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Thread: Michael Schumacher - Updates and well-wishes

  1. #241
    Join Date
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    Dubai, UAE
    Quote Originally Posted by Italian Spirit View Post
    Let me tell you, and teach you, something, vcs3164. In the Alps' triangle that touches Switzerland-France-Italy where MS was skiing, during the 9 days preceeding his accident, 10 people, 4 of whom in their early twenties, have died doing off-piste skiing.

    Skiing is definitively not as innocuous as a stroll on the beach, but it is not an exceptionally risky sport either, when done on marked ski-run. Off-piste skiing is something else, one is exposed to all sort of potential dangers: avalanches (quite frequent on certain conditions), obstacles hidden under the snow, like rocks or fallen tree trunks, sudden change on snow depth and/or consistency, abrupt declivity transition, and so on and so on. Off-piste skiing is basically done on deep snow, which means that speed and and trajectory control is much, much more demanding than on a marked ski-run, and this represent an additional difficulty. And danger.

    I have been doing off-piste skiing every winter for the last 30 years, I know what i'm talking about. We, the off-piste skiers, know, or are supposed to know, the risks that it implies and therefore we accept the potential consequences, we are aware that such thrilling, magic moments may come at a price. So, when something happens to one of us, we accept it. Our empathy may not express itself with words but our heart reaches out and feel the other's pain in our own heart.

    In the first hours, MIchael's accident didn't seem anything bad and that's why I answered to Suzie's post "lightly".

    I feel very sorry for Michael, I wish with all my heart that he can recover quickly and, mainly, fully and my empathy goes to his family.

    As it goes to the families of the fellows skiers that, in the last few days, paid the price of their (and our) passion.
    I have zero desire to even reply to your post. Light accident or a serious accident, the least anyone would expect not to make fun of the casualty. Whether Michael is an expert off piste skier or not, i have no intention of getting into.. Your post was disrespectful towards Michael, his family and his fans, period.
    #KeepFightingMichael | #CiaoJules

  2. #242
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I don't think its approbiate in this thread to fight over a certain posting. I would suggest if you don't like something, just report it to the mods.

    There will be another update on Schumacher's condition in about one hour from the doctors in Grenoble.

  3. #243
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Italian Spirit View Post
    Let me tell you, and teach you, something, vcs3164. In the Alps' triangle that touches Switzerland-France-Italy where MS was skiing, during the 9 days preceeding his accident, 10 people, 4 of whom in their early twenties, have died doing off-piste skiing.

    Skiing is definitively not as innocuous as a stroll on the beach, but it is not an exceptionally risky sport either, when done on marked ski-run. Off-piste skiing is something else, one is exposed to all sort of potential dangers: avalanches (quite frequent on certain conditions), obstacles hidden under the snow, like rocks or fallen tree trunks, sudden change on snow depth and/or consistency, abrupt declivity transition, and so on and so on. Off-piste skiing is basically done on deep snow, which means that speed and and trajectory control is much, much more demanding than on a marked ski-run, and this represent an additional difficulty. And danger.

    I have been doing off-piste skiing every winter for the last 30 years, I know what i'm talking about. We, the off-piste skiers, know, or are supposed to know, the risks that it implies and therefore we accept the potential consequences, we are aware that such thrilling, magic moments may come at a price. So, when something happens to one of us, we accept it. Our empathy may not express itself with words but our heart reaches out and feel the other's pain in our own heart.

    In the first hours, MIchael's accident didn't seem anything bad and that's why I answered to Suzie's post "lightly".

    I feel very sorry for Michael, I wish with all my heart that he can recover quickly and, mainly, fully and my empathy goes to his family.

    As it goes to the families of the fellows skiers that, in the last few days, paid the price of their (and our) passion.
    If you ski off piste, very far away from the piste and you start jumping from 30m our higher rocks, for sure, it's danger, and therefore it is called "extreme sport". However when you go 1m besides the piste mark, you are also skiing of piste, is it also extreme? really? Have you seen where he was off piste? It wasn't dangerous at all.. What happened to him could as well happened on piste, with the same risk... it could even happened by crossing the street... the discussion about off-piste is absolutly foolish and stupid..
    “The Ferrari is a dream - people dream of owning this special vehicle and for most people it will remain a dream apart from for those lucky few.” ~ Enzo Ferrari

  4. #244
    Join Date
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    London, England
    Update on sky news now
    'If drivers criticise me then I've done alot of things the right way' - Michael Schumacher 2006 - Schumi Forever - Forza Ferrari

  5. #245
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Seems to be a slight improvement. Keep fighting, champ.

  6. #246
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by BigGar32 View Post
    Seems to be a slight improvement. Keep fighting, champ.
    What was said? I really want to know it but we haven't got Sky here in the Netherlands.
    Maurizio Arrivabene

  7. #247
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Glad to hear this, however small it may be. Hopefully Schumi will keep the momentum going and continue to improve
    @SkySportsF1 8m
    Doctors treating Michael Schumacher: A slight improvement detected.

  8. #248
    Join Date
    May 2010
    nameless city
    some good news too -
    Doctors were surprised by the improvement in his condition yesterday during the day.
    not gonna change my profile picture

  9. #249
    Join Date
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    nameless city
    Press are warned against trying to draw conclusions about the prognosis for Michael Schumacher in the future and says "do not ask for forecasts"
    not gonna change my profile picture

  10. #250
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    N. Delhi/Helsinki

    Michael Schumacher in critical condition after skiing accident

    Good news.. Cheer up guys, c'mon champ, you will be fine

  11. #251
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Reassuring...seems he is a lot better eventhou not safe yet
    "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." -Abraham Lincoln

  12. #252
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    London, England
    German motor-racing champion Michael Schumacher's condition has improved slightly after an operation to relieve pressure on his brain, his doctors have said.

    A new scan taken overnight showed signs that his condition was "better than yesterday", but he is still "not out of danger", doctors said.

    The seven-time Formula 1 champion suffered head injuries on Sunday in a skiing accident in the French Alps.

    He was put in a medically-induced coma.

    Late on Monday night doctors carried out a new scan on Schumacher which showed "an improved situation" and indicated a window of opportunity for a second operation, doctors said.

    The family took the "difficult decision" to give consent for the operation, and doctors operated on Schumacher for about two hours.

    A subsequent scan revealed a "slight improvement" in Schumacher's condition.

    Doctors said they could not deem the former F1 racer "out of danger", but said that they had "gained a bit more time in the evolution" of Schumacher's condition.

    "It is better than yesterday," the medical team said. "But all the family is very much aware that his state is still sensitive and anything can happen."

    BBC news
    'If drivers criticise me then I've done alot of things the right way' - Michael Schumacher 2006 - Schumi Forever - Forza Ferrari

  13. #253
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Any improvement however small is great news, keep fighting Schumi!!!
    Forza Ferrari

  14. #254
    Join Date
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    Fingers crossed! Keep fighting!

  15. #255
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Come on Schumiiii keep fighting champ good,to,see,my improvement!

  16. #256
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Guys, I don't want to spoil the party, but don't become to optemistic. What happened is this: MSC had an extradural hematome which is a blood clot between the skull and the dura mater, it's extracerebral. The problem with such hematome is that is an extra volume in a closed space, therefore the brain tissue is compressed which can lead to SECONDARY problems. What you want to do is to minimize these SECONDARY problems, this is done by contorlling ICP (intracranial pressure). This is the only goal for the medics at this point. Yesterday MSC was very unstable which means that ICP can change very dramticly very fast. Now they have removed this extradural hematome, this procedure was done successfully. This means that this hematome is fully removed and can't cause extra pressure and therefore secondary problems. Nevertheless, this hematome isn't the only "thing" that can cause extra pressure and therefore increase ICP. If the brain is injured it starts to swell, thus extra volume thus extra ICP. Therefore the medics have placed a "drain", which will allow the brain to swell without causing a big increase in ICP. So what they are saying now is there is a bit more control over his ICP, which is good to control the SECONDARY problems.
    But there isn't an absolute control. Which means they still need to control the different parameters, ventillation, ICP, ... His condition is therefore still critic. IF everything stay stable, maybe the swelling dissapears, than the risk of increased ICP is lower, and lower risk on SECONDARY problems. We have to wait to now this for sure.

    But! except for this extradural hematome, there are also diffuse INTRACEREBRAL bleedings, which our bleeding in the brain tissue it self, this can't be drained as easily, and they are not doing this. So these bleedings are still in his brain, hopefully they will start dissappearing spontanously.

    So, the docters are now trying to get him stable and make sure SECONDARY problems don't develop. However, because of the diffuse intracerebral bleedings (due to contusion) there is also PRIMARY damage. We don't now which regions are damaged, and how badly so we can't say anything about this. So what the docters are doing is trying to stabilize ICP to reduce chance of secndary problems, they did the operation in order to do so (this is not the only thing they do), but there is still primary damage, something they are NOT "concerned", if risk for secondary problems is gone, than they start looking at what is damaged...
    “The Ferrari is a dream - people dream of owning this special vehicle and for most people it will remain a dream apart from for those lucky few.” ~ Enzo Ferrari

  17. #257
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Journalist wanted in Schumi's room

    Michael Schumacher's spokeswoman Sabine Kehm said after the press conference that a journalist was trying to get into Schumi's hospital room disguised as a priest!
    Discusting... I'm sometimes amazed by people and what they are capable of
    "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." -Abraham Lincoln

  18. #258
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Module View Post
    Discusting... I'm sometimes amazed by people and what they are capable of
    Indeed, it really is discusting.. It does me wonder, what has become from humanity?
    “The Ferrari is a dream - people dream of owning this special vehicle and for most people it will remain a dream apart from for those lucky few.” ~ Enzo Ferrari

  19. #259
    Join Date
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    Bianca Garloff @bgarloff

    Kehm: Schumacher-accident not with high speed! Wanted to help fallen friend. Then drove over a rock, lost control and fell on another rock.
    "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." -Abraham Lincoln

  20. #260
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Italian Spirit View Post
    Let me tell you, and teach you, something, vcs3164. In the Alps' triangle that touches Switzerland-France-Italy where MS was skiing, during the 9 days preceeding his accident, 10 people, 4 of whom in their early twenties, have died doing off-piste skiing.

    Skiing is definitively not as innocuous as a stroll on the beach, but it is not an exceptionally risky sport either, when done on marked ski-run. Off-piste skiing is something else, one is exposed to all sort of potential dangers: avalanches (quite frequent on certain conditions), obstacles hidden under the snow, like rocks or fallen tree trunks, sudden change on snow depth and/or consistency, abrupt declivity transition, and so on and so on. Off-piste skiing is basically done on deep snow, which means that speed and and trajectory control is much, much more demanding than on a marked ski-run, and this represent an additional difficulty. And danger.

    I have been doing off-piste skiing every winter for the last 30 years, I know what i'm talking about. We, the off-piste skiers, know, or are supposed to know, the risks that it implies and therefore we accept the potential consequences, we are aware that such thrilling, magic moments may come at a price. So, when something happens to one of us, we accept it. Our empathy may not express itself with words but our heart reaches out and feel the other's pain in our own heart.

    In the first hours, MIchael's accident didn't seem anything bad and that's why I answered to Suzie's post "lightly".

    I feel very sorry for Michael, I wish with all my heart that he can recover quickly and, mainly, fully and my empathy goes to his family.

    As it goes to the families of the fellows skiers that, in the last few days, paid the price of their (and our) passion.
    You, Sir, are a class A ******** that is now trying to cover his ***. Regardless of the seriousness of injuries, you should never, EVER make fun of something like this. It's just wrong.
    Now more on-topic: I'm glad to hear there's improvement(even if the slightest). You can do it, Schumi! Let's get that 92nd win.

    Also here are some vids that I've made during the years to keep the mood up!

    Last edited by Rob; 31st December 2013 at 10:40. Reason: Please, no swearing or name calling, regardless of your feelings right now. *TSN MODS*
    You can change your car, you can change your house, you can change your wife or religion, you can even change your sex. But you can never change THE TEAM you support! FORZA FERRARI!

  21. #261
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Every bit helps. Good to know there is improvement.

    Keep on fighting Michael!

  22. #262
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    I don't want to hear anything negative.
    The press conference was more positive today and every little improvement is good. His fitness will be a big advantage here.
    Memories of 2009.............................................. ..
    Schumi our thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Come on fight fight the biggest of your life

    Forza Jules

  23. #263
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Kristof_F40 View Post
    If you ski off piste, very far away from the piste and you start jumping from 30m our higher rocks, for sure, it's danger, and therefore it is called "extreme sport". However when you go 1m besides the piste mark, you are also skiing of piste, is it also extreme? really? Have you seen where he was off piste? It wasn't dangerous at all.. What happened to him could as well happened on piste, with the same risk... it could even happened by crossing the street... the discussion about off-piste is absolutly foolish and stupid..
    As a Belgian you certainly are an experienced skier and mountaineer...
    It is not because you have watched a documentary about skiing that you can sustain a serious discussion on the subject, you still don't have the slightest idea of what you're talking about and you mix up everything.
    On the other hand you seem to be a real expert on foolish and stupid (your words) argumentations.
    I suggest that you stick to your area of expertise.
    Addio Signor Enzo. Ciao Gilles.

  24. #264
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Italian Spirit View Post
    As a Belgian you certainly are an experienced skier and mountaineer...
    It is not because you have watched a documentary about skiing that you can sustain a serious discussion on the subject, you still don't have the slightest idea of what you're talking about and you mix up everything.
    On the other hand you seem to be a real expert on foolish and stupid (your words) argumentations.
    I suggest that you stick to your area of expertise.
    You have no idea how the accident happened, stop trying to make a fool of yourself any further in this thread please.
    Forza Ferrari

  25. #265
    Join Date
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    Stowmarket. U.K
    Right this silly bickering about skiing off piste, who does/do it, isnt the place to argue about it. Good people do it, but Schumacher good skier, and done it before, everyone knows the risks of it. Just be thankful he was wearing a helmet.

    You want to bicker about it, PM eachother.

  26. #266
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Italian Spirit View Post
    As a Belgian you certainly are an experienced skier and mountaineer...
    It is not because you have watched a documentary about skiing that you can sustain a serious discussion on the subject, you still don't have the slightest idea of what you're talking about and you mix up everything.
    On the other hand you seem to be a real expert on foolish and stupid (your words) argumentations.
    I suggest that you stick to your area of expertise.
    Haha! This coment says everything about you, judging without nowing anything, so tell me who is foolish. Indeed I'm from Belgium, and I don't ski here, therefore we have a car, so we can drive to Switserland. Where I started skiing when I was 2years, since then we go to Switserland with Christmas, in February in April, hell even in summer skiing on the glacier, again in November and back in Christmas, circle's full. I have to admit since I'm going to university and don't ski as aften as previously. So don't tell me I don't know anything about skiing. I now you can take big risks, and it's up to every individual person to choose wich risks he's willing to take. I like skiing off piste, but I'm not found of it near a glacier, only if I'm in group with proffessionals who now the region. If you see the images from the location, you now that is was off piste, but not far, it was a few meters of piste.. If that makes the difference between beeing an idiot or not?! It's foolish to say such things! People get injured on piste as well, ofcourse by doing dangerous things you increase the risk, but that's not what he was doing.

    But ofcourse you're entitled to your own opinion, I'm willing to accept your opinion. But, don't judge people you don't know! It makes you so stupid and foolish. So yeah I'm not "from Europa" but that doesn't mean I cant go to "Europa" or somewhere else. Fool
    “The Ferrari is a dream - people dream of owning this special vehicle and for most people it will remain a dream apart from for those lucky few.” ~ Enzo Ferrari

  27. #267
    Join Date
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    Stowmarket. U.K
    Michael Schumacher's condition improves after second operation
    Tuesday, December 31st 2013, 10:35 GMT

    Michael Schumacher's condition has shown a slight improvement, but the seven times Formula 1 world champion remains in an induced coma in a critical condition.

    Schumacher underwent a second operation overnight to remove another haematoma, which has helped to reduce the inter-cranial pressure he sustained in a skiing accident on Sunday.

    The second procedure took place at 10pm on Monday night after examinations revealed an unexpected improvement in the 44-year-old's condition.

    This allowed the medical team in the Grenoble hospital to access a large haematoma on the left side of his brain.

    Dr Emmanual Gay said: "There was one haematoma that was larger and more accessible, so we were able to get rid of it without any risk.

    "Thanks to that we were better able to control inter-cranial pressure. There's still a lot of haemorrhaging."

    The medical team said that there remained a number of lesions on Schumacher's brain and that it is still impossible to make any prognosis about his future recovery.

    They confirmed that Schumacher will remain in a coma for as long as is necessary, but that he is in a more stable condition than had been the case during the previous 24 hours.

    "We have a strategy to correct a number of anomalies that continue and we want to give ourself some time during this phase of stability," said Professor Jean-Francois Payen.

    "There are some important matters we need to think about for the future."

    Schumacher's family were consulted before the second operation and remain by his bedside.

  28. #268
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I want to excuse myself for my language, I now it isn't appropriate. I just get very frustrated by people who are just talking about the fact that he was off piste. Fact is der Kaiser is badly injured, how it has happened isn't relevant for me at his point. Was it also Gilles fault that he died because he was driving an F1 car? Oke, if youre searching for risk sure. But aren't we all searching for some sort of risk, in different ways. Life is full of risk, you can't change anything about that. I think people are just focussing on the fact he was off piste are not the persons I like, I think it's sad. The thing is, if you saw the video from where the crash happened, it wasn't anything near extreme. If you crash while driving 51kph, and you're only allowed 50, are you an idiot for searching the risk? I find it very frustrated. I also think that the fact that I was judged based on my country says a lot of that person and his judgement/opinion. I still think the same, but I want to excuse my self to the other persons here for my language.

    “The Ferrari is a dream - people dream of owning this special vehicle and for most people it will remain a dream apart from for those lucky few.” ~ Enzo Ferrari

  29. #269
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Kristof_F40 View Post
    Haha! This coment says everything about you, judging without nowing anything, so tell me who is foolish. Indeed I'm from Belgium, and I don't ski here, therefore we have a car, so we can drive to Switserland. Where I started skiing when I was 2years, since then we go to Switserland with Christmas, in February in April, hell even in summer skiing on the glacier, again in November and back in Christmas, circle's full. I have to admit since I'm going to university and don't ski as aften as previously. So don't tell me I don't know anything about skiing. I now you can take big risks, and it's up to every individual person to choose wich risks he's willing to take. I like skiing off piste, but I'm not found of it near a glacier, only if I'm in group with proffessionals who now the region. If you see the images from the location, you now that is was off piste, but not far, it was a few meters of piste.. If that makes the difference between beeing an idiot or not?! It's foolish to say such things! People get injured on piste as well, ofcourse by doing dangerous things you increase the risk, but that's not what he was doing.

    But ofcourse you're entitled to your own opinion, I'm willing to accept your opinion. But, don't judge people you don't know! It makes you so stupid and foolish. So yeah I'm not "from Europa" but that doesn't mean I cant go to "Europa" or somewhere else. Fool
    Wow, wow, wow!!!
    And with this, do I dare to ask what you did smoke this morning?
    Addio Signor Enzo. Ciao Gilles.

  30. #270
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Uppingham, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by Italian Spirit View Post
    Wow, wow, wow!!!
    And with this, do I dare to ask what you did smoke this morning?
    Can you please just off elsewhere? This is not the time or the place to be debating such things.

    Sorry for the language but for god sake.


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