Last edited by REDARMYSOJA; 9th October 2012 at 01:00.
"Michael showed that he is the greatest. He stole the show today. And he did that without even winning the race." comments from Willi Weber
I am sorry if I offended you, it was not meant in the way you thought.
For the record and you will be the 1st post in which I have declared my age, Born in 1949 and was educated by my father about Ferrari and its legendary driver Fangio on my 9th birthday when I got a shiny red model racing car.
So nearly everyone in here is a kid to me, I can tolerate kids who share the same passion for Ferrari that I have. My own kid is a disappointment to me he follows that team but oddly hates Ramilton. By the way he is 32 now.
So please my remark was not intended to cause offence, after all there is no fool like an old fool
This mature "Smart Ass" wishes you warm welcome to our house and a long lived passion for the shiney Red Cars![]()
Last edited by Ken; 14th October 2012 at 05:37.
Its all in the name - FERRARI
Ohhh man, I haven't felt this embarrassed in a long time![]()
Jumping to conclusions is one of my biggest negative personality traits![]()
Ohhh geez...I'm really sorry my friend, for jumping to a wrong conclusion and also for calling you a "smart-ass"
I thought you were just some punk looking for a fightBhoy, was I wrong
Live and learn, eh?
You don't have to apologise for anything. It was me who made a mistake, and for that I'm truly sorry.
Okay, I will go dig a hole for myself now and use it to hide my shame![]()
I really hope we can put this silly misunderstanding on my part behind us and be friends, like all the tifosi are supposed to be![]()
Of course we can be friends
We share the same passion.
BUT please dont dig that hole, you may get blisters and they sting for a while.
BTW check your "Notifications" top right hand corner of the forum.
Its all in the name - FERRARI
Hello everyone!
I came to this forum from Russia, and i don't know is there anybody from Russia, too.
And i want to apologize to all members for my bad english, but i work hard to imrove it, and i hope that soon i will have good writing skills, and all of you can understend me without any problem.
In russia i didn't find forum as amazing as your))
I'm fan of Fernando for 8 years, and fan of Ferrari since 2009. I want to say, though Fernando still didn't win world cheampionship in Ferrari, i think that 3 years which Fernando spent there was his best years in his career in F1.
Like a few members in this thread i hate finger boy Vettel and his yells after ordinary,boring victory..
But i trust to Alonso, and i sure that we can fight for cheampionship against Red Cow ( in Russia we always say red bull, but i think that Red Cows more appropriate to this team than Red Bull).
"Michael showed that he is the greatest. He stole the show today. And he did that without even winning the race." comments from Willi Weber
Welcome to our home
As for your command of the English language, your better than some of the natives in here
I think he has been reading too many Tifosi 84 postsWelcome to the forum but tell me why do you need to insult other teams because they are doing well ? That is not right . We will get better again and I am sure you would not like it if they ran our team down .
Forzafan do not take that seriously we share all shades of opinion in here and I am sure yours will be just as well received.
Its all in the name - FERRARI
Thank you. I didn't want to insult other team ( especially Red Bull, i think that they have been doing they work better than other team ( at least for 3 last year), but sometime they decieve too much and than pretend than nothing happened ( at least for 3 last year,too;))- it make me sick( sorry about this phrase, but some time it is really hard to express all of i meant)).
Last edited by Forzafonz; 30th October 2012 at 12:52.
Thanks a lot!)
But my English isn't as well as you think, i'm just learning it))
Thank you)
It is really unexpected for me that you think i have good english)I think reason of it is i wrote too easy sentenses, but it's not a matter of fact. I hope than i can express exactly my future thoughts, because i can read absolutely all treads without any problem, but i can't say it about my possibility to express thoughts))))
What's wrong with calling Red Bull as "Red Cow"? You people obviously haven't heard what Red Bull fans say about Ferrari. They are Red Cow, end of story. Because calling them "Red Bull" would be waaay too flattering. I'm sorry if I hurt someones feelings by calling Red Bull as "Red Cow" but I just can't call them as "Red Bull". For me they'll always be Red Cow and that's it. They don't respect us, so why should we respect them?![]()
Last edited by Tifoso84; 1st November 2012 at 18:02.
[QUOTE=Tifoso84;757263]Nothing wrong, but when we talk about "Red Bull" we don't have in view, that we have to seperate fans of SV ( or MW) and fans of team RB ( in fact, i'm really seldom meet fans of Red Bull Team in the Internet). Why? Because, almost all SV's fans talk about Ferrari ( including Alonso and Massa) disgustingly things, but the other almost all respect Ferrari. But it only corect if we talk about my country, and i would mention that there aren't many fans of Ferrari, because plenty of fans are fans of Petrov ( he also have too many haters;)).
We should be more polite with other teams's fans because they will attitude to us like we attitude to they.
But i think, that Red Cows sounds really cool, and can't hurt anybody of fans ( especially Ferrari fans )
Thank you) But i again emphasize that i don't want to hurt any fans of RB ( or any others teams),since 'its ( i mean Red Cows or finger boy) just sounds funny on the Russian language))
I just want to say ... I am a ferrari fan and not a rb fan , but I was taught to respect others and their ideas. Yes we can disagree on the way others go about doing the things they do, but we do not have to stoop that low as to go insulting them if they personally did not insult us . Then again we are all different and have different ideas about what is ok to do, so I shall leave this as you want it !
Only when someone attacks me with nasty words will I respond in likewise manner . Good day .
"Michael showed that he is the greatest. He stole the show today. And he did that without even winning the race." comments from Willi Weber
Ок, i understand you, but i can't do anythings with my dislike to Vettel) But i have never started to angry with Vettel's fans the first)
My English isn't perfect as English others members on this forum, therefore i'm still afraid to hurt anybody unconcsciously, because my English teacher said that Russian language is unpolite ( or rude ) in perception of English people. Though, there are many people from different countries, but i suppose that thay have much practice than me)) At first time i would try to be cautious in my sentenses ;)
Hello) Can we met before on others forum ( or site). Since i remember the user on with nick same your one)
BTW we can talk in our native language, and nobody will be able to understand us)
Hello Everbody,
i,m a new member in thescuderia and be realy happy to find a kind of sites like this.
I love the Cars and the formel 1 Team from Ferrari and watch every Sunday the Car Races.
kind regards from Munich in Germany
Hey! Poland LOVE FERRARI!! ;)
I have one question. What happened to the posts of clothing Ferrari?![]()
Last edited by damiank000; 14th November 2012 at 19:24.
Hello everybody!
New member Here.
Happy to be here.
We are Ferrari.
Hi everybody.
I have browsed here for many months and decided now is a good time to join with brazil coming up.
Good luck fernando my favourite driver massa will help all he can.
Maybe some rain could help too.