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Thread: Current state of F1 and opinions please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Current state of F1 and opinions please

    Regards everyone. Been quiet for a long time but had to say something among friends.
    1.Formula one is now being won by rules and regulations. When Ferrari won it was on merit when every team had a free hand in developing their car, and there was no limit to testing, just pure ability made the best team.
    2. Arrogant Hamilton and Mercedes have been winning every year because teams, especially Ferrari had their hands tied by the FIA.
    3. When Hamilton wins the 7th title it will hurt so much as Michael is in the state he is in. Hamilton will be a statistic, not a Fanjio, or Senna or Schumacher. Mr. Ham has won in the era of the most boring F1.
    4. Is this what Ferrari wants, the 6th ranking this year out of 10 teams? Doesn’t the Scuderia have any honor or respect for the past of true racing, when they won on merit.
    The stupid FIA wants to limit cost as if there is no money, what about the price of the new hyper cars that cost millions and are gobbled up in seconds?
    5. Should Ferrari leave F1 and start a new free handed series without the control of the FIA, because the American racing series has become so better to watch?
    6. Thank you for reading my post, and is there any sort of hope for Ferrari on the horizon?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I can’t disagree with anything you’ve written

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Only two solutions
    1) Ferrari should be vocal & fight for their benefits against FIA. So should need a strong leader who can drive this politically.
    2) They need to restructure the team base Outside Italy & hire best talents across.

    You will see the results.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    It's a joke, "we need to cut costs..." ... "yeah, let's start an engine formula that is going to cost teams millions to develop"....

    how many teams have we lost because of this Merc engine formula? Caterham, Marussia, Lotus, basically Force India

  5. #5
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    Jul 2020
    We need the field to be competitive. I agree with cost cutting if it's going to be viable for all teams. You can't just keep making rule changes which suit one team. It feels like every subsequent rule change is made to benefit Mercedes. We have another next year with the trimmed floor. Brought in to help Pirelli but it only benefits the Mercedes and Mercedes clone. So the FIA looked at the situation and didn't see an issue with that? That everyone would lose a competitive edge except the Mercedes...

    We need to be more assertive with our messaging. The likes of Camilleri, we know our brand accounts for A LOT in terms of revenue F1 make. Merchandise, TV deals etc. We need to stamp that assertiveness in the face of Liberty Media. We give them an ultimatum. We know if Ferrari entered other racing events they would take interest with them. Then let's see Formula One survive..

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Godric's Hollow
    Ferrari and us Ferrari fans, are going to regret Sergio Marchionne's untimely death for a long long time. That's all I have to say.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Farid757 View Post
    Regards everyone. Been quiet for a long time but had to say something among friends.
    1.Formula one is now being won by rules and regulations. When Ferrari won it was on merit when every team had a free hand in developing their car, and there was no limit to testing, just pure ability made the best team.
    2. Arrogant Hamilton and Mercedes have been winning every year because teams, especially Ferrari had their hands tied by the FIA.
    3. When Hamilton wins the 7th title it will hurt so much as Michael is in the state he is in. Hamilton will be a statistic, not a Fanjio, or Senna or Schumacher. Mr. Ham has won in the era of the most boring F1.
    4. Is this what Ferrari wants, the 6th ranking this year out of 10 teams? Doesn’t the Scuderia have any honor or respect for the past of true racing, when they won on merit.
    The stupid FIA wants to limit cost as if there is no money, what about the price of the new hyper cars that cost millions and are gobbled up in seconds?
    5. Should Ferrari leave F1 and start a new free handed series without the control of the FIA, because the American racing series has become so better to watch?
    6. Thank you for reading my post, and is there any sort of hope for Ferrari on the horizon?
    Agree 100 %

    Point 5:

    Ferrari did threaten to create a rival Grand Prix World Championship in the 2000's, several times, the way F1 is going, this could be a potential option. The idea was to allow the teams to decide on the rules and have more control of the sport and receive more of the funds. Once the money in F1 starts getting less, and the viewers and sponsors decline this could start looking like an option to other teams as well.

    Right now, the sport is run by a media advertising company and people who don't really seem to have an understanding of what F1 and motor racing is about, and who seem to have a political agenda as well instead of being neutral. It is also coming across as there being a very close relationship between the FIA and Mercedes leadership.

    Ferrari have said they are interested in competing in IndyCar and I hope they do. It would make sense, as the US is a huge market for their cars, and for us spectators there is a lot of racing and the cars look great too.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Farid757 View Post
    Regards everyone. Been quiet for a long time but had to say something among friends.
    1.Formula one is now being won by rules and regulations. When Ferrari won it was on merit when every team had a free hand in developing their car, and there was no limit to testing, just pure ability made the best team.
    2. Arrogant Hamilton and Mercedes have been winning every year because teams, especially Ferrari had their hands tied by the FIA.
    3. When Hamilton wins the 7th title it will hurt so much as Michael is in the state he is in. Hamilton will be a statistic, not a Fanjio, or Senna or Schumacher. Mr. Ham has won in the era of the most boring F1.
    4. Is this what Ferrari wants, the 6th ranking this year out of 10 teams? Doesn’t the Scuderia have any honor or respect for the past of true racing, when they won on merit.
    The stupid FIA wants to limit cost as if there is no money, what about the price of the new hyper cars that cost millions and are gobbled up in seconds?
    5. Should Ferrari leave F1 and start a new free handed series without the control of the FIA, because the American racing series has become so better to watch?
    6. Thank you for reading my post, and is there any sort of hope for Ferrari on the horizon?
    This is ridiculous. Just because your opponent is stronger than you, dont go crying to daddy. The rules apply to everyone. Anyone thinking ferrari are being targetted are delusional imo. From 2000-2004, if you were a williams or mclaren supporter, you would say the FIA was favoring ferrari. Was ridiculous then, its ridiculous now.
    Hamilton has earned his titles. Calling him arrogant and favoured is just wrong.
    And even if Schumi was fully healthy, he coudnt have stopped this. So dont understand your point on this.
    And Lewis is already being considered a great alongside senna and schumi. I dont think your opinion counts here.
    Should ferrari leave??? What, tuck tail and run when the going gets tough? glad that you dont run this team.

    I think its just loser mentality, blaming everything under the sun when things are not going as you wanted it to be. Hate seeing such posts.
    Ok rant over.
    Silently, like a shadow

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Farid757 View Post
    Regards everyone. Been quiet for a long time but had to say something among friends.
    1.Formula one is now being won by rules and regulations. When Ferrari won it was on merit when every team had a free hand in developing their car, and there was no limit to testing, just pure ability made the best team.
    2. Arrogant Hamilton and Mercedes have been winning every year because teams, especially Ferrari had their hands tied by the FIA.
    3. When Hamilton wins the 7th title it will hurt so much as Michael is in the state he is in. Hamilton will be a statistic, not a Fanjio, or Senna or Schumacher. Mr. Ham has won in the era of the most boring F1.
    4. Is this what Ferrari wants, the 6th ranking this year out of 10 teams? Doesn’t the Scuderia have any honor or respect for the past of true racing, when they won on merit.
    The stupid FIA wants to limit cost as if there is no money, what about the price of the new hyper cars that cost millions and are gobbled up in seconds?
    5. Should Ferrari leave F1 and start a new free handed series without the control of the FIA, because the American racing series has become so better to watch?
    6. Thank you for reading my post, and is there any sort of hope for Ferrari on the horizon?

    1. Every year the team that wins is the team that get the most of the rules and regulations
    2. They are arrogant for sure, and for sure marketing value of Hamilton has been very well played by Mercedes when "negotiating" with FIA
    3. Hamilton will never be Schumacher for the good or the Bad. As a tiffosi i was against him joining ferrari and that Alesi had to go. My opinion towards that changed in Barcelona 1996. No one, but Senna donnington, has made such brilliant race.
    4. Ferrari must evolve but ferrari ( with trick or no trick ) took the fight to mercedes in 2017 and 2018. AL other years they were not able. Redbull, mclaren , Renault never took the fight to them even if they won GPs. Ferrari doesn't to be ashamed because they are in 6th ( i believe they are 5th adn will be fighting for 3rd at year end) .
    5. Ferrari isn't like Toyota, Honda, renault and mercedes. They don't Quit because they are not be granted favours.
    6. Yes there is. But we have to break the "in bed" relation that HAM-Mercedes-FIA have.

    It would be a great sign that, inspite of the cars can't be changed for 2021, they changed the tires dramatically. It would mean something from FIA/Liberty not to go into the marketing dividends of Hamilton and go for some change that could diminish the mercedes advantage.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Garden of England
    Bored with the whole shooting match..
    1) Mercedes far and away the best car - as it has been since 'plastic' hybrid era began..
    2) Racing Point (last year's Mercedes) is a rocket - quelle surprise. Otherwise Stroll, a truly average driver with a rich father, would be nowhere.
    3) Our car is clearly an utter donkey. Even LEC (exceptional talent) and VET (not yet past it) can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear!
    4) Because Ferrari have caused an upset (mega-engine of 2019) and 'to right perceived previous favouritism', the FIA and F1 'establishment' have decided to ***** on us.
    5) Horner and Red Bull are still a shallow bunch of marketing-driven technocrats with the souls of potatoes.
    6) Shamilton has, with his shameless advocacy of an anarcho-Marxist, racist organisation, demonstrated that he is an utter ******* ******.
    At least when Shamilton ties up his seventh WDC, we will all know it was only a 'half' championship. He will still be a **** and not for to lace Schuey's laces.
    First 'season' in DECADES I've not actually watched more than a few minutes of each race and not bothered at all with FP and Qualy.
    At least I can look forward to supporting my team (Norwich City) in the ruddy Championship next year..
    Mr Angry
    Trying to be less angry..

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Garden of England
    FIT to lace Schuey's laces!!!!!
    Trying to be less angry..

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Singer View Post
    Bored with the whole shooting match..
    1) Mercedes far and away the best car - as it has been since 'plastic' hybrid era began..
    2) Racing Point (last year's Mercedes) is a rocket - quelle surprise. Otherwise Stroll, a truly average driver with a rich father, would be nowhere.
    3) Our car is clearly an utter donkey. Even LEC (exceptional talent) and VET (not yet past it) can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear!
    4) Because Ferrari have caused an upset (mega-engine of 2019) and 'to right perceived previous favouritism', the FIA and F1 'establishment' have decided to ***** on us.
    5) Horner and Red Bull are still a shallow bunch of marketing-driven technocrats with the souls of potatoes.
    6) Shamilton has, with his shameless advocacy of an anarcho-Marxist, racist organisation, demonstrated that he is an utter ******* ******.
    At least when Shamilton ties up his seventh WDC, we will all know it was only a 'half' championship. He will still be a **** and not for to lace Schuey's laces.
    First 'season' in DECADES I've not actually watched more than a few minutes of each race and not bothered at all with FP and Qualy.
    At least I can look forward to supporting my team (Norwich City) in the ruddy Championship next year..
    Mr Angry

    Very sad to see F1 come to this. I can't bear to watch anymore and it saddens every time I take a peek at the results. Leclerc will surely be looking for a more competitive seat soon. I pray that a miracle will happen soon as this is just too painful to endure..
    "Okay,...Jean is smarter than you....... can you confirm you understood that message" Bernie on the phone to Max circa 2009

    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines - Enzo Ferrari circa 1960

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Montreal, Canada
    F1 has always been like this folks, let's not pretend it hasn't.... but one thing is clear, Ferrari simply cannot win the political game at this point and they need to assess whether they care more about winning races or about getting free participation income for just showing up.... I think they will choose the latter, they always have... so in the end, they have no incentive to do better given they always get a fixed amount for showing up, meaning the culture will never change... we as fans need to recognize that and adjust our expectations...
    Rest in Peace Leza, you were a true warrior...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Tony View Post
    F1 has always been like this folks, let's not pretend it hasn't.... but one thing is clear, Ferrari simply cannot win the political game at this point and they need to assess whether they care more about winning races or about getting free participation income for just showing up.... I think they will choose the latter, they always have... so in the end, they have no incentive to do better given they always get a fixed amount for showing up, meaning the culture will never change... we as fans need to recognize that and adjust our expectations...
    Got your point. But this mindset would have been Acceptable in older days.
    After schumi era or new fans expect Ferrari to win given its history, brand value & money which they are spending on car etc. May be ferrari can settle for that participation money but we as a fans are expecting them to fight at least if not win.
    Everything should be hard earned, nothing is easy in life.

  15. #15
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    Jan 2005
    The FIA ruined Formula 1 as soon as they went Hybrid. Even in the days of Red Bull domination, there was more competition.

    It's hard not to think Mercedes have been cheating as It's tough to believe that of all the brilliant minds in the F1 teams, and in Honda, Renault, and Ferrari, none of them could come up with solutions to at least get close to Mercedes. Instead Mercedes have held a chassis and engine advantage over everyone the entire 7 year Hybrid era, which will be the same for 2021 as well. And not just a small advantage, but extreme advantage. Ferrari came the closest, but apparently had to cheat to do so.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by SS454 View Post
    The FIA ruined Formula 1 as soon as they went Hybrid. Even in the days of Red Bull domination, there was more competition.

    It's hard not to think Mercedes have been cheating as It's tough to believe that of all the brilliant minds in the F1 teams, and in Honda, Renault, and Ferrari, none of them could come up with solutions to at least get close to Mercedes. Instead Mercedes have held a chassis and engine advantage over everyone the entire 7 year Hybrid era, which will be the same for 2021 as well. And not just a small advantage, but extreme advantage. Ferrari came the closest, but apparently had to cheat to do so.
    Ferrari did come up with ways to get close, but then Mercedes came in, put a bunch or sensors on the Ferrari to figure out what it was doing, and then put an end to it.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    What the hell is bugging you. If someone has his own opinion, don’t be a brainless promoter of the way you are thinking. Either say something positive, or shut up and disagree but respect other people’s opinion. Your feedback is for you only, how much did you donate to the site this year? Gold member!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony View Post
    F1 has always been like this folks, let's not pretend it hasn't.... but one thing is clear, Ferrari simply cannot win the political game at this point and they need to assess whether they care more about winning races or about getting free participation income for just showing up.... I think they will choose the latter, they always have... so in the end, they have no incentive to do better given they always get a fixed amount for showing up, meaning the culture will never change... we as fans need to recognize that and adjust our expectations...
    Yes, That pretty much gets down to the heart of the matter. Everything else is just fallout from that main problem.

  19. #19
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    Jul 2020
    I agree with you. F1 is purely a Mercedes show these days and they can break whatever rules they like with no problems.
    I will never say Lewis is a bad driver, he's not, he is very good but the car and a chimp for a teammate make him look infinitely better than he really is and his luck is staggeringly good. I have never ever seen a driver so lucky, no matter what happens, things always fall his way time and time again.

    In my opinion the FIA are happy for Mercedes to rule until 2022 or even longer, all Michaels records will be gone and gone to a driver who only needs to turn up and put in 25% effort to get the win.

    Quite honestly it almost moves me to tears at times to see this, it's horrendous and I don't see anything stopping them because whenever a team gets close to Mercedes they are investigated and have to change something or Pirelli (Merc's buddy) make a tyre pressure change so the other team drop away. Seen it over and over.

    I cannot say my true feelings about this as it would be against forum rules but it tears at my soul, not to see Michaels records all going, but to see them going to a driver who is pretty much gifted everything in his lap.

    I would be more than happy if Ferrari left F1 and joined indycar, the racing there is way better anyway.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony View Post
    Ferrari simply cannot win the political game at this point and they need to assess whether they care more about winning races or about getting free participation income for just showing up.... I think they will choose the latter, they always have... so in the end, they have no incentive to do better given they always get a fixed amount for showing up, meaning the culture will never change.
    The call will necessarily be from the top.

    Feels like a con but then no one forced us to be Ferrari fans. Here's to a long short season and those to come.

  21. #21
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    New York
    Todt knows Ferrari inside out and he is FIAs main man. Him and Binotto are Ferrari's DNF . Our drivers are not the cause of being where the team is. I only hope Charles and throw in our next year driver still hold the seats as sacred; F-1 wise. Ferrari fans will cry every race but they will not go away. Seeing Lewis having to beat his team mate every race is good action race time while we fans wait for Ferrari's getting back up front.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by nani_s23 View Post
    Got your point. But this mindset would have been Acceptable in older days.
    After schumi era or new fans expect Ferrari to win given its history, brand value & money which they are spending on car etc. May be ferrari can settle for that participation money but we as a fans are expecting them to fight at least if not win.
    Everything should be hard earned, nothing is easy in life.
    Agreed, but Luca set us back, the Sergio brought us a step forward, and then we took another 2 steps back.

  23. #23
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    90 poles so far ,probably 100 wins and 10 WDCs coming up, all on pure luck and team mate 's moving over and blocking for him, except for maybe not being able to hold back Max. Just imagine if Lewis could actually drive as a GOAT ! Oh ! Pirelli is in Luis' pocket also; and Toto is for sure more capable of handling his position @ Merc than our boy Binotto. Lucky again for Lewis he doesn't have the likes of Binotto running things @ Merc. Who know? Maybe Seb & Charles need to wear 2 chains when out and about? Good luck charms !

  24. #24
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    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Singer View Post
    Bored with the whole shooting match..
    1) Mercedes far and away the best car - as it has been since 'plastic' hybrid era began..
    2) Racing Point (last year's Mercedes) is a rocket - quelle surprise. Otherwise Stroll, a truly average driver with a rich father, would be nowhere.
    3) Our car is clearly an utter donkey. Even LEC (exceptional talent) and VET (not yet past it) can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear!
    4) Because Ferrari have caused an upset (mega-engine of 2019) and 'to right perceived previous favouritism', the FIA and F1 'establishment' have decided to ***** on us.
    5) Horner and Red Bull are still a shallow bunch of marketing-driven technocrats with the souls of potatoes.
    6) Shamilton has, with his shameless advocacy of an anarcho-Marxist, racist organisation, demonstrated that he is an utter ******* ******.
    At least when Shamilton ties up his seventh WDC, we will all know it was only a 'half' championship. He will still be a **** and not for to lace Schuey's laces.
    First 'season' in DECADES I've not actually watched more than a few minutes of each race and not bothered at all with FP and Qualy.
    At least I can look forward to supporting my team (Norwich City) in the ruddy Championship next year..
    Mr Angry
    Very well said, and Norwich and Bournemouth (our local team) look to be in the same boat as Ferrari, down and out! I can't be bothered with all the pre-post race crap or FP sessions, but I still have to watch the actual race, silly me.

  25. #25
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    what drives me up the bend is the sheer bragging at the start of the year... over the top car reveal... bragging this is the most they have ever spent on a car before the season starts... and just look where all that money has got us. NOWHERE!

    The team lacks drive, leadership and a vision! #louiscamilleri+johnelkannOUT

  26. #26
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    Montreal, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by killer View Post
    The call will necessarily be from the top.

    Feels like a con but then no one forced us to be Ferrari fans. Here's to a long short season and those to come.
    Yeah thankfully it's a short season this year... next year will be a long one... lol...
    Rest in Peace Leza, you were a true warrior...

  27. #27
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    Jan 2005
    I think with Racing Point using a clone of the 2019 Mercedes has shown what a great car can do to an average at best driver. The car is "easy to drive" in comparison to the RP19 and Stroll isn't looking too bad, even able to beat Perez it seems.

    Something to think about when you see Lewis Hamilton setting records. Only difference between Racing Point and Mercedes is the Racing Point still actually has to try and beat other teams, and there isn't a #2 Support role contract for one of their drivers.

  28. #28
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    Lewis could win 20 titles in that Merc and he would still not come close to Michael IMO.

    F1 is in a poor state and it looks like nobody is able to challenge Merc, in our dominance it was all about slowing us down to let others come at us but this F1 seems happy to let Merc rule, mind you they seem like a well organised team that any effort to tame them would probably not succeed anyway.
    Forza Ferrari

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greig View Post
    Lewis could win 20 titles in that Merc and he would still not come close to Michael IMO.

    F1 is in a poor state and it looks like nobody is able to challenge Merc, in our dominance it was all about slowing us down to let others come at us but this F1 seems happy to let Merc rule, mind you they seem like a well organised team that any effort to tame them would probably not succeed anyway.
    Amen to every word you wrote, expecialy bold one!

  30. #30
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    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Greig View Post
    Lewis could win 20 titles in that Merc and he would still not come close to Michael IMO.

    F1 is in a poor state and it looks like nobody is able to challenge Merc, in our dominance it was all about slowing us down to let others come at us but this F1 seems happy to let Merc rule, mind you they seem like a well organised team that any effort to tame them would probably not succeed anyway.
    That's what drives me crazy. F1/FIA did everything they could to stop Ferrari's dominance yet it seems they do what they can to ensure Mercedes keeps its dominance. I still don't understand why the FIA make a rule to homologate the power units in 2014, a brand new setup and Mercedes have a solid 75 horsepower advantage and are protected by the governing body.


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