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Thread: 2021 Bahrain Grand Prix - Sakhir, March 26 - 28

  1. #781
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by tifosi1993 View Post
    In a team sport, one team beat the other because of better tactics/strategy, who would've thought? And such a compelling argument from your part.

    The reason Hamilton beat Verstappen because he executed the strategy that was given to him. But that was to be expected from a 7xWDC. And this's not the fast time, he had also got the better of Max in Hungary 2019, another one-one battle.

    The Mercedes has plenty of downforce as evident by it's being the fastest car in corners. But Red Bull is not that far behind and we are not to shabby either.

    Your wrong on Mercedes being fastest in the corners. If you look at where Mercedes lost the most, it in sector 2 which is mostly corners unlike sector 1 and sector 3 where most is straight line.

    I looked at the race time and i can tell you that Red Bull as the better race pace. It s going to be worse for Mercedes at Imola.

    Not once did Hamilton go in the 1.33 in Bahrein and Verstappen did 1.33 more than 5 times.
    Last edited by TTRSMAD; 11th April 2021 at 19:23.

  2. #782
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    Mar 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by ntukza View Post
    The minute LH pitted, Verstappen was guaranteed to lose the position, whether Verstappen pitted a lap later or many laps later like he did. Your suggestion that "Red Bull should have mirrored Mercedes on the first pit stop" would have still cost Verstappen track position, so again, Red Bull's strategy is not the reason LH won the race. The strategy worked. It got Verstappen exactly where the mirror option would have gotten him but with a much more favourable tyre delta.
    Your wrong, the Red Bull strategy gave Mercedes the advantage needed for them to win the race. They capitalised on the undercut twice and faster medium tire once to gap Red Bull. Red Bull put all their hopes on the last stint of Hard tires but which almost worked but
    Verstappen said it best track position and controlling the pace is a better way to win the race.

    When you actually look at the head to head lap time its obvious that #1 Red Bull was the faster car at Bahrein and 2 wrong strategy.

    Now if Red Bull would of kept the medium tire for the shorter last stint that would of been much better. They used the medium tire in the middle stint which was the longer stint.
    Last edited by TTRSMAD; 11th April 2021 at 19:19.

  3. #783
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    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by TTRSMAD View Post
    Your wrong, the Red Bull strategy gave Mercedes the advantage needed for them to win the race. They capitalised on the undercut twice and faster medium tire once to gap Red Bull. Red Bull put all their hopes on the last stint of Hard tires but which almost worked but
    Verstappen said it best track position and controlling the pace is a better way to win the race.

    When you actually look at the head to head lap time its obvious that #1 Red Bull was the faster car at Bahrein and 2 wrong strategy.

    Now if Red Bull would of kept the medium tire for the shorter last stint that would of been much better. They used the medium tire in the middle stint which was the longer stint.
    You haven't said anything new, and in responding I won't say anything new either. Red Bull's strategy worked. Max caught Lewis with 5 laps to spare, a faster car and much better tyres. You cannot say a strategy has failed when it puts a driver of Max's caliber in such a position. We can speculate about how other strategies could have been better, but the one they did use did not fail. It worked. It put their driver in a strong position to win the race.

    Perhaps the fact that you don't just need any winning strategy but the absolute best strategy theoretically possible to beat Lewis in a slower car tells a tale of its own.
    Last edited by ntukza; 15th April 2021 at 05:27.
    Forza Ferrari
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  4. #784
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    Godric's Hollow
    Quote Originally Posted by TTRSMAD View Post
    Your wrong on Mercedes being fastest in the corners. If you look at where Mercedes lost the most, it in sector 2 which is mostly corners unlike sector 1 and sector 3 where most is straight line.

    I looked at the race time and i can tell you that Red Bull as the better race pace. It s going to be worse for Mercedes at Imola.

    Not once did Hamilton go in the 1.33 in Bahrein and Verstappen did 1.33 more than 5 times.
    Buddy, I have access to F1 live timing. So I know very well where Mercedes has lost time and not. The Merc and Red Bull were neck-neck in all the sectors, but Red Bull was faster on straights and Merc was faster in corners. According to the mini-sector, the Merc was faster than the Bull in medium and high speed corners and on par in slow speed corners.

    Verstappen was only 1.7 seconds ahead before the first pit stop and was losing time to Hamilton. That's not the definition of "having better race pace".

    Plus Hamilton pitted on lap 28 and did his best lap on lap 44 (1:34.015) with 17 laps old tyres. Verstappen pitted on lap 39 and his best was lap was on lap 41 (1:33.328) with fresh rubbers.

  5. #785
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by tifosi1993 View Post
    Buddy, I have access to F1 live timing. So I know very well where Mercedes has lost time and not. The Merc and Red Bull were neck-neck in all the sectors, but Red Bull was faster on straights and Merc was faster in corners. According to the mini-sector, the Merc was faster than the Bull in medium and high speed corners and on par in slow speed corners.

    Verstappen was only 1.7 seconds ahead before the first pit stop and was losing time to Hamilton. That's not the definition of "having better race pace".

    Plus Hamilton pitted on lap 28 and did his best lap on lap 44 (1:34.015) with 17 laps old tyres. Verstappen pitted on lap 39 and his best was lap was on lap 41 (1:33.328) with fresh rubbers.
    Verstappen had differential issues. He was losing about 0.3 per lap.


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