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Thread: FLH – FormulaLewisHamilton – FMP – FormulaMercPirelli - The end of F1 as we know it

  1. #61
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    Stowmarket. U.K
    Quote Originally Posted by Brembo View Post
    My friend 512 TR, calm down ! I'm a Ferrari #2 driver fan ever since Rubens, and now there's Charles! Max never gives up a second while racing. It helps make my race stay exciting. I have to believe that when Ferrari was unbeatable, all the other teams fans felt as we Ferrari fans feel now. F1 isn't dead, it's in a coma !
    Ferrari was beatable in those years. Was only really 2002 and 2004 where we were totally dominant.

  2. #62
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Rob View Post
    Ferrari was beatable in those years. Was only really 2002 and 2004 where we were totally dominant.
    But even in 2002/04 Ferrari lost some races. This year Mercs have won every time, well except Canada.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ferrarichamp View Post
    But even in 2002/04 Ferrari lost some races. This year Mercs have won every time, well except Canada.
    Hey ! That's trolling!

  4. #64
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    Toronto, Canada
    The farce continues...

    Hamilton: Teams should have no say in F1's rules

    But then there’s this...

    Brawn “can’t wait” to work with Hamilton on future F1 rules

    What a joke, have the current problem with F1 design the next set of rules. Go home F1, you’re drunk. Then there’s this quote from Brawn as well “...directed against a team that is rewriting the record books”. Nice to see that brawn recognizes that. I keep saying that’s what this is all about, rewriting history without Ferrari and removing their power.

  5. #65
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    Dec 2014
    This is the first season in 18 years i haven't watch a race live on tv. I record them to watch them later but never do as it's the same result!!! i was excited to get home and watch the canadian grand prix but after i heard about the 5 second pen and to lose i didn't bother. I just hate waiting for the next season there is so much left in this one.

  6. #66
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    Just signed up.

    Glad to find a F1 forum that isn't a Hamilton fanpage. He's a fairly good driver, but not in the same league as Schumacher, Vettel, Mansell and others.

    Vettel and Schumacher are true gentleman who loved our team. They help develop engines and are kind to their mechanics. Most importantly, the FIA didn't gift them their success. The FIA has always been against them. Introducing rules to stop their success and punishing them for imaginary infractions. The whole sport has bent over backwards for Hamilton. It makes me sick. And why? Because he's British. I wrote a letter of complaint to the FIA after the penalty at Canada. They didn't even give me a response.

    Forza Seb
    Forza Ferrari

  7. #67
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    towradgi beach
    It's simple Lewis is different in many many ways you can make your own list.f1 find him an interesting chap .Lewis is the face of f1 it's just the way it is.My thoughts Charles will be the next face of f1 you can bet on it and Charles really has it all.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by paolo lalli View Post
    It's simple Lewis is different in many many ways you can make your own list.f1 find him an interesting chap .Lewis is the face of f1 it's just the way it is.My thoughts Charles will be the next face of f1 you can bet on it and Charles really has it all.
    Charles is no Seb.

    Outside of Britain, everyone loves Seb. He's very popular in India, Germany and Asia. Countries that know a lot about F1.

  9. #69
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    towradgi beach
    True Charles is no seb yet his time will come.Seb is loved in many countries For many reasons.unfortunately Britain is not so popular for him Britain and f1 are welded from mercedes being there to the bureaucrats he'll even Ross Brawn is a Pom see the picture.?

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dead Eyes View Post
    Charles is no Seb.

    Outside of Britain, everyone loves Seb. He's very popular in India, Germany and Asia. Countries that know a lot about F1.
    It's true Charles hasn't won a single WDC since he's with F-1 ! But then again; Seb hasn't won a single WDC since he's with our team, Ferrari. So they should be seen as even in the eyes of Ferrari fans so far. Admiring the WDCs he did against Ferrari waving his finger with the top car of that time, kind of like what Lewis has going on now is not helping Ferrari any this season so far. At least Charles , but for his car not up to it; almost brought the team and himself a much needed 1st. win. You left out Monaco, Brasil, and Italy !

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brembo View Post
    It's true Charles hasn't won a single WDC since he's with F-1 ! But then again; Seb hasn't won a single WDC since he's with our team, Ferrari. So they should be seen as even in the eyes of Ferrari fans so far. Admiring the WDCs he did against Ferrari waving his finger with the top car of that time, kind of like what Lewis has going on now is not helping Ferrari any this season so far. At least Charles , but for his car not up to it; almost brought the team and himself a much needed 1st. win. You left out Monaco, Brasil, and Italy !
    Seb has brought us many winners trophies. He would have won for us at Canada if not for the stewards and their pro-Hamilton bias.

    Seb won those world titles with RB because he was the quickest driver in the field. The FIA and Pirelli did everything to try and stop him. We had some great engineers who also tried to stop him. But he still kept on winning until Mercedes created their monster engine and poached everyone else's technical staff. It's different with Hamilton. The FIA, Pirelli and the press all want him to win. They do everything to make sure he keeps winning. It's not fair on us. It's not fair on the sport. It's not fair to Seb and Michael's records.

  12. #72
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    towradgi beach
    Don't forget FIA stopping red bull dominance also.How could a team like red bull fall back easy fia sticking there noses in.Why are mercedes so strong fia does not interfere they are nursed by Pirrelli and are based in England .They should be in Germany.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by sxviper698 View Post
    This is the first season in 18 years i haven't watch a race live on tv. I record them to watch them later but never do as it's the same result!!! i was excited to get home and watch the canadian grand prix but after i heard about the 5 second pen and to lose i didn't bother. I just hate waiting for the next season there is so much left in this one.

  14. #74
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    I know the feeling, I even booked a holdiday during the Belgian GP.

    CBA anymore with this you know what.
    Hero's come and go, but legends never die!

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverSpeed View Post
    I know the feeling, I even booked a holdiday during the Belgian GP.

    CBA anymore with this you know what.
    I have been crazy enough to avoid missing or at least having access to a live showing of GPs for years, always in the hope that our cars will win. Even when there's no hope, I have supported them through and through. We'd better make the most of F1 as I have a nasty feeling the formula will not last for too much longer under the current rulers, and Merc and Hamilton are killing it quicker than ever, but we can't say it's entirely their fault.

  16. #76
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    I think it is time to revive this thread, even though many disagree with me. This season is shaping up to be another walk in the park for Merc despite what Wolff and Sky would have you believe. Eccelstone has already claimed that Hamilton will easily win his 8th this year. However, that’s not why I am reviving this thread.

    It was annoying to see Wolff contact Masi directly this past weekend to request blue flags. It really shows Wolff’s control over Masi, and the sport in general. Please spare the me “all teams contact him”. Merc pulls all the strings in F1.

    Their power is also evident with this article that the FIA will now have new rear wing tests. Why? The Red Bull wing was legal before. Now because god Hamilton opens his mouth and doesn’t like their extra speed the FIA need to stop RedBull? What a joke. Hamilton says the sport is trying to stop him when in reality they are doing everything they can to make sure no one bothers him. Let’s not forget about Hamilton being allowed to reverse on to a live circuit and un-lap himself without penalties.

  17. #77
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    There is no rule prohibiting reverse on a the track.
    But I agree. Every single time Merc has competition, they change the rules to their liking.
    Hamilton plays the "diversion" card because he is the only black driver. And he plays it well. They don't dare to punish him because they afraid he will accuse them for racism.
    Merc is playing the big game. They thread FIA with an exodus that will result to basically no engines/parts for half of the field.
    They know what they are doing.

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by ferrari1.8t View Post
    It was annoying to see Wolff contact Masi directly this past weekend to request blue flags. It really shows Wolff’s control over Masi, and the sport in general. Please spare the me “all teams contact him”. Merc pulls all the strings in F1.
    So you know all the teams do it but we are not allowed to say that as it would be less annoying for you?
    Forza Ferrari

  19. #79
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    I know that Redbull's wing is flexing alot (Proof :, but why FIA is changing the testing process mid season ? RBR's wing is legal under current tests/rules.

    Arrivabene mentioned the same thing for Mercedes in 2018. FIA did absolutely nothing,
    "Arrivabene about Mercedes' flexing rear wing (apparently too much): That's the FIA's job, not ours. We are already busy to answer to all the questions they ask us every race. But yes, we noticed it. Let's see if also the FIA will notice it"

    Source :

  20. #80
    Join Date
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    towradgi beach
    Merc is at it again lewis has opened a Pandora's box may be another secret settelment coming up for redbull.Ferrari have really good lawyers they have laid the foundations for a rocket ship come 2022.Hello redbull.

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warp View Post
    I know that Redbull's wing is flexing alot (Proof :, but why FIA is changing the testing process mid season ? RBR's wing is legal under current tests/rules.

    Arrivabene mentioned the same thing for Mercedes in 2018. FIA did absolutely nothing,
    "Arrivabene about Mercedes' flexing rear wing (apparently too much): That's the FIA's job, not ours. We are already busy to answer to all the questions they ask us every race. But yes, we noticed it. Let's see if also the FIA will notice it"

    Source :
    Yeah, my issue isn't so much that Merc is protesting the Red Bull wing, it's that Ferrari noticed it on the Merc and the FIA did nothing. Merc is throwing stones from a glass house.
    When was the last time Ferrari got anything banned on an opponents car? 2006 mass dampers?

  22. #82
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    First Ferrari got caught, and now RB.

    If you're not cheating, you're not trying.
    If you get caught, you're not trying hard enough.

    I know for sure that Mercedes isn't 100% within the regulations!
    Hero's come and go, but legends never die!

  23. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cavallino View Post
    Yeah, my issue isn't so much that Merc is protesting the Red Bull wing, it's that Ferrari noticed it on the Merc and the FIA did nothing. Merc is throwing stones from a glass house.
    When was the last time Ferrari got anything banned on an opponents car? 2006 mass dampers?
    The blown diffuser probably but everyone else protested too. If FIA bans those bendy wings, they might as well strip Mercedes of the 2018 title.

  24. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by MSC Fan View Post
    The blown diffuser probably but everyone else protested too. If FIA bans those bendy wings, they might as well strip Mercedes of the 2018 title.
    Well that’s my overall point with this thread, it seems only Mercedes is allowed to push boundaries. Everything they invent is ground breaking and legal, whereas with other teams it’s always “cheating”. Still makes no sense to me why Merc and Hamilton have so much protection. Again, many disagree with me; while others can see what I see. Frankly, I am tired of it. I really hope that Merc are dethroned in 2022 and we see different racers take poles, wins and podiums other than Ham, Ver, Bot. Not a RedBull fan obviously, but I hope their wing is deemed legal to shut Wolff and crybaby up.

  25. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greig View Post
    So you know all the teams do it but we are not allowed to say that as it would be less annoying for you?
    Steiner seemed to be surprised that Wolf contacted Masi. Did Wolf ask Masi for blue flags before they were warranted. Don't think Hamilton was so close to Mazepin yet when Wolf wanted blue flags shown.

  26. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by ferrari1.8t View Post
    Well that’s my overall point with this thread, it seems only Mercedes is allowed to push boundaries. Everything they invent is ground breaking and legal, whereas with other teams it’s always “cheating”. Still makes no sense to me why Merc and Hamilton have so much protection. Again, many disagree with me; while others can see what I see. Frankly, I am tired of it. I really hope that Merc are dethroned in 2022 and we see different racers take poles, wins and podiums other than Ham, Ver, Bot. Not a RedBull fan obviously, but I hope their wing is deemed legal to shut Wolff and crybaby up.
    I agree with your comments and a classic example was the DAS system which Merc had last year, and now it's banned. A different podium would certainly be a change for the better, but it seems to be stalemate for 2021 and we're stuck with it, barring any reliability or accident issues.

  27. #87
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    And the mercs front wings dont flex.

  28. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rob View Post
    And the mercs front wings dont flex.


    Exactly!!! Front wings flex under load, whether it's Mercs or Ferrari or Williams or RedBull. Front wings flex under load. This has been going on for years. So what's the difference.

    I doubt anything happens to RedBulls performance regarding the rear wing flexing IF the FIA clampsdown on it.
    Last edited by jgonzalesm6; 15th May 2021 at 13:02.
    It's not how start but how you finish.

  29. #89
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    Even if they tight the rules, RB will find another way.
    Because they are way ahead of the other teams I this area and because it's 2022 relevant.

  30. #90
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    My understanding from the wind tunnel regulations is, Ferrari may be trying to target a reasonably lower finishing position.

    I am not going to predict a massive upturn in 2022, but maybe a couple of years of Dev may lead to a cumulative higher position.

    But in all seriousness, the sport is now reaching a point where by it is less predictable than WWE! And that's just pure entertainment.

    My colleagues and I had been chatting about years gone by, where other teams have dominated. And the general consensus between all of us (fencing for different manufactu) was previous dominant spells have had a degree of competition. There has been a sense of unpredictability on every weekend....

    What if his engine goes, what if the pit stop is not perfect, what if the tyres don't last, what if the temps are too high/low, what if his break discs are too thing, what if he runs out if fuel????

    Seasons may have a more nail-biting finish now, but its a question of which of the 2 drivers in the leading manufacturer are going to win. The only spanner left is rain!

    Max (I aint a big fan) is a younger Lewis. Plenty of talent, much more to learn! He may provide some stick to Lewis this year, but let's not kid ourselves, Lewis will get the 8th!

    8th and Hollow! But no one will care. We will all continue to slabber and support our teams. And the teams will continue with as things are.

    Deep down in my heart, I know there is collusion between dominant teams and regulators, each making decisions to ensure a cosier cohabiting relation, untill a more convenient one comes up.

    Just as football, we are not worth anything more than price of ticket, subscription fees or cost of merchandise! The only way a fan can be hear by the men watching from the collaseum is to ensure there none left to bring the structure down.

    I have give up on all my paid subscriptions to watch sports for years (Cricket, MMA, Football and F1). I have not fallen out of love, but I have lost hope of a great competition. If I wish to entertain myself, happy to cough up for netflix, amazon prime and Spotify. But I will try my best to ensure none of these greedy cows get a penny from me!


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