All Ferraris look beautiful to me, this one no different. Hopefully it takes us back to where we belong
All Ferraris look beautiful to me, this one no different. Hopefully it takes us back to where we belong
Ferraris car has been critised heavily and they scored it 10th best Aston Martin was voted the best.Always remember never judge a book by its cover and that looks can be deceiving.What is the point of being all show and no go.The season can not start quick enough so all the lambasting critiques and opinions of very little importance can be put to bed.
There... i fixed it
Maybe the green MissionWinnow logo is paying tribute to Seb moving to AMRF1????
It's not how start but how you finish.
absolutely not
its probably a sign of "environment or eco friendly" thing from MW...
On track
The green is hideous, but the car needs more burgundy, if not a full F2007/8 colour scheme. I'm glad they improved the nose a bit. It looks less 'make it legal' and a bit more tuned for performance after all this time. Only took them 5 years? The front is still ungainly though. Remains to be seen how it performs.
Any on-track run information available? Heard there was supposed to be a filming day before testing.
This SF21 takes the livery of a Coca Cola Cafe Expresso into burgundy.
It's not how start but how you finish.
Look wise I don't like two-tone red livery... But that will be forgotten as soon as car is proven to be fast, reliable, pole and win capable!
Stefa, I don’t know about pole and win scenario here....but I’m glad you’re overly optimistic.....I personally think that we’ll prolly be 3rd to 4rh fastest team this year....anything better than that will be a bonus...but hey I’m still waiting since 2009 for Ferrari to prove me wrong
So the SF-24 has been a decent car. Lets hope that the totally redesigned from the ground up SF-25 contender will be beast that will give us tifosi something to smile about.
As reported by, Marc Gene explained that the Scuderia is trying to return to having a similar performance to that of two seasons ago, adding the new SF21 will have one of the best engines on the grid:
I do not think we have recovered everything we lost compared to 2019, but a large part yes. The car is an evolution, but the engine is new. Last year Ferrari had the worst engine on the grid, but in 2021 we will have one of the best. I dont know if it will be as good as the Mercedes one, but it will be very good.- says the Italian teams test driver.
Good to hear good rumours, but that’s what they are currently, just rumours....I’ll wait quietly and not even taking too much from the times we’ll post in testing, but rather wait for Q3 to see how powerful our engine is against the competition and more importantly how we will do in the first 4-5 races.....then and only then we’ll get a clear picture of where we stack up....
So the SF-24 has been a decent car. Lets hope that the totally redesigned from the ground up SF-25 contender will be beast that will give us tifosi something to smile about.
I may be in the minority, but I kinda like the neon green. Sticks out. Rather keep the green and get rid of all the other clutter on the sidepods. Maybe they should have different colors for Leclerc and Sainz. Leclerc gets green and Sainz gets like bright turquoise or pink. Easy to tell them apart.
I really hope they don't keep the two tone livery. I like both colors, but not together. Stick with the normal red for most of the races, and run the burgundy red at a few select races.
Lol funny how you're quick to dismiss positive rumours but quick to panic at negative rumours - talking about Binotto getting fired mid season etc. Relax. No one should be expecting wins upon wins. The team said 3rd. Why is that so hard for a lot of people to accept? Third would be a major improvement from last year. I'm looking forward to better racing and better results from Ferrari.
Forza Ferrari
"And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It's your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it."
Glad I don't have to look at the moving tomato salad. Car looks so much better now.