Sep.15 (PVM) Ferrari team principal Stefano Domenicali believes that Sauber driver Sergio Perez has a great Formula 1 career in the making.
Domenicali, speaking ahead of Perez getting behind the wheel of an Ferrari F60 – the team’s 2009 car – for a test session at Fiorano, said: “I think Sergio has a good chance of having a great career in F1. He has started off with a humble approach, and has grown a great deal since the beginning of the season.”
“As you know Sergio is part of our Ferrari Driver’s Academy (FDA) and I think that he is having a great season. The test is part of the training program we give the drivers who are part of our academy,” added the Ferrari F1 boss.
Also testing on the day will be GP2 Series driver Jules Bianchi who, along with Perez, are thought to be candidates to maybe replace Felipe Massa at Maranello for the 2013 season.
“It will be a very interesting test, because Jules Bianchi and Sergio Perez will get one against the other,” confirmed head of the FDA, Luca Baldisserri. “I think both will be highly motivated, and will be the perfect opportunity for us to assess both drivers.”