laughable at best all season. You have no guarantees that Ferrari will do better. Say what you want, but results are the only ones that speak and last year we had 6 race wins. How many do we have this year?

  13. #223
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Belgrade, Serbia
    For years we Ferrari fans are waiting for CWC and WDC, after those well known dominant years with great Michael Schumacher. We have been close in couple of occasions after, but failed to win it. OK, life goes on! I've been into F1 and Ferrari supporter since long gone now 1980, and I don't need to tell that there ware many drought years for Ferrari. I don't know if younger tifosi over here know but there was the time when Ferrari did not score single win for almost four seasons!!!! Things like that makes us supporter nervous, angry,... It is normal! Circle of life!
    What I don't like here in this forum is as soon someone dare to express its dissatisfaction, he is momentarily labeled traitor, and to look elsewhere to find some other forum, some other team to support... Why is that!?

  14. #224
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by IulianFerrari View Post
    That last statement is laughable at best. Ferrari has been laughable at best all season. You have no guarantees that Ferrari will do better. Say what you want, but results are the only ones that speak and last year we had 6 race wins. How many do we have this year?
    Baharain, Baku, Canada, Austria, Germany out of 11 races we had a chance to win. Which mean 45% of races this season.

  15. #225
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Todt expression when Ham pole lap & Leclerc getting out of the car in q3. Sums up everything.

  16. #226
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    The wife has recently been taking an interest in F1 thanks to the Netflix series and plans to watch the race later today. She asked me why Ferrari screw up all the time (and why I even support them.) Wolff was completely correct yesterday - Ferrari have an illness they need to cure. I felt things were improving under Marchionne/Arrivabene but one went and then the other. I see no sign of anything changing under the anonymous Camilleri and bumbling "I can do everything" Binotto. I don't even feel the pain any more - all I can do is laugh whether they screw up themselves or get screwed by stewards.

  17. #227
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    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by IulianFerrari View Post
    Should have kept Arrivabene. The team was getting closer and closer to the championship and that's A FACT. Under Binotto we look like we took a step backwards.
    What was the reason for him being fired?

    Was it really that he was too abrasive or harsh with team personal?

  18. #228
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    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by IulianFerrari View Post
    That last statement is laughable at best. Ferrari has been laughable at best all season. You have no guarantees that Ferrari will do better. Say what you want, but results are the only ones that speak and last year we had 6 race wins. How many do we have this year?
    And you have none it won't get better so just as laughable, but going by your Leclerc stance last year it seems they know better than you
    Forza Ferrari

  19. #229
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    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by nani_s23 View Post
    Baharain, Baku, Canada, Austria, Germany out of 11 races we had a chance to win. Which mean 45% of races this season.
    Nothing to say we can't win today also
    Forza Ferrari

  20. #230
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    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by nani_s23 View Post
    Baharain, Baku, Canada, Austria, Germany out of 11 races we had a chance to win. Which mean 45% of races this season.
    Bahrain car problem - Ferrari fault. Baku Leclerc hits the barriers, Ferrari driver fault. Canada - Vettel lost the car, Ferrari driver fault. Austria - Max was simply faster, Ferrari fault. Germany - Car won't start, Ferrari fault.

    We have 0% race wins out of Ferrari fault, Ferrari mistakes.

  21. #231
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    Nov 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by JPZ View Post
    What was the reason for him being fired?

    Was it really that he was too abrasive or harsh with team personal?
    On the contrary, as a team principal he was a wimp. Arrivabene equaled too much placating, too much shrugging of shoulders and too often saying "Next time we''ll fight even harder and do better," as if that was going to solve anything. It didn't.

    It's Marchionne that gave Ferrari the 'forza and focus' to start becoming a true contender again. He was a true leader and man of vision. Marchionne made Arrivabene look good. Once the former was gone, the team slid quickly, in large part because Arrivabene simply wasn't up to it. He might be a very nice guy, but that doesn't make him a great or even competent leader.

    And please don't let's forget that it was Marchionne who championed Leclerc being signed up, a decision that was upheld by the Ferrari board even after Marchionne's untimely death. And all power for them for at least having done that.

    As for Binotto...he might be a great engineer but he has the personality of a saltwater biscuit and the leadership skills of a dormouse.

    Should he be fired? Yes, absolutely. He's not up to it. I'm sure he's intelligent enough to realize now that he's actually not team principal material. And you know what? I'll wager that Binotto would secretly be very relieved to be asked to step aside as team principal.

  22. #232
    Join Date
    May 2011
    towradgi beach
    Arrivabene is like his looks a don't ### with me type of guy very similar to Toto wolf thats why they get on and share a friendship outside of f1.Well that profile type works for mercedes but not for Ferrari.Its called disipline and the ship has only 1 captain until Ferrari harness and follow this disipline continual failure will be it's reward.

  23. #233
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    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Greig View Post
    Yeah so there was patience, Binotto has had less than a year and people are ready to sack him lol. He has to have time to change the team and it's not going to happen overnight, he clearly has a plan and will bring in his own people.
    Absolutely wrong, Arrivabene had changed the team already, team was heading in the right direction, there were wins. He should not have been sacked. Being the new boss Binotto reversed things back just to outlaw anything Maurizio did. Stupid action of many new bosses in many businesses, though.

  24. #234
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    Quote Originally Posted by bonzo View Post
    Absolutely wrong, Arrivabene had changed the team already, team was heading in the right direction, there were wins. He should not have been sacked. Being the new boss Binotto reversed things back just to outlaw anything Maurizio did. Stupid action of many new bosses in many businesses, though.
    Wrong...Binotto knows Ferrari way better than Arrivabene and yourself, and he also knows what it takes to win and if he is reversing things it's because they are not going to work....maybe he realises getting rid of good people was just stupid and it needed to be a much better structure for these good people to work in to get results.....we see many leave and do very well outside of Ferrari so clearly the issue is structure and being allowed to work freely. Binotto knows this and is making these changes, you won't see it change over night but you will just have to wait, but if you are unwilling to wait then you can support a winning team right now
    Forza Ferrari

  25. #235
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    Apr 2010
    I thought Binotto had already been relieved of the TP role or at least had some responsibility removed from it, can't remember who has been put in place as his assistant at the tracks, but it certainly isn't working so far, whatever changes have been made.

  26. #236
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    Quote Originally Posted by stefa View Post
    For years we Ferrari fans are waiting for CWC and WDC, after those well known dominant years with great Michael Schumacher. We have been close in couple of occasions after, but failed to win it. OK, life goes on! I've been into F1 and Ferrari supporter since long gone now 1980, and I don't need to tell that there ware many drought years for Ferrari. I don't know if younger tifosi over here know but there was the time when Ferrari did not score single win for almost four seasons!!!! Things like that makes us supporter nervous, angry,... It is normal! Circle of life!
    What I don't like here in this forum is as soon someone dare to express its dissatisfaction, he is momentarily labeled traitor, and to look elsewhere to find some other forum, some other team to support... Why is that!?
    Stefa, I beat you by three years (a tifoso since 1977) - and you're 100% right. Those of us who've loved this team since the 80s know just how bad things can get at Ferrari. Why else do younger/newer Ferarri fans think nearly all of us older tifosi adore Michael Schumacher as we do? Because he and his 'Dream Team' were the ones who completely turned Ferrari around and made them into a winning powerhouse again. That's why we love Schumi so much. He took us right out of the dark, dark days of (most) of the 80s and 90s. But for a few positive blips with the likes of Villeneuve, Pironi, Mansell and Prost as our drivers, they were mostly heartbreaking times to be a tifoso.

    And you're also right about the knee-jerk reactionaries on this board who instantly pounce on those fans who want to criticize Ferrari. There's something almost cultish about the way they expect us to all just be constantly 'positive' and 'upbeat' about the team - a team which is undoubtedly in crisis. It's frankly infantile and annoying.

  27. #237
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Greig View Post
    And you have none it won't get better so just as laughable, but going by your Leclerc stance last year it seems they know better than you
    I knew Charles was going to be a great driver, I just feared it was to soon for Leclerc to make the jump, that he was to young for the pressure, politics and attention at Ferrari. Do you think he is having it easy at Ferrari? Told to move aside for Seb, car letting him down on a number of occasions, crashing under pressure in Baku. I'm happy he is handling it pretty well, all things considered. Look at Gasly at RBR, he was tipped a future star too after that impressive last year, he is cracking all over the place.

  28. #238
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vittorio View Post
    Stefa, I beat you by three years (a tifoso since 1977) :) - and you're 100% right. Those of us who've loved this team since the 80s know just how bad things can get at Ferrari. Why else do younger/newer Ferarri fans think nearly all of us older tifosi adore Michael Schumacher? Because he and his 'Dream Team' were the ones who completely turned Ferrari around and made them into a winning powerhouse again. That's why we love Schumi so much. He took us right out of the dark, dark days of (most) of the 80s and 90s. But for a few positive blips with the likes of Pironi, Mansell and Prost as our drivers, they were mostly heartbreaking times to be a tifoso.

    And you're also right about the knee-jerk reactionaries on this board who instantly pounce on those fans who want to criticize Ferrari. There's something almost cultish about the way they expect us to all just be constantly 'positive' and 'upbeat' about the team - a team which is undoubtedly in crisis. It's frankly infantile and annoying.
    I beat you both, being a tifoso since Monaco 1967 and it was a sad start to my Ferrari worship as Lorenzo Bandini died soon after the race where he crashed and was engulfed in flames. I've been here ever since, through thick and thin, and despite the catastrophes like yesterday's quali, I always maintain some hope, however small.

  29. #239
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    Quote Originally Posted by bonzo View Post
    Absolutely wrong, Arrivabene had changed the team already, team was heading in the right direction, there were wins. He should not have been sacked. Being the new boss Binotto reversed things back just to outlaw anything Maurizio did. Stupid action of many new bosses in many businesses, though.
    Wrong, wrong and wrong again. You give Arrivabene far too much credit.

    As I've said in an earlier post, do not underestimate how good Marchionne made Arrivabene look.

    Unlike others on this board, however, I now don't believe in Binotto either. He simply doesn't have the force of character to be the leader of an iconic powerhouse such as Ferrari.

  30. #240
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by IulianFerrari View Post
    Bahrain car problem - Ferrari fault. Baku Leclerc hits the barriers, Ferrari driver fault. Canada - Vettel lost the car, Ferrari driver fault. Austria - Max was simply faster, Ferrari fault. Germany - Car won't start, Ferrari fault.

    We have 0% race wins out of Ferrari fault, Ferrari mistakes.
    When taken those things into consideration, ferrari 2019 car has the potential.
    Wts the problem is FW, which makes car unstable at rear end & not enough DF. They have realised that we have got it wrong for this year.
    Getting that corrected isn’t a one night job. It takes months.
    Remember ferrari went with different design structure this year than others or it’s previous years.

    For now they are doing wts the best can be done. For the above design philosophy Binotto is getting his head down n placing the things in order for next year n long-term.
    It’s just his 1st year of taking dual role, it’s not that easy.


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