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Thread: f1 abandons free to air tv will it affect the teams financially?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Mad f1 abandons free to air tv will it affect the teams financially?

    hi never ever posted on any type of forum,but bernie ecclestones betrayal for finacial gain so got my goat so to say that here i am,have supported f1 since i was a boy(37 now) and travel to silverstone evry year,but next year when pay per view tv takes over f1 broadcasting i will be saying goodbye..i spent 3000 on my trip an tickets for this years grand prix and another 200 on ferrari merchandise,do you think it will have any financial affect on the teams or will bernie give them more money to appease them?just to note i fell very let down by fota as repeatedly we heard that f1 must be on free to air,,i love f1 with all my heart but will be boycotting it until its put back on free to air,and i believe that im not alone in feeling so strongly,,does anyone agree/disagree with me?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    West Mids
    I think more or less everyone here would agree with you.

    I don't know enough about how F1 finances work to commment on whether the teams would be affected but I guess if Sky viewing figures are poor then sponsors may get concerned.

    I certainly won't be getting Sky... they won't get one penny of my money !!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Derbyshire England
    I already begrudge paying £50 a month for HD with films, there is no way I am upgrading to Sports as well. If anything I will be getting rid of it once Free to Air HD channels reach my area.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    In response to the original question, as to how the Sky deal will affect the teams... looking at what Sky has done for the Barclays Premier League, if that is anything to go by, then the teams can only benefit from this deal.

    But only time will tell I guess.

    The future is RED

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Depends on viewing figures really, F1 might be going up against football on Sky, which will be interesting to see who gets the most viewers.
    Forza Ferrari

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    I read somewhere a while back that the teams will benefit financially from the current deal. I have a feeling it was Christian Horner - but I might be wrong.

    Not a very helpful contribution on my part but I lose no opportunity to vent my fury over the TV deal. Like so many others I am, as a fan, livid that I'm being held over a barrel re. purchasing Sky Sport if I want to watch all the races at the time they actually take place. I'm livid with the teams, BE, the BBC, the out-of-touch BBC governors (esp. the new- ish Chris Patten the chair). The fans are being worked over, so far as anyone's paying any attention to what we think - and I think the whole deal's completely unprincipled on so many levels.

    There still seems to be confusion over what time and for how long the BBC will show the mere 50p.c they're kindly going to give us free to air. Like many above I shall not be buying Sky Sport on principle. - the Murdoch principle.

    LDM has been talking about making the races themselves more accessible to fans - that is cheaper. Good. But the bottom line is that for many it's the travel that's out of the question, not solely due to money but the time involved and where you live on the planet. We can't all hop on a private plane on a fortnightly basis to all the parts of the world F1 reaches.
    There the quality of presentation - the standard of camera work - the on-board shots, the visual detail, the closeness to the action - have never been better and only TV can do that - but now fans won't have that without forking out for it in addition to the BBC licence.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I was reading that those diy satellite dishes you see in the likes of B&Q for £40ish can pick up RTL for free
    Forza Ferrari

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Belfast, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by Greig View Post
    I was reading that those diy satellite dishes you see in the likes of B&Q for £40ish can pick up RTL for free
    Yep, they can. I know someone who has bought one and will be able to watch F1 next year now.
    Forza Jules

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Greig View Post
    I was reading that those diy satellite dishes you see in the likes of B&Q for £40ish can pick up RTL for free
    Thanks I'll look into that

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Stowmarket. U.K
    Quote Originally Posted by Greig View Post
    I was reading that those diy satellite dishes you see in the likes of B&Q for £40ish can pick up RTL for free

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Stowmarket. U.K
    Quote Originally Posted by steelstallions View Post
    I already begrudge paying £50 a month for HD with films, there is no way I am upgrading to Sports as well. If anything I will be getting rid of it once Free to Air HD channels reach my area.
    Yeah, the films aint been that great recently either Getting back on track, as much as i hate the idea, and was against it. I just going to bite the bullet and get Sky Sports. Im not fan of watching highlights 2-3 hours after the race, i love watching my sport and team live. So, come start next year i will get Sky Sports,

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Rob View Post
    Yeah, the films aint been that great recently either Getting back on track, as much as i hate the idea, and was against it. I just going to bite the bullet and get Sky Sports. Im not fan of watching highlights 2-3 hours after the race, i love watching my sport and team live. So, come start next year i will get Sky Sports,
    Have to say I'll be doin the same... It sickens me to just get sky sports but i too have to see races live... It may come out of my guiness funds me thinks... Better be a ferrari champion next year to make it worth while...
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